Clifton Dental Studio 92 Queens Road, Bristol

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Renovate your smile with a smile makeover from Bristol dentist

Smiling is one of the most attractive qualities we have as humans. It is one of the most expressive and honest ways we have of communicating with each other so it is no surprise that every body wants a beautiful smile. For those of us not blessed with a naturally straight, proportioned and glowing smile (and that really is the majority of us) technological advances and cosmetic dentistry have come to our aid. There is now a wealth of treatments designed to repair everything from overcrowded and misaligned teeth to worn down and discolored teeth. The wonders of modern dentistry make it possible to have a complete smile makeover. Firstly, your teeth could be straightened by one of the latest ultra-fast braces on the market such Six-Month Smile or the Inman aligner. Once straight your teeth could be contoured so that they are all evenly shaped. This involves either removing enamel and polishing or even the use of dental bonding to repair chips and cracks. Any excess gum tissue could be contoured using the latest dental lasers to make the teeth appear more evenly balanced. Once straight, the teeth can be whitened by using one the latest intensive whitening gels, to restore the discoloured teeth to their former glory. Any dental cavities can be filled or crowned to prevent any further dental damage. These are just some of the many options available to patients seeking to completely renovate their smile. There really are few limits as to what a dentist is capable of doing to bring a perfect new smile to your face. A smile makeover could give you the confident smile you have always wanted. Make an appointment with a Bristol dentist to enquire about what dental techniques could be use to give you a new smile.

Beautiful smile fast with Six-Month Smile braces from Bristol dentist

One of the most exciting developments in orthodontic straightening in the last ten years has been the Six-Month Smile treatment. Offering straighter teeth in an incredible, and you’ve guessed it, six-months. This is a reduction of nearly 75 per cent on the average straightening time for more conventional straightening methods. The Six-Month Smile system also promises reduced levels of discomfort throughout the treatment, a major complaint from other brace wearers. Six-Month Smile braces are able to achieve these incredible results by focusing more directly on teeth that can be seen when smiling. By using nickel-titanium wires, the brace repositions overcrowded and misaligned teeth. Because of the more focussed approach Six-Month Smile braces are ideally more suitable for patients with minor straightening issues. Some patients may require extractions and temporary metal braces prior to using the Six-Month Smile brace. Alternatively, for patients only requiring the ‘finishing touches’ to their teeth straightening the brace is ideally suited. The wires used in the braces are tooth coloured and very thin. This makes the braces very discreet. In fact they are hardly noticeable unless standing very close to the patient’s mouth. This makes them ideal for more mature and professional people eager to avoid the stigma attached to fixed metal braces. Six-Month Smile braces are also completely removable, meaning they can be taken out when eating and for important professional or social engagements. The braces require a ten to fifteen minute appointment each month to tighten the wires. This is a more gradual tightening regime than other braces and is therefore a lot more comfortable. It also means that your Bristol dentist will be able to keep a close eye on the progress of your teeth throughout the straightening process. If your teeth require the finishing touch straightening power of the Six-Month Smile treatment, make an appointment to see a Bristol dentist and you could achieve the perfect smile you’ve always wanted.

Restore original colour with tooth whitening from Bristol dentist

Tooth whitening is a process where stained and discoloured teeth are bleached white using a series of chemical treatments. It is one of the most affordable and commonly used cosmetic dentistry procedures and widely offered by most dentists. Teeth can become discoloured for a number of reasons. In some instances the discolouring is hereditary or related to another ongoing medical condition. Sometimes it can be down to lifestyle choices made by the patient such as using tobacco products or drinking red wine or coffee on a regular basis. However, in most cases the discolouration of teeth is down to nothing more than the aging process. As we get older, just as our hair begins to lose its colour, so do our teeth. But luckily, just as it is possible to reverse the loss of hair colour with dyes, it is also possible to reverse the loss of tooth colour. Discolouration can be slowed by effective brushing and flossing but once enamel has become stained it can only be returned to its original white colour through staining. Most teeth whitening procedures will initially take place in the dentist’s surgery. This is because whitening gels contain hydrogen peroxide, an active agent which can damage the soft tissue of the gums, lips and tongue if applied incorrectly. Dentists may offer reduced strength pre-prepared home whitening trays for patients after initial treatments. It is important to remember that buying whitening products from the internet can be very dangerous because of inconsistencies in strength. Always consult a Bristol dentist prior to any kind of tooth whitening Tooth whitening has different affects on different patients. Some patients respond very well to treatment and have visibly whiter teeth after only one session. For others it may take three or four applications before the teeth appear to be visibly whiter. In successful treatments, teeth can be whitened up to an incredible ten shades. If you are considering returning your discoloured teeth to their former glory, consult a Bristol dentist about tooth whitening treatments.

Reclaim your smile with gum reshaping from Gloucester dentist

Gum reshaping, also commonly known as gum contouring, is a cosmetic dental procedure used to improve the appearance of a person’s teeth. This mostly happens when a patient has a condition know as a gummy smile. This is an excess of gingival display and essentially means that a patient’s gums are toot big for their teeth. This occurs in bout 7 per cent of men and 14 per cent of women in the UK. Gummy smiles are not considered a medical problem but can be a great source of embarrassment and be responsible for low self-confidence and self-esteem. An excess of gum tissue may be caused by certain medications or high blood pressure, but it is often simply a case of genetics. Gum reshaping is the process of removing this gum tissue and reshaping it to a more attractive and proportional scale. This used to be carried out with a scalpel but recent technological advances in the field of dentistry have seen the advent of the dental laser. The laser simply burns away the excess tissue and seals the blood vessels reducing the risk of subsequent infection. It also reduces the amount of blood lost during the procedure. The more modern laser treatment is very quick and almost completely painless. There are certain instances when reshaping the gum may not be enough. If this is the case then the dentist may need to remove some of the bone under the gum. This may seem more daunting than the removal of tissue alone but is no more complicated and also relatively painless. Gum reshaping is a simple and effective process that can help rebuild your smile and your confidence. It is offered by most dentists as a fairly standard procedure and a dentist in Gloucester will be able to inform you more about what the procedure entails.

Bath dentist restores worn tooth enamel with porcelain veneers

Porcelain veneers are ceramic tooth-shaped shells that are cemented over the top of damaged or discoloured teeth to restore structural integrity, repair damage and improve the cosmetic appearance. They can be applied individually or as part of a complete renovation of the dental arc. Teeth are often damaged by head trauma as the result of sporting injury or a car accident. They are often chipped, cracked or split which can be very painful but can also be the underlying cause of a lifetime of dental problems if not repaired properly. It is possible to repair some minor damage with dental bonding but if the damage is more severe, any repair work will need to be further secured with a veneer. Modern veneers are incredibly thin, some only the same width as a contact lens and can be applied with little or no enamel removal. Because they are so thin they also have the translucent appearance of tooth enamel making them appear very realistic. Veneers are also used to cap teeth that have been repaired with fillings or by root canal surgery. Veneers are being increasingly used to cover teeth that are unevenly spaced, worn down or discoloured. A row of veneers can completely restore the cosmetic appearance of a row of teeth in as little as one afternoon. Because modern veneers can be designed and manufactured with the aid of computer technology, it is now easier for dentists to make well fitting and proportioned veneers to fit over existing teeth. Teeth can become discoloured for a number of reasons, either due to medication or hereditary condition, lifestyle choices like smoking tobacco products, or simply due to the aging process. It is now possible to reverse the effects of discolouration with porcelain veneers. The use of computer-aided design and manufacture means that porcelain veneers can be milled form a single piece of porcelain in as little as six minutes per tooth. Compared to the old laboratory manufacturing process this is incredibly fast and has had a dramatic effect on treatment and waiting times for patients. Bath dentist are using the latest technology to offer patients the most cutting-edge porcelain veneers. Make an appointment with a dentist to see for yourself the stunning results achievable with porcelain veneers.

Swindon dentist saves patients tooth with porcelain crown

Porcelain crowns are very versatile tooth-shaped caps that can be used in the repair of dental trauma and also as a protective barrier following dental surgery. Durable and lifelike, they can also benefit the cosmetic appearance of teeth damaged by discolouration and enamel erosion. When a porcelain crown is fixed it serves to protect the portion of the tooth that is proud of the gum line. If a tooth has been damaged by a head trauma or sporting injury it may be cracked chipped or broken. Some minor damage may be repaired by dental bonding made from composite resin, but often the structure of the tooth is damaged to the extent that it needs reinforcing. A dental crown is cemented over the surface of the damaged tooth acting as a support and barrier against any further damage. This prevents the need to remove the tooth and preserves many of its natural functions. Porcelain crowns are also used to hold in place dental fillings and repair work carried out during root canal surgery. Crowns can also be used for cosmetic reasons being fitted over badly eroded or worn teeth. Some teeth that are badly discoloured, either due to smoking or hereditary conditions, can also be cosmetically enhanced by porcelain crowns. New computer-aided methods of design and manufacture make it possible to produce a crown from a single piece of porcelain in as little as six minutes. This has been a huge advancement of the laboratory-produced crowns of the past which often took weeks to manufacture. This has reduced waiting and appointment times for patients. It is now possible to have a crown designed and fitted in only one appointment. Porcelain crowns are also significantly thinner than they have previously been meaning that far less enamel removal is required for accurate sizing. If you have a cracked or damaged tooth or are looking to enhance the appearance of your worn teeth, ask a Swindon dentist about new porcelain crowns technology.

Chepstow dentist uses self-hypnosis techniques for dental phobia

In a recent survey in the UK, over 90 per cent of people admitted to having some fear of the dentist. The level of fear obviously differed from person to person and let’s face it, no one actually enjoys going to the dentist but most of us are able to overcome our fears because we realise the importance of our dental health. For others there is more of a significant fear but they are still able to overcome it. This more low level reluctance to visit the dentist is commonly known as dental anxiety. However, for some people, the fear of the dentist is so great that they are simply not able to rationalise their dental health against their fear. This is a more serious problem known as dental phobia. They are unable to visit the dentist even for a simple check up. The irony of course is that by not visiting the dentist they are increasing the likelihood of needing more complicated dental treatment in the future. There are many reasons why people suffer from dental phobia. It may be due to a bad experience with a dentist in the past, possibly during childhood. For others it is the lack of control when in the dentist’s chair. Some people find having dental implements in their mouth very invasive. Recent research has found that many patients suffer from a transferred phobia. This is when a parent has imposed their own phobia onto their child. Whatever the cause of the phobia it is important that the patient is able to overcome it for the sake of their health. The first thing phobic patients need to do is simply talk to their dentist. Dentists are trained to deal with anxious patients and will be able to allay any particular fears they have. The dentists will also be able to explain what other tools are available to anxious patients such as self-hypnosis techniques. It has also recently been found that lavender oil is successful in calming patients before an appointment. Whatever the extent of your anxiety, a dentist in Chepstow will be able to talk you through the procedures and offer you helpful advice on how to overcome your fear and receive the dental treatment that we all need on a regular basis.

Prevent dental decay with oral hygiene advice from Swindon dentist

When it comes to oral hygiene the old maxim that prevention is better than cure is never more prevalent. Maintaining a good standard of oral hygiene is completely pain-free and takes as little as a combined 10 minutes a day. When you compare this to just some of the alternatives of ignoring hygiene it becomes quite clear that this small sacrifice is worth making.

Take for example a root canal procedure. During this surgery the dentist has to drill down (using the famed and feared dentist drill) into the heart of an infected tooth where, to bring an end to the severe pain the patient is almost inevitably suffering, he will need to remove all the infected material and possibly even the extremely sensitive nerve endings themselves. When all the infected matter has been removed the dentist will fill the cavity with medicine and filling material before capping the tooth with a porcelain crown. This procedure could involve several hours in the dentist’s chair and more importantly could put an enormous hole in your wallet. Extensive dental surgery of this kind does not come cheap, and there is no alternative that will bring an end to the pain of an infected tooth. You may think it a little extreme to say that by not properly brushing and flossing your teeth you will end up with painful toothache and infections, but dental decay does no favours for anyone. Inadequate brushing and flossing allows a bacteria rich substance called plaque to build up around the surface of the teeth and gums. This plaque release acids from decaying bacteria which gradually erode tooth enamel. This cavity forming process, if allowed to continue, penetrates to the heart of the tooth and when that happens an infection forms and you become intimate with the dentist’s drill. Infected teeth are just one of the unpleasant consequences of poor dental hygiene. Some teeth are beyond saving by root canal and will either need to be removed or fall out naturally. This begins to happen regularly and you’re looking at a lifetime of denture wearing. Both forms of gum disease, gingivitis and the more serious periodontitis can cause irritation and even bleeding. More worryingly the infection can spread to the bloodstream and can cause heart problems. Dentists advise that teeth brushing should be performed twice a day for a minimum of three minutes and that you should floss at least once a day. A Swindon dentist will be able to give you a more thorough instruction in good oral hygiene at your next appointment.

Weston-super-Mare dentist spots early signs of oral cancer

Cancer is usually defined as the uncontrollable growth of cells that destroy surrounding tissue. Oral cancer includes any cancer found in the oral cavity including the lips, throat and tongue. It can be a very aggressive form of the disease so early detection is vital to successful treatment. Men are twice as likely to develop oral cancer as women, particularly men over the age of 45. Other high risk factors include people who are heavy drinkers and smokers. In fact smokers are a massive 600 times more likely to suffer from the condition as non-smokers. There are strong links between alcohol consumption and oral cancer, especially for those consuming more than the recommended weekly amount. However, it is important to remember that oral cancer can strike at any time to anyone, even the most abstemious of people, so never be complacent. The signs of oral cancer are usually small white or red sores in the mouth that will not disappear on their own after two weeks or so. Similar to mouth ulcers, the sores are sensitive to hot and cold food and drink and can be very painful. Re-occurring sores could also be a sign. Other symptoms include sudden and unexplained weight loss and bleeding from the gums. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms or have any unexplained soreness in the mouth make an appointment with a dentist as soon as possible. A Weston-super-Mare dentist will be able to take a swab biopsy of any suspicious looking sores and is trained to spot the early signs of oral cancer. Patients who receive early treatment for oral cancer have a greater than 80 per cent chance of making a full recovery so you have no time to waste.

Prevent dental trauma with mouth guard from Bristol dentist

For anyone who has experienced the pain of a knocked out, cracked or chipped tooth from an injury sustained while playing sport, they can tell you just how painful it is. More importantly they can tell you how long and difficult the dental repair work is for such injuries. Dental injuries like these can cause severe long-term damage to the teeth and dental health in general. Often overlooked is the psychological damage losing teeth can have, especially on a younger person. The stigma of wearing a partial denture in your early twenties is something you probably want to do without. It is also important to remember that many of the dental treatments you will require will be very costly. For people who regular play dangerous contact sports such as rugby, high impact sports such as skiing or anything involving a hard ball such as cricket, it is recommended by dentists that to prevent dental trauma you wear a mouth guard. A well-fitted mouth guard could protect you from the kind of dental injury mentioned above that could have a long-lasting unpleasant effect on your life. It may sound like over caution but over half the dental trauma seen by dentists involves some kind of sporting activity. It really does happen a lot and a few pounds spent on a mouth guard now could save you thousands in the future. We all know that a mouth guard isn’t exactly the coolest apparatus in the world but it’s probably cooler than having to wear false teeth in your late teens. It is possible to buy mouth guards in sporting goods shops but these mass-produced guards do not offer an effective level of protection. An ill-fitting mouth guard is only slightly more useful than not wearing one at all. A Bristol dentist will be able to fit a mouth guard in a small half hour appointment that will offer you the necessary level of protection. The dentist will either take a mould or digital x-ray of your teeth and use the 3D projection to construct a perfectly fitted guard. For younger patients it is important to have your mouth guard refitted every six months because developing teeth change very rapidly. Do not underestimate how important a decision wearing a mouth guard could be for your teeth. It might be the best one you’ll ever make and by wearing one, hopefully you’ll never find out.

Call Today On 0117 973 1910 Email [email protected]

Dr Gerrard is a Bristol based Cosmetic dentist with many years of experience and is one of only a small number of dentists accredited by The British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry

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Contact Clifton Dental Studio Today!

Call Today On 0117 973 1910
Email [email protected]
Clifton Dental Studio, 92 Queens Road,Bristol, Avon,BS8 1RT

Monday to Thursday 9am – 5pm, Friday 8.30am – 3pm

Dr. Neil Gerrard BDS (Bristol), RDT, MSc (Dental Implants),  GDC no 76257. Clifton Dental Studio is a Private Dental Practice. Website last updated: July 2018
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