Clifton Dental Studio 92 Queens Road, Bristol

Call Today On 0117 973 1910
Clifton Dental Studio, 92 Queens Road, Bristol, Avon,BS8 1RT

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An Abscess, Gum Disease and Tooth Pain: fighting the lot in Swindon

Your mouth is a very complex area of your body, but if anything goes wrong, the tiniest of problems can escalate very quickly into bigger ones. Plaque is the reason why you endeavour to keep your teeth clean, but if it gets a hold, it can set off a string of catastrophic events which will become harder to treat the longer you leave it. It will harden into tartar and then strangle the gums before infecting them; from this, gum disease will develop and affect the whole of your body. Plaque also leads to tooth decay, which will show itself in the form of pain whenever the surfaces of the tooth come into contact with anything. Now both decay and disease need to addressed as soon as possible because what follows is a tooth abscess; a dangerous condition that can become life threatening, as well as leading to tooth loss. It isn’t a very nice merry-go-round to find yourself on and you need to ensure that you change your oral hygiene and improve your lifestyle in order to prevent yourself from going down this dangerous route. If any of these topics affect or concern you, the people to ask are Clifton Dental over in Bristol; they can give you in-depth advice on these issues as well as information on oral hygiene, and you are lucky because they serve the Swindon area.  

Getting through the Dental Pain barrier in Gloucester

Sometimes, the unexpected can strike when you least expect it in your mouth, especially when it comes to dental pain. Even the tiniest chip can lead to lacerations in the mouth on the tongue and gums, as can a veneers or filling falling out. These can be countered with painkillers until you get seen, as can a toothache from dental decay which can be very painful. The worst scenario though can come from losing a tooth, the appearance of wisdom tooth or the most sinister of all, having an abscess erupt in your mouth: again painkillers can help, but you need to seek immediate help in order that these conditions do not get out of hand. It is wise to be prepared for such things going wrong in the mouth and so give the Clifton Dental Studio a call over in Bristol: they serve the whole of the Gloucester area and can give you tips about things that you can get to keep in the bathroom cabinet. This may range from painkiller to anaesthetic gels to herbal remedies in order to soothe any problems until you can get seen by your dentist if a crisis arises, and by so being prepared, you will cut down the risk of further damage and infection whenever dental pain crops up.  

The problems of Tooth Pain in Weston-super-mare

Tooth pain can manifest itself in many ways, and be caused by many things, but the result is always the same- pain and more pain. This means it would be wise to understand the causes of it so you have at least some idea of how to overcome it; Weston-super-mare is served by the Clifton dental studio of Bristol and these would be the perfect people to call to help you understand all natures of tooth pain. Some of the most intensely painful moments are caused by wisdom teeth, abscesses and injury and when any of these show themselves, immediate help should be sort. Tooth decay can lead to shooting pains throughout your mouth and the remedy is either a filling or root canal treatment. Other forms of pain that can be caused by a chipped tooth, the loss of a veneer or crown, mouth ulcers close to the teeth, or if you are recovering from some heavy form of treatment, say like a tooth extraction. Generally, the same rules apply to every problem; until you can get treated, you can subdue the pain with gels, herbal remedies, medicated mouthwashes and painkillers. So it is always handy to have these around the house should problems arise.  

The avoidance of Tooth Decay in Chepstow- Advice from Clifton Dental

Throughout your life Chepstow, you will brush your teeth thousands of times and you know what, you only have to turn your back for a couple of days and what do you find, bacteria and plaque still causing havoc- as if taunting you, you’d think they would have given up in the face of you, their enemy, who is constantly smashing away their work with your big old toothbrush. The thing is though, they don’t give up and if the acids from these bad boys are allowed at any time to eat away at the surfaces of your teeth, your teeth will suffer from decay, and you most certainly know about it because you will begin to suffer from excruciating darting pains shooting through your teeth whenever you bite down on them. An x-ray will reveal the extent of your damage: if it’s light, you will need a filling, if it’s bad, you will need a root canal. If however you still manage to turn a blind eye to this, tooth decay can go on to cause a tooth abscess to erupt and gum disease to flourish. In the area, Clifton Dental of Bristol can give you all the details about oral hygiene, the causes of tooth decay and what to do if you suffer from it.  

Patients in Gloucester satisfactorily treated by dentists for their dental pain

Your teeth are just a small part of your whole body but if they feel painful, it can be very difficult to get on with your day. The important thing is, therefore, to understand what is causing the pain in your teeth and then treat the causes so that the pain can stop. The best person to help you with this is your Gloucester dentist. Unlike cuts and scrapes and so on, dental pain cannot be satisfactorily treated by you at home; you will need expert help. Dental pain can be the result of the formation of cavities. If plaque has built up on your teeth then this acidic substance can start to erode the enamel and leave the nerves inside exposed and thus feeling pain. In this case, you will need to get the cavities filled in so that the nerves cannot cause you pain in the first place. Pain in the teeth can also be the result of bruxism. Bruxism is the habit of grinding your teeth when you are asleep. Dentists can help in these circumstances by fitting you with a brace to correct alignment issues, or else by giving you a mouth guard so that your teeth are not damaged by the constant grinding. In more serious instances of dental pain, it might well be that there is some infected material inside the tooth. This is called a tooth abscess and it might necessitate root canal treatment to ensure that the tooth is not wholly compromised and can return to adequate levels of functionality. You should go and see your local dentist in Gloucester every six months or as directed. They will be able to spot any signs of things that might end up causing you dental pain.

Dentists in Bristol provide relief for patients suffering with a tooth abscess

It is quite surprising just how much tooth ache can be bothersome but anyone who has experienced it will know it all too well. Pain in just one tooth can make every day activities seem extremely difficult and all you will want to do is curl up in bed until it goes away. The best thing to do though is to go and see your dentist and get the problem seen to. It could be a sign of a serious problem that, unfortunately, won’t just go away. Tooth ache can be the net result of a number of different things, from incipient cavity formation to a symptom of bruxism (nocturnal teeth grinding). In severe cases, it might be that you have a build up of infected materials in the interior of your tooth and this is causing the pain. This is called a tooth abscess and leaving it without treatment can have serious consequences indeed. Your dentist might prescribe you with antibiotics in order to soothe the infection but beyond that there might be more drastic action that is required. The ultimate aim of dentistry in this case is to ensure that there is a healthy, functional tooth at the end of it all and so root canal treatment might be needed. By paying regular visits to your dentist in Bristol, you give yourself a better chance of beating things like tooth abscesses. By communicating with your dentist about the state of your mouth, they are able to examine your teeth and gums in a way that will look for certain signifiers of certain conditions. Once found, your dentist can act decisively to deal with any potentially damaging condition.

Dentists in Swindon are the people to see if you are suffering from dental pain

There really is no need to put up with painful teeth. Quite apart from being hugely inconvenient, dental pain might be the harbinger of a deeper problem that will need to be solved in order for your mouth to stay as healthy as it ought to be. Make an appointment to see your dentist immediately if you find that your teeth are painful in any way. Dental pain can take a variety of forms. There is the mild sensitivity that might greet you if eating or drinking things that are hot or cold like tea or ice cream. Then there is the chronic pain that won’t go away and keeps you awake at night. As might be expected, these different types of dental pain have different causes too. If your enamel is beginning to wear away then you can get the mild sensations of sensitivity as your nerves become exposed to changes in temperature and so forth. If the pain is more severe then the causes might be more severe also. An abscess in the tooth because of an infected pulp chamber can be very painful indeed and might require root canal treatment to sort it out. In less grievous cases of dental pain, you might need to have a cavity filled or simply tighten up your oral hygiene routine at home to ensure that you are removing all the plaque that you possibly can. By going to see your dentist in Swindon every six months for a check up you can get on top of these sorts of problems before they get any worse. And be sure to make an appointment if you start experiencing dental pain.

Fighting Dental Pain in Bristol

It can be a very unpleasant experience when dental pain kicks in. In Bristol, almost every one of us will have the experience at least once in our lives. Problem is, there’s rarely any warning attached to the dental pain, but any pain indicates a problem and treatment should be sort, sometimes immediately. Many toothaches arise from plaque and gum disease forming that can also lead to tooth decay. It may be just an aversion to hot and cold problems, but can also lead to something worse if untreated. The worst incarnation of pain is that caused by an abscess- this can be life threatening and can’t be ignored, (even if you tried). Of course, some pain can arise if you’ve had any work done at by your dentist. This is normally treated with medication that should also help in the healing process, though there are periods given over to this and if the problem continues, medical advice should be sought. Most pains can be treated with mild over-the-counter painkillers until help can be sought. Herbal remedies are also useful to have around as well; clove oil, Echinacea and tea tree oils are well known for their soothing qualities. But every one of us has our own pain thresholds and once they are reached and when can take no more, that is when we are into emergency situation and we should take no chances at this point. If we feel it’s an emergency, then we should seek emergency help

The pain of wisdom teeth in Swindon

Having wisdom teeth start to develop and come through can be a painful time in Swindon. They start to appear around the age of 17 and can take months to break through, sometimes never. There are a few ways to relieve the pain during this period. A numbing agent or oil can be purchased at most supermarkets and pharmacies and massaged onto the affected area to offer relief. Pain-killers too can be purchased at these outlets or obtained from a doctor. Other more simple methods involve chewing gum on the side where the pain is, the use of clove oil and rinsing with warm salt water. But wisdom tooth pain can also be a sign of infection- they are notoriously difficult to keep clean from bacteria and foodstuffs. If the pain is severe, dental treatment should be sought. Wisdom teeth also have a mind of there own, they can grow sideways, backwards, forwards and in extreme cases, downwards. This is because there is very little space for them to grow into. Wisdom tooth extraction is on the decline and these days, dentists would prefer to let the tooth stay. But sometimes, removing the tooth is unavoidable and on occasions, best done in hospital- for removal of a wisdom tooth, especially if it’s not showing, can be quite a complex and dangerous procedure. It can require great force to extract and put stress on the surrounding teeth and nerves and also affect the ears and sinuses. In such cases, a general anesthetic is used. Oral hygiene must be a top priority post-extraction as the mouth is extremely vulnerable to infection.

Bristol dentists diagnose and treat dental pain

If you experience dental pain, commonly known as tooth ache, you should seek the advice of your Bristol dentist immediately as it could be a sign of a deeper problem with your mouth. It is extremely painful and can render tasks such as eating, drinking and talking difficult to carry out. There are a number of forms of dental pain and your dentist is trained to spot each one and offer appropriate treatment. When eating food or drinking liquids which are particularly hot or cold you find that your teeth are sensitive and subject to pains you might have weakened enamel. Enamel is a durable substance that protects your teeth but can be weakened by a build-up of plaque which allows acids in the food you eat to affect your nerves. This is something that ought to be dealt with immediately as if it left to worsen then the plaque might penetrate into your teeth and actually damage the nerves. If this happens you will experience chronic dental pain, better known as permanent tooth ache. You may have an accident which affects your mouth or find that an abscess has formed and your face is swelling up. Here you will have excruciating pain. If one of your teeth is cracked or broken your nerves will be exposed and eating and drinking might cause pain. Medical studies now show that pain in the teeth is sometimes a signal that there is a serious underlying health issue with a part of your body other than your mouth, making it even more important that any dental pain is reported quickly to your Bristol dentist. Your dentist can advise you on the best course of action to deal with your dental pain, whether it is surgery or the filling of a cavity or simply the improvement of your diet or a change in your oral hygiene routine.

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Dr Gerrard is a Bristol based Cosmetic dentist with many years of experience and is one of only a small number of dentists accredited by The British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry

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Contact Clifton Dental Studio Today!

Call Today On 0117 973 1910
Clifton Dental Studio, 92 Queens Road,Bristol, Avon,BS8 1RT

Monday to Thursday 9am – 5pm, Friday 8.30am – 3pm

Dr. Neil Gerrard BDS (Bristol), RDT, MSc (Dental Implants),  GDC no 76257. Clifton Dental Studio is a Private Dental Practice. Website last updated: July 2018
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Clifton Dental Studio 92 Queens Road, Bristol