Clifton Dental Studio 92 Queens Road, Bristol

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Carefully Brush Teeth with Braces, Says Dentist In Weston-Super-Mare

Braces are worn in order to straighten teeth out, and they are fixed to the teeth for the duration of the treatment. People who wear braces on their teeth are very prone to tooth decay and they should be extremely careful while cleaning their teeth. It is very easy for food particles to get stuck within the braces, thereby causing a lot of problems. Braces are usually worn for an extended period of time and if one does not have good oral hygiene from the very start, one can be left with a lot of oral problems. To start with, it is important to brush teeth with braces immediately after every meal, or at least to rinse the mouth out so that you can save yourself the embarrassment of having food stuck in them. Food particles stuck in braces can cause teeth to decay very fast. They can also cause you to have very bad breath as the food begins to decay. According to a dentist in Weston-Super-Mare, people who wear braces do not always maintain good oral hygiene. Many people forget to brush their teeth properly especially when they have worn their braces for quite some time. The dentist advises that they follow all rules of oral hygiene so that they protect themselves from tooth decay and bad breath. Teeth with braces should not be brushed too hard since that will ruin the enamel. Teeth need to be cleaned as usual so that the person avoids all dental problems.

Bath dentist stresses the importance of oral hygiene

Oral hygiene is very important for the health of your teeth. In fact, making sure your teeth are clean and healthy will help you to avoid a whole series of unpleasant dental conditions that can be the source of great pain, costly treatment and spoil the appearance of the smile. Oral hygiene is a quite a simple process yet it is all too easy to become complacent and let it slide. By ensuring that you are following your Bath dentist’s advice and brushing and flossing regularly for the required amount of time you should be able to keep your teeth looking and feeling healthy. Oral hygiene problems occur when brushing and flossing is removing insufficient amounts of plaque and bacteria. This then builds up and releases acids that gradually erode the tooth enamel. When this happens, dental decay sets in and the central parts of the teeth come under attack fro disease and infection. Unless this problem is addressed it will eventually lead to lost teeth. The gums can also be affected badly by poor oral hygiene. Gum disease is very common amongst adults in the UK, affecting nearly three-quarters at some stage. However, gum disease can be a lot more serious than it is often presumed and has recently been proven to cause heart disease and even fatal heart failure. You can see why dentists are so keen to stress the importance of good oral hygiene. This involves brushing for three minutes twice a day and also remembering to floss. This will keep plaque down to a minimum protecting your teeth and gums. It is also crucial that you visit a Bath dentist every six months for a check up, to ensure that your teeth are in the best possible condition.

Good oral hygiene with brushing, flossing and visits to Bristol dentist

From an early age we are told the importance of brushing and flossing everyday. This is necessary when we are children, to help us understand the importance of keeping our teeth clean and help these processes become so natural as to be second nature. This is good when we are growing up but sometimes we can take oral hygiene so much for granted that we forget the importance of being aware of it. This can often result in ineffectual brushing and flossing and missed dental appointments. This is often the reason behind dental problems occurring, because people were simply not paying their teeth enough attention. Brushing your teeth is the first line of defence against tooth decay, gum disease and many other oral concerns. Brushing removes plaque from the mouth, especially the surfaces of the teeth and gums. Plaque, if left to build up will release dangerous acids that are responsible for enamel erosion, infection and tooth decay. If left on the gums, the plaque will also cause irritation, inflammation and infection. Gum disease can be very serious and has strong links to heart disease and even fatal heart attacks. Bristol dentist recommend that you should brush your teeth twice a day for three minutes with a soft bristled brush for maximum effect. It is also important not to underestimate the importance of flossing. Flossing cleans the areas that cannot be reached with a toothbrush such as between the teeth and around their bases. These are often the areas where tooth decay and gum disease start so it is very important to keep them clean. Flossing also helps to keep the breath fresh by removing bacteria and food particles from between the teeth that cause many cases of bad breath. As well as brushing and flossing it is also crucial you combine good oral hygiene with regular visits to your dentist. They will be able to examine your teeth for any signs of disease and carry out any necessary treatment.

Look after your mouth with oral hygiene advice from Bath dentist

Looking after the health of your mouth is very important. Cleaning your teeth and gums, as well as making sure your tongue is free of bacteria will help to keep your mouth healthy and feeling fresh. It is also recommended by dentists that you keep up six-monthly check up appointments to ensure your mouth is as healthy as possible. If you are not cleaning your teeth and gums sufficiently they could be at risk from tooth decay and gum disease. These are very serious problems that if ignored could result in oral infection, abscesses and even heart disease. Recent evidence has proved that gum disease especially has links to heart disease as infections spread into the bloodstream and clog arteries around the heart. Brushing at home twice a day for three minutes with a suitable brush will go a long way to removing the plaque and bacteria that cause disease and decay. But it is important that you stick firmly to this routine and ensure you are cleaning your teeth properly. Your Bath dentist will be able to show you how best to clean your teeth at your next check up and they can also recommend a suitable brush and paste. As well as brushing, it is also important that you are flossing every day. This helps to remove plaque from the hard to reach places between the teeth and in the pockets between the gums and teeth at their base. Flossing will also help to remove the bacteria that causes so many cases of bad breath in the oral cavity. Your dentist may also recommend using other oral hygiene products such as mouthwash and tongue scrapers. These additional tools can all hep to keep your mouth healthy and free from unpleasant dental disease.

Good oral hygiene makes Weston-super-Mares dentist’s job easier

From an early age we are always taught that if we look after our teeth then they will look after us. Our parents teach us the importance of brushing and flossing and that if we do that correctly we can avoid much unnecessary dental treatment in the future. It seems like such a simple deal to make; clean your teeth and they will stay healthy. Yet it seems by the increase in cases of tooth decay and the fact that 90 per cent of adults in this country will suffer gum disease at some point in their life, that we are perhaps forgetting the valuable childhood lessons. Effective oral hygiene takes place mostly at home but should also include a six-monthly visit to a Weston-super-Mare dentist for a check up. They can make sure that your teeth are in good condition and outline any action you need to take to clean them more effectively. A good oral hygiene routine includes brushing twice a day for three minutes. This should ideally be done with a soft-bristled brush angled at forty-five degrees to the gums. If possible, you should brush your teeth after every meal for the best chance of removing plaque and bacteria but this may not always be feasible. Flossing should be performed carefully once a day. This will help to remove bacteria from the tiny spaces between the teeth and also stimulate the gums around the base of the teeth. Your dentist may also advise you to use a tongue scraper or other dental implement such as an inter-dental brush. Looking after your teeth well should only take you a couple of extra minutes a day. By following the few simple rules laid out for you by a dentist you will hopefully have to see a lot less of them in the future, only stopping in once every six-months for a quick check and a chat.

Good oral hygiene habits by a Swindon dentist

There are good habits and bad habits; oral hygiene is a good habit to get addicted to. We need certain routines in our lives, and a good healthy set of teeth is a by-product of a good oral hygiene habit says a Swindon dentist. First off the most important part should be flossing; this procedure will eliminate most of the problems we experience with our teeth and bad breath. Flossing gets into all the crevices that hide the plaque which does the most short and long term damage, brushing away the plaque will be made all the more easier and fruitful if we first concentrate on loosening it. Plaque will build up in the mouth mostly at night, for that’s when we stop producing saliva to neutralise the acid that is part of the production process. Brushing can also affect the amount of plaque we leave in the mouth, a good brush should have a healthy amount of bristles on it, and a worn brush will do more damage to the teeth than no brushing at all. A mouthwash alone won’t clean our teeth, it needs a well planned regime and there are plenty of leaflets at your dentist that show you how to plan a regime properly. Oral hygiene also extends to what we eat and snack on throughout the day, and also how we get rid of any acid that comes naturally with those snacks. Fruit contains acid and that attacks the enamel on the surface of our teeth, we need to swish water around the mouth, and vigorously as well, to stop this natural acid damaging the teeth. If we are sticking to government advice and eating our five a day, we need to be aware that it comes with consequences that we need to address.

A Swindon dentist explains the importance of daily dental hygiene

A good dental hygiene program is the most important part of our whole hygiene regime, in the morning is when we are most vulnerable to being lax in our oral hygiene regime says a Swindon dentist. In the night our mouths produce an excessive amount of acid, and this acid is the single most cause of tooth decay in both children and adults. It only really needs for us to get into a habit of oral hygiene that becomes second nature to us. First of all we need keep a glass of water beside the bed and sip it throughout the night, its important because saliva usually keeps acid build up down, but when we sleep we stop producing saliva. This lack of saliva allows the bacteria in the mouth to go wild and produce excessive amounts of acid; this in turn makes plaque which is then attached to the teeth and usually in between them. If we don’t get rid of this in the morning then it will cause bad breath all day, and then it will impact and become tartar which is that thick, hard and rough material at the bottom of our tooth line. This will eat away at the teeth’s roots and weaken them drastically; this in turn will end in the gums becoming infected and the loss of the tooth before its time. All this can be avoided by a good oral care program, start off by flossing and make sure you get right in between the teeth, and then make sure your tooth brush has enough bristle length to get in between the teeth, as well as around to the back of them. Plaque is the enemy here and the elimination of it will result in better teeth and gums, free from infection and most important of all it will give us a lovely smile, nice breath and more confidence.

A Chepstow dentist advises us on getting rid of bad breath

Bad breath is the worse thing we experience first thing in the morning, much of which is brought on by what we have eaten and drunk the night before. When we drink too much alcohol we also tend to forget to clean and floss our teeth, which just adds to the problem. This can make our breath have a bad smell all day says a dentist from Chepstow. Drinking a half litre of water at night will help to keep down our acid production while we sleep, our saliva gland stops working as we sleep and so acid builds up. This produces plaque and that will attach itself to the inner part of any crevice in the mouth, as well as the tongue. Spicy food and drink isn’t just the problem here though, a lax regime in oral care is the biggest enemy of good clean breath. If we don’t floss and brush properly then we are banging our heads against a brick wall. Brushing is very important and it needs to be done properly with the right brush and stroking method, flossing is even more important as it not only removes the morning plaque, but it also helps to prevent a build up of tartar. Tartar is that rough edged substance that we can feel with our tongue when we are feeling around the back of the teeth; it is usually removed by a dentist when we have our half yearly check up. It is better to prevent the build up as it only adds to the problem of bad breath. Bad breath can also be a sign of diabetes and liver disease, so if it persists even though you are following all the advice go and consult a doctor. Oral hygiene advice is free at the dentist; see your surgery hygiene nurse.

Brush your plaque away easily says a Swindon dentist

Brushing is just one stage of cleaning our teeth, but it has to done properly or we are wasting our time says a Swindon dentist. The brush is the first thing to consider, and choosing one that is right for your mouth can be a nightmare. If your gums are soft then you will need to have a brush that won’t damage the surface, for that is the best way to start an infection. A semi hard brush will be needed in that case. The bristles length also needs to be taken into consideration, we need to be able to get in between the teeth and around the back of them. An electric brush can be a real help or it can be a hindrance, again it all depends on the type, make and style. Your dental hygiene nurse will be best suited to your personal needs in choosing a brush; some chemists do have trained people on hand to advise as well. Once the brush is chosen we need to start using it properly or it won’t be of much use to us, start brushing up and down in a slow motion, get to feel the brush and how it seems to work on the front of the teeth, especially look to see if the bristles are getting in between the teeth themselves. Now start a circular motion, this will move any plaque that has escaped the previous motion, look upon it as if you were polishing a mirror, and even practice on a mirror if you need to. Moving around to the back of the teeth we really need to able to feel the motion of the brush, as we cannot see the results immediately, use the same method of motion in the two mentioned directions. This should be enough to keep plaque at bay.

Key to oral hygiene explained by Weston-super-Mare dentist

The essence of good oral hygiene is keeping your mouth free from bacteria, plaque and food debris so that it looks and smells as healthy as possible. This can be indicated by teeth that are clean and free from food particles and staining, gums that are pink and do not hurt or bleed when brushed and breath that does not smell. This can be achieved by adopting a fairly simple but quite regimented system of cleaning and regular dental check ups. Teeth cleaning is carried out most effectively in several stages. The first and most important is brushing your teeth twice a day with an appropriate brush and paste. A Weston-super-Mare dentist can recommend the most suitable products for your particular teeth. Brushing should be carried out gently so as not to damage the gums and at a forty-five degree angle to the teeth for the most effective cleaning. Second to brushing in importance is flossing, which dentists recommend should be performed once a day. Flossing is important because it cleans teeth below the gum line and in the difficult inter-dental areas hard to reach with normal brushes. Both brushing and flossing help to prevent the build up of plaque, a substance that releases damaging acids that cause tooth decay if not removed. They also remove food debris that causes over 90 per cent of cases of bad breath. Further cleaning methods that can benefit oral hygiene are using mouthwashes (always ask your dentist before using), inter-dental brushes and tongue cleaners. Effective brushing and flossing should be enough but these other apparatus can also help in some cases. However, effective cleaning is only really beneficial when teamed with regular check ups with your dentist. Even the cleanest mouth can still be susceptible to dental decay, and only a trained dentist can spot the first signs of decay and gum disease. Dentists recommend a check up every six months to help keep your mouth as healthy and clean as possible.

Call Today On 0117 973 1910 Email [email protected]

Dr Gerrard is a Bristol based Cosmetic dentist with many years of experience and is one of only a small number of dentists accredited by The British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry

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Call Today On 0117 973 1910
Email [email protected]
Clifton Dental Studio, 92 Queens Road,Bristol, Avon,BS8 1RT

Monday to Thursday 9am – 5pm, Friday 8.30am – 3pm

Dr. Neil Gerrard BDS (Bristol), RDT, MSc (Dental Implants),  GDC no 76257. Clifton Dental Studio is a Private Dental Practice. Website last updated: July 2018
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