If you can smile with confidence and express yourself freely, it’s a great tonic for a healthy, stress free life. However, if you find yourself going into your shell because you are ashamed of your teeth, it can hold you up in life and it may be time to get an oral make over. Before you undertake any of the following, it’s important to make sure your teeth are healthy first- consulting your dentist would be wise before you undertake any teeth whitening programs. The most popular choice of whitening have come out of certain make-over shows on the television- namely laser bleaching. It takes one simple visit to the dentist, who in three sittings will cover your teeth in a gel and then cure it with a heat lamp, and it’s all over within a dinner hour- the most famous of which being ZOOM! Another great option is a 14 day Enlighten program. You get measured up for bleaching trays at the dentist, and when they arrive, you fill them with a bleaching agent and pop them in the mouth while you sleep. You may have noticed however, whilst shopping that similar home bleaching kits are popping up in many retail outlets and chemists. The beauty of this method is that they are not only cheap and affective, but you can bleach your teeth at home in your own time.
Over time you teeth will lose their natural white shine. This is as natural as the greying of hair and can be accelerated by practices such as drinking red wine, coffee, tea and cola as well as smoking. But that doesn’t mean you should put up with it. Dentists offer a range of treatments to reverse the process and give your teeth a beautiful white finish, allowing you to smile again with confidence.
You can arrange to have whitening treatment in your dental surgery. These treatments often involve dentists blasting off stains with special, high pressured solutions. Alternatively dentists can create special trays, moulded to the unique shape and formation of your mouth. You can then take them home and wear them with whitening gel over a period of time to restore the whiteness of your teeth.
Teeth whitening kits are also available to purchase from retailers and supermarkets. These kits are administered by yourself and require no involvement from the dentist. The results offered by some of these kits are incredible, restoring teeth to the whitest possible shade of tooth colour.
The advantages of having brilliantly white teeth should not be underestimated; think of what it will do for your confidence in social occasions, especially if you are meeting new people and want to smile to put them at ease. If you are getting married and want to look your best on your special day, teeth whitening procedures are also worth considering. Make an appointment to see your Bristol dentist and ask them about the options available for teeth whitening and how you can put an end to stained or discoloured teeth.
If you find that your teeth have become dull or stained you may want to ask your Chepstow dentist about the various teeth whitening procedures which are available. Teeth can lose their natural sparkle for a number of reasons. Smoking tobacco and drinking red wine and cola can stain your teeth and having a generally poor diet can have the same effect. The aging process itself will probably lead to your teeth becoming increasingly dull in colour just as your hair loses its sheen over time.
There are a number of ways to correct this and restore the whiteness of your smile, usually involving a bleaching process. Your dentist might recommend a simple scale and polish which removes the staining from your teeth but if your teeth have become dull in shade you may wish to go further.
Laser teeth whitening carried out by your dentist involves the application of whitening gel which is activated by a special light shone on your teeth. This is a potentially powerful process that can have side effects such as increased sensitivity but the results can be an incredibly white smile where before your teeth were stained and lacking in shine.
Home whitening kits mean that you can carry out the procedure yourself by wearing trays filled with whitening gel while you sleep or during the day. The results gained are often not as dramatic as laser teeth whitening but they are more affordable and you won’t have to make as many appointments with your dentist.
Talk to your dentist for more information about tooth whitening as some of the more powerful procedures are not suitable for those with gum diseases or particularly sensitive teeth.
Everyone knows the classic Hollywood smile. Huge beaming, perfectly straight and shining white teeth. It’s the film star look and one which we would all like to emulate. The reality, of course, is that most of these film stars have had thousands of pounds worth of expensive dental treatment to make their teeth look this good. Obviously this is probably off limits for most ordinary people but there are treatments you can have that won’t break the bank but will go someway to giving you a beautiful movie star smile.
Teeth whitening treatments such as Zoom are not as expensive as perhaps you might think. Over the last twenty years, teeth whitening has moved away from being a specialist treatment reserved for the wealthy and towards being an everyday treatment that can be afforded by everybody. This has largely been thanks to pioneering treatments such as Zoom that have made the whitening procedure more efficient. Although more extensive treatments are available, basic treatments start at about half an hour in length and will cost little more than about £60. This could improve the appearance of your teeth but obviously the more extensive the treatment the better the results will be.
Teeth whitening works by applying a gel to the surface of the teeth. This gel contains hydrogen peroxide, a bleaching agent which stains the tooth enamel white, removing stains and making the teeth look cleaner and healthier. Whitening of up to ten shades is possible with Zoom teeth whitening treatment which will have a significant effect on the appearance of your teeth. Teeth whitening from a Swindon dentist can last for up to three years before it will need to be repeated. Ask your dentist for more information about how teeth whitening could work for you.
Our teeth are more prone to developing stains and discolouration as we get older. Effective dental care such as brushing and flossing will clean superficial stains but if they have penetrated into the tooth enamel and dentin then it may not be possible to treat without a whitening treatment.
There are many whitening treatments on the market which have different levels of success with different patients. Zoom teeth whitening is one of the most state of the art and effective ways to whiten teeth, with results capable of being up to ten shades whiter depending on your teeth.
Whitening teeth will make your teeth look healthier and will help to make you appear younger. It can also help to restore your self-esteem and make you more confident about smiling. Zoom teeth whitening works by applying a special formula to the teeth, which is then activated on the special Zoom Advanced Heat Lamp. This increases the speed of the effects of the whitening procedure meaning you will spend less time in the dentist’s chair.
You should always avoid over-the-counter treatments when it comes to teeth whitening. This is because it is possible for the formula to cause some damage to the soft tissue of the tongue and gums if applied incorrectly. A Swindon dentist will be able to use all the necessary protective equipment to keep your teeth and gums safe and will also be able to achieve better results. There are many different treatment lengths available depending on the level of discolouration and the type of teeth enamel you have.
As we age our teeth become more susceptible to staining and discolouration. Tooth whitening is a process that aims to reverse the process of discolouration and combat staining without the need for costly veneers or other restorations.
The tooth is made up of two distinct layers. At the top is the protective layer of tooth enamel. Underneath this is a layer of a very hard substance called dentin. When we eat certain foods and drink certain liquids these two layers can become stained. Foods particularly bad for staining teeth are red wine, coffee and tea. Smoking cigarettes is also very bad for the teeth leaving yellow stains.
It is possible to remove some stains of the surface of the enamel using ordinary cleaning techniques or by visiting a dental hygienist. However, if the discolouration penetrates to the dentin then it is very hard if not impossible to remove. This is when a tooth whitening procedure may be very useful to restore teeth to their original colour.
The process works by applying a bleaching agent, usually hydrogen peroxide, to the surface of the tooth. This is accomplished by using special trays that keep the active gel in contact with the tooth. The peroxide penetrates the tooth and targets stained areas, returning them to their white colour.
One of the most popular whitening treatments available from Bath dentists is called Enlighten. Enlighten has an excellent safety record, especially when applied by a dentist with all the necessary safety equipment. Using an enlighten product for a couple of hours each day especially prepared trays from your dentist could lighten the colour of your teeth by up to ten shades. Teeth whitening is a very effective and affordable cosmetic dentistry treatment that can produce stunning results. Ask your dentist for more information.
Teeth whitening is the process of whitening discoloured or stained teeth by artificial means to make them appear whiter and more healthy. Teeth whitening has existed for many years but it has become more affordable and more available in recent years. Increased media attention and coverage of whitening procedures on television programs has done a great deal to bring teeth whitening to a larger public.
Whitening procedures are now offered by nearly all dentists with both in-surgery and take home treatments being two of the most popular cosmetic dentistry procedures. The whitening process involves using a beaching agent, usually hydrogen peroxide in strengths varying from three to thirty per cent. Stronger treatments are usually used by dentists in surgery because of the possible damage to soft tissue with high-concentration bleaching. Dentists are also able to use the necessary safety equipment. Whitening treatments are available for purchase over the internet but dentists strongly advise against using these as the variation in strength combined with home application can be very dangerous.
Whitening may cause some mild sensitivity to patients after the initial treatment, which usually settles down after about 48 hours. Most whitening treatments last between a week and two weeks, including home whitening and the effects last for up to three years but this can vary depending on which treatment you are using. The cost of whitening also varies upon the level of whitening required and which system the patient chooses.
Teeth whitening can have a very dramatic effect and can completely rejuvenate a smile and make the patient look years younger. Because of the limited discomfort and small amount of risk from the treatment it is fast becoming a very popular procedure with Chepstow dentists.
Teeth whitening used to be a thing only the rich had done, but with new techniques and more simplified training procedures it has become affordable to many more people says a Bath dentist. The cheapest method is to simply bleach the white using home kits; these are available in most chemists’ shops and can be bought for under £100. They are easy to use and quick to do the job, but like all cheap versions of a good idea they have a limited life span and the effects aren’t all they are promised to be. It involves mixing up a paste that is placed into a gum shield, this in turn is placed over the top and bottom sets of teeth and left to do its job. The main problem here would be that different teeth are discoloured more than the other ones, and so the bleach wouldn’t necessarily do such a good even job. The next process involves a technician at a salon who uses a gel and an intense light source to create a reaction; this in turn breaks down the discolouration and leaves a whitening effect on the teeth. This method has its drawbacks though, if your teeth have receding gums then the light will damage the root of the exposed tooth, and the process can’t be done. It is also a bit more expensive at around 200 to 400 pounds a time. Veneers are the next alternative and this will need a dentist to apply them, they are similar in design to a false nail and are glued onto a discoloured tooth or teeth in much the same way. They aren’t removable like a nail and stay on for the duration of their life span, which is around 3-5 years. They can also cover up a multitude of other teeth problems.
Tooth whitening is a highly effective way of lightening the colour of your teeth without damaging the surface enamel. It is much cheaper and far less drastic than having a whole set of veneers to brighten teeth and can be just as effective while still maintaining a natural appearance.
There are many reasons why you may require tooth whitening but by far the most common is to reverse the staining of teeth that happens naturally as we age. The discolouration can be accelerated by ingesting certain foods and drinks such as coffee, and smoking can also increase the process.
The most common form of teeth whitening is professional bleaching carried out by a Weston-super-Mare dentist. The dentist will initially assess if you are suitable for whitening as the use of certain medications precludes treatment. If you are suitable, the dentist will use a rubber shield to protect the gums and other soft tissue before applying a concentrated mixture containing the active ingredient hydrogen peroxide. As this is broken down oxygen penetrates the enamel on the surface of the teeth making it appear lighter.
Complete treatments usually take between three and four weeks with regular applications of half an hour over that period. In most cases the dentist will make up reduced concentration treatments in special trays to be used at home. Although some new treatments can be applied for longer reducing the overall treatment time to as little as a week.
Other new treatments include using the heat of a dental laser to activate the chemical reaction producing a much faster colour change. The effects of tooth whitening can last up to three years although it is important to remember that all treatments will work differently for each patient as teeth vary in their natural colour and texture. Talk to a Weston-super-Mare dentist about the possibilities of brightening your smile with tooth whitening.
Tooth whitening is a process where stained and discoloured teeth are bleached white using a series of chemical treatments. It is one of the most affordable and commonly used cosmetic dentistry procedures and widely offered by most dentists.
Teeth can become discoloured for a number of reasons. In some instances the discolouring is hereditary or related to another ongoing medical condition. Sometimes it can be down to lifestyle choices made by the patient such as using tobacco products or drinking red wine or coffee on a regular basis. However, in most cases the discolouration of teeth is down to nothing more than the aging process. As we get older, just as our hair begins to lose its colour, so do our teeth. But luckily, just as it is possible to reverse the loss of hair colour with dyes, it is also possible to reverse the loss of tooth colour.
Discolouration can be slowed by effective brushing and flossing but once enamel has become stained it can only be returned to its original white colour through staining. Most teeth whitening procedures will initially take place in the dentist’s surgery. This is because whitening gels contain hydrogen peroxide, an active agent which can damage the soft tissue of the gums, lips and tongue if applied incorrectly. Dentists may offer reduced strength pre-prepared home whitening trays for patients after initial treatments. It is important to remember that buying whitening products from the internet can be very dangerous because of inconsistencies in strength. Always consult a Bristol dentist prior to any kind of tooth whitening
Tooth whitening has different affects on different patients. Some patients respond very well to treatment and have visibly whiter teeth after only one session. For others it may take three or four applications before the teeth appear to be visibly whiter. In successful treatments, teeth can be whitened up to an incredible ten shades. If you are considering returning your discoloured teeth to their former glory, consult a Bristol dentist about tooth whitening treatments.
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Dr Gerrard is a Bristol based Cosmetic dentist with many years of experience and is one of only a small number of dentists accredited by The British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry