Chepstow dentists have all the best methods of maintaining great oral hygiene
Being healthy has so many benefits. As the body and mind are intimately linked, being healthy means that you are likely to feel happier too. Getting out of bed becomes easier and you will be more productive and a better person to be around. When considering your health it is best to think holistically, that is by considering the whole picture of your general hygiene. You shouldn’t miss out being diligent in your oral health. Taking care of your mouth will ensure that you can do little things that you take for granted, free from pain or inconvenience. Think about it: your mouth is an integral part of eating, drinking, talking, smiling, even breathing. It doesn’t have to be a major chore for you to look after your mouth effectively. The most basic steps are brushing and flossing in such a way that your mouth remains as free from plaque as it possibly can be. To achieve this, you should use a brush with erect bristles that are not frayed and a fluoride enriched tooth paste. Brush first thing in the morning, last thing at night and again after meals or sugary snacks if you feel it necessary. Flossing should remove any plaque that is hiding between teeth too. Having good oral hygiene ought to manifest itself in teeth that are string and free from pain. They should be a nice tone of white; yellowing of the teeth means that plaque has hardened into tartar and decay is likely. Your gums should be pink and free from any discolouration. Going to see your Chepstow dentist for regular appointments to monitor your oral hygiene is a great help too.Tags: oral hygiene, plaque, yellowing teeth