Dentists in Weston-super-Mare diagnose bruxism and prevent it from damaging the teeth of patients
Having persistent aches in your teeth might be the sign of a number of different oral conditions. Most people would probably think of cavity erosion or the development of cavities, small holes in the teeth. In fact, quite a number of people in the United Kingdom are suffering from a condition called bruxism that can lead to feelings of aching in the teeth and even jaw. What bruxism is, is the process of grinding your teeth together when you are asleep. Most people who suffer from bruxism (and have not been diagnosed) don’t even know that they are grinding their teeth in their sleep. It is only when they experience the symptoms during the day time that they begin to suspect. These symptoms can include tooth ache and an aching jaw. The consequences of this can be that the protective enamel is worn away as the teeth collide night after night with some force. This means that cavities are more likely to form. If the bruxism is particularly severe then it can lead to complications with the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) which is the joint that holds the jaw bone and the skull together. There are several reasons why people grind their teeth together when they sleep. Many professionals reckon that it is just one other manifestation of stress in patients. In this case then changes in lifestyle might be necessary or trips to a counsellor. Alternatively, patients whose teeth are not aligned in the optimum arrangement can sometimes grind their teeth together and Weston-super-Mare dentists would fit a brace or some other teeth straightening device. In either case, dentists can fit patients with mouth guards so that the impact of the teeth grinding together does not damage teeth.Tags: bruxism, dental cavities