Freshen Up Your Look This Summer With Our Facial Treatments
Facial rejuvenation treatment is a safe, simple and effective way of giving your complexion a healthy, youthful glow this summer. If you’re worrying about wrinkles or want to roll back the clock and look your best for a special summer event, now is the time to call and book a consultation with Dr Neil Gerrard. Dr Gerrard has many years of experience in facial rejuvenation treatment, so you can be sure that you’re in good hands!About facial rejuvenation treatment
We offer two types of facial rejuvenation treatment, both of which are non-surgical. Botox and dermal fillers can help to reinvigorate the complexion, softening wrinkles and lines and giving your skin a radiant glow. Botox is a purified form of botulinum toxin type A, which is used as an effective, non-invasive remedy for lines and facial folds. This targeted treatment softens lines and reduces the visibility of crow’s feet, laughter lines, nasal lines and wrinkles on the forehead to create younger looking skin. It works by blocking nerve signals to the facial muscles, causing them to relax. Botox treatment only takes around 15-30 minutes and the results are temporary, lasting up to six months. During the procedure, Dr Gerrard uses a very fine tipped needle to inject Botox slowly and carefully into the desired areas of the skin. The results will become visible around 24-72 hours later. Dermal fillers are another effective treatment for lines and wrinkles. However, they can also help to reduce sagging, boost sunken skin and create more definition in the facial features. Fillers add volume to the skin and they can highlight the cheekbones and jaw line to make your features really stand out. We can also inject filler into the lips to add fullness. Like Botox, the procedure for filler treatment is very simple and the results are temporary. Treatment takes just 15-30 minutes and there is minimal pain involved. The results of treatment should last up to nine months. If you’re eager to inject radiance into your skin this summer, call now and make an appointment.Tags: Botox in Bristol, Dermal Fillers, facial aesthetics swindon, facial rejuvenation treatments bristol