If you’re a snorer, the chances are that somebody close to you is not having the best of times. Snoring makes it difficult to sleep and over the course of time, disrupted nights of sleep can have a real impact on your mood, as well as your energy levels, your concentration and your physical health. Of course, you don’t mean to snore, but if you a regular snorer and it’s taking a toll on the one you love, we can help! Our anti-snoring remedies include the Somnowell device, which is the latest anti-snoring appliance. We have found this appliance to be very effective and recommend it for our patients who snore frequently. The appliance works by holding the jaw in a forward position, which helps to keep the airway open. The Somnowell device is different to other mandibular advancement devices because it is built to last a lifetime and is highly resistant to bacteria and fungi, which helps to promote good oral health. Snoring is a very common problem, which is most commonly associated with coughs and colds or sleeping in certain positions, but it can become a serious issue and in cases where snoring is persistent, there may be underlying factors, which need investigating, such as allergies, obesity and breathing issues. Using the latest treatments on the market, we can help to banish snoring from your bedroom and ensure you enjoy a peaceful night’s sleep.
Call Today On 0117 973 1910 Email info@cliftonsmiles.co.uk
Dr Gerrard is a Bristol based Cosmetic dentist with many years of experience and is one of only a small number of dentists accredited by The British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry