Super Scale & Polish In Weston Super Mare
Nothing makes your mouth feel cleaner than a trip to the dentist and with our sensational scale and polish treatments your teeth will be gleaming and glowing. We recommend regular hygiene sessions for patients with existing dental troubles, as well as those with a clean bill of oral health as a preventative measure.What is a scale and polish?
A scale and polish is one of the most common and effective oral hygiene treatments. It is designed to remove harmful plaque and tartar from the mouth and polish the teeth to give them a lovely, healthy sheen. Plaque and tartar are dangerous for the teeth and gums, contributing to decay and gum disease. Plaque is a sticky substance that often clings to the outer surfaces of the teeth. Tartar is a hardened version of plaque that is impossible to remove with normal brushing at home. Tartar is stubborn and causes the teeth to look unsightly and unhealthy, as well as being harmful for oral health. When you have a scale and polish at Clifton Dental Studio, specially designed instruments will be used to remove plaque and tartar from the tooth surfaces and the gum line. We will blast plaque and scrape the tartar away from the tooth and clean the gums to leave your teeth feeling smooth. We will then polish the teeth to make them look clean and bright and remove surface stains.Is a scale and polish procedure painful?
It may feel a little odd to have dental instruments in your mouth and the scraping motion may be a little uncomfortable, but this procedure is not painful and you will be encouraged to sit back and relax. If you are a nervous patient, please talk to us beforehand and we will do everything we can to help you to feel as relaxed as possible.Tags: dental hygiene weston super mare, plaque, scale and polish, scale and polish swindon