Clifton Dental Studio 92 Queens Road, Bristol

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Clifton Dental Studio, 92 Queens Road, Bristol, Avon,BS8 1RT

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Posts Tagged ‘bristol modern dentures’

Marvellous Modern Dentures!

Dentures are a very popular treatment for missing teeth. They are false teeth, which are available in full sets to replace entire arches of missing teeth or in smaller sets, known as partial dentures. At Clifton Dental Studio in Bristol, we provide modern, functional and natural looking dentures made from the finest quality materials.

About dentures

Dentures have been used to replace lost teeth for many years, but the design and manufacturing processes have come a long way and modern dentures are very different to the dentures of old. We use the finest materials and the latest designs to provide clients with amazing natural looking dentures, which offer all the benefits of natural teeth. Dentures are an excellent solution for patients who have a few missing teeth or an entire arch of lost teeth. We recommend replacing missing teeth for a number of reasons. Not only do gaps affect the look of your smile and your self-esteem, they also contribute to problems with speech and the ability to eat, as well as increasing the risk of oral diseases.

The treatment process

All our dentures are custom-made for the individual. Prior to treatment, your dentist will discuss the treatment options with you and create impressions of your teeth and gums, which will serve as a template for your denture. Dentures are held in place by the natural suction of the gums and they function like natural teeth. Once the denture has been returned from the laboratory, treatment can begin and your dentist will advise you how to care for your denture and organise follow-up appointments to check the fit and function of your denture. Alternatives to dentures include dental bridges and dental implants. If you would like to arrange a consultation to discuss these options, contact us today!

Dentures vs. Dental Implants

If you have missing teeth, there are various options available to you, the best including dental implants and dentures. But which one is best and what are the pros and cons of each treatment?

Dental implants

Dental implants are a relatively new concept in the world of tooth replacement and they have a very big impact in a small space of time. A long term solution for missing teeth, dental implants offer a versatile option for patients with any number of missing teeth. Implants are made from titanium and are used to replace the root of the missing tooth. They are placed inside openings in the jaw bone and attached to crowns, dentures or dental bridges. When you have an implant and the restoration has been attached, the tooth looks completely natural and it will function in exactly the same way.


Dentures are a very popular solution for patients with a large number of missing teeth. These custom-made sets of false teeth are designed to restore the aesthetic of the smile and enable you to eat and speak with ease. Modern dentures are very convincing and they also offer a much higher level of comfort and functionality than dentures of old.  We offer partial and complete dentures at Clifton Dental Studio.

Which treatment is best for me?

Dental implants provide a long-term solution, amazing aesthetics and the best level of functionality and they are easy to look after. However, they are expensive and treatment does take a while, as the implants have to integrate into the bone tissue. Dentures are a more affordable option, but they don’t last as long, they require maintenance and they don’t offer the same aesthetic standards as implants, although they do look very natural. Your dentist can help you to make a decision and will go through the pros and cons of each option with you.

Magnificent Modern Day Dentures

Advancement in technologies, novel materials used in dentistry and innovative dental techniques have led to the development of modern denture solutions for replacing missing teeth. Teeth can be lost due to tooth decay, gum disease or oral trauma. Modern day dentures are able to replace one or more missing teeth.

Assessment for modern day dentures

After assessment, if dentures are suitable, individuals have choices in the type of denture they may prefer. Using dental impressions and images, dentures are custom-made. Time may be needed for gums to heal from extraction before temporary dentures are provided. The bespoke dentures are then fitted and adjusted, providing fully functional teeth with a natural smile.

Options in modern day dentures

Individuals are offered choices in dentures for partial or full teeth replacement. Partial, immediate and complete dentures may be:
  • acrylic resin bonded to metal base
  • plastic
Dentures serve to mimic natural teeth and gums, restoring oral function for eating and speaking, and giving aesthetic appeal to the face and smile. Immediate dentures may need adjustment as the oral contours change. Plastic dentures may be less flexible than acrylic resin dentures with a metal base. It is natural for gum tissue to change over time and dentures may need adjustment. There is also an initial period of getting used to denture wear. For better retention and stability, some people opt for implant-supported dentures that feel and look just like natural teeth supporting facial structures and expression.

Wear and care of modern day dentures

Dentures are designed for daily wear, approximately eight hours per day. Dentures may be soaked in a cleansing solution or lukewarm water overnight and cleaned with a soft-bristled brush, allowing gums to rest overnight. Following dentist-recommended guidelines for oral hygiene practise, denture care and repair allows patients to get the best out of their dentures for longer-lasting results. If you are interested in having dentures please contact Clifton Dental Studio in Bristol today for a consultation.

5 Tips and Tricks for New Denture Wearers

If you’ve recently started wearing dentures, here are five top tips and tricks to ensure a smooth transition and to help you get the most out of your dentures:
  1. Practice reading out loud: it can take a little time to get used to speaking with dentures, so try reading out loud and practising talking during the first few days.
  2. Stick to soft foods at first: at first, it may feel slightly odd when you try and eat with your new dentures, but you will soon get used to them and eating will become second nature. For the first few days, we recommend sticking to soft foods such as yoghurts, scrambled eggs, soup and mashed potato. As you become more comfortable with your denture, you can start introducing slightly harder foods. It’s best to avoid anything sticky, such as chewy sweets, when you have dentures.
  3. Use both sides of your mouth when you eat: avoid eating on one side of your mouth only, as this will create an imbalance. Try to chew using both sides, take small mouthfuls and chew slowly until you have become accustomed to eating with your dentures.
  4. Drink plenty of water: it’s a good idea to drink lots of water when you first get your dentures, particularly at meal times and after eating.
  5. Wear your denture every day: it’s important to wear your denture every day so that you get used to it quicker and to reduce the risk of gum recession and bone loss.
If you have any questions about your new dentures or would like advice, don’t hesitate to call and speak to our dentists or pop in and see us.  

What Options Are There For Replacing Missing Teeth?

If you lose a tooth or a number of teeth, there are various options open to you. Losing a tooth can be distressing, but the good news is that modern prostheses are incredibly effective as well as natural looking, so rest assured that we can restore your smile to its former glory. If you have a single, multiple or full arches of missing teeth, we can help. Call today to find out more about our terrific tooth replacements.

What are my options?

There are three main options for replacing missing teeth. These are dental bridges, dentures and dental implants. Dental bridges: bridges are a reliable and effective solution for missing teeth and are commonly used when a single tooth has been lost. Bridges are usually made from ceramics, and can sometimes be fused to metal. A traditional fixed bridge is made from a bar of crowns and literally bridges the gap left by a lost tooth. These bridges take two sessions to make and fit and should last for up to 15 years. Bridge treatment is simple and painless. The first session is used to plan treatment and create the template for the bridge and the second appointment (usually two weeks later) is used to place the bridge. Dentures: dentures are sets of prosthetic teeth used to replace multiple teeth or entire arches of teeth. They are generally made from acrylic and metal and modern dentures are very lifelike. Dentures are custom-fit for the individual and are built to last. We will check your denture every time you have a check-up and can provide repairs and replacements with minimal hassle. Dentures are a good choice for those with a large number of missing teeth and the treatment process is very simple. Dental implants: dental implants offer a long-term option for patients with single or multiple missing teeth. The implant itself replaces the missing tooth root and it is then attached to a crown, bridge or denture, which replaces the crown section. Implants last for many years and they offer the same level of stability and functionality as a natural tooth root. If you would like to discuss your treatment options with our experience dental team, call us today!

Complete and Partial Dentures Explained

Dentures are an effective tooth replacement treatment and have been used to restore beautiful, healthy and functional smiles for many years. We are delighted to offer modern partial and complete dentures.

Partial dentures

Partial dentures are designed to replace a single lost tooth or multiple missing teeth. They are made to blend in with the natural teeth for a seamless aesthetic and help to restore function to the mouth, as well as preventing the remaining teeth from slipping out of position. Partial dentures are secured using clasps and they represent a simple and affordable option for patients who have lost their natural teeth through injury or decay.

Complete dentures

Complete dentures are made to replace entire arches of missing teeth and they can transform the smile, as well as improving quality of life and confidence. We use the latest imaging techniques and impressions of your teeth to create custom-designed dentures that enable you to speak, eat and smile without anxiety. If you’ve had a number of missing teeth for a long period of time, you will find that wearing a denture will have a positive effect on your day to day life, as well as your confidence. Our complete dentures are made from high quality materials and are designed to mimic the aesthetic of healthy, beautiful teeth. Dentures are held in place by the suction of the gums, but it is also possible to add security and stability by using fixative or investing in implant-retained dentures, which are stabilised by dental implants. If you have missing teeth and you would like to do something about it, don’t hesitate to call us and make an appointment for a consultation. We can go through the pros and cons of treatments, talk to you about the treatment process and explore other options, such as implants.

How Many Ways are There to Replace Teeth?

Whether you’ve lost a tooth through infection or gum disease, had teeth knocked out in an accident or have a large number of missing teeth, there are some amazing solutions out there and we highly recommend considering tooth replacement treatment. Gaps in the smile can contribute to an elevated risk of dental health problems, a lack of confidence, issues related to speech and inability to chew food properly. If you have missing teeth, why not call us and find out more about our incredible tooth replacement treatments? Our treatment options for missing teeth include:
  • Dentures: dentures are sets of prosthetic teeth. They are custom-designed for the individual and held in place by the suction of the gums. They look like natural teeth and enable you to eat and speak with confidence. We use the finest materials to create high quality dentures and we also offer implant-retained dentures for those looking for improved stability. This option relates to dentures anchored by dental implants.
  • Dental bridges: bridges are a popular option for patients who have a single missing tooth. They are most commonly made from a false tooth, which is supported on either side by a dental crown. Bridge treatment is simple and painless and you can choose from a range of materials, all of which create a very natural look. We can usually complete treatment in two sessions and bridges should last up to 15 years.
  • Dental implants: implants are an option for patients with single or multiple missing teeth. Treatment involves placing a titanium implant into a small opening in the jaw bone and then connecting a crown, bridge or denture once the implant has integrated into the bone tissue (usually three to eight months later). Implants last for many years and they give you the same level of functionality as healthy, strong natural teeth.

Complete and Partial Dentures are a Comfortable Solution

If you’re looking for a comfortable solution for missing teeth, our partial and complete dentures could be just the ticket. We use modern design concepts and high grade materials to create beautiful, bespoke dentures.

About dentures

Dentures are prosthetic teeth designed to look and function like natural teeth. There are different styles available, including partial and complete dentures. Partial dentures replace a small number of teeth, while a complete or full denture replaces an entire arch. Usually, dentures are held securely by the natural suction of the gums. However, it is possible to use denture fixative for added security. We also offer implant-retained dentures, which are supported by dental implants.

How are dentures made?

We make dentures based on impressions of your teeth and images of your face. Our aim is to create a well-fitted, natural looking denture that enables you to feel confident when you smile and facilitates clear speech and the ability to eat a range of foods with ease. Our dentures are made by highly skilled dental technicians. Once they are ready, we will fit them and check that you are happy with your new smile. We will then arrange follow-up appointments to check the fit and the condition of the denture. It is important to achieve a perfect fit with dentures, as ill-fitting dentures can cause sore spots to develop and irritate the gums.

What advantages do dentures offer?

Dentures offer a number of benefits for patients with multiple missing teeth. Dentures enhance the aesthetic of the smile and the overall facial look and they can make you look much younger. They are easy to keep clean and the treatment process is simple and non-invasive. Dentures are also more affordable than other tooth replacement treatments and you can start enjoying the results after just a couple of weeks. To find out more about our outstanding modern dentures, call today and book your consultation.

Say Goodbye to Gaps in Bristol this Christmas

Christmas is a time for sharing happy times and treating yourself and others to presents, fine food and a few drinks, but if you’re feeling apprehensive about Christmas or dreading missing out on your favourite foods because of missing teeth, we can help! With our tooth replacement treatments, we can ensure that you will be able enjoy a slap-up festive meal and feel confident when you smile this Christmas! Even a single missing tooth can have a massive impact on the look of your smile, as well as your confidence and the way you eat and speak, so we strongly recommend replacing missing teeth. We have a host of options available and are here to help, whether you need one new tooth or a full arch of new teeth.

Our treatments

Dental bridges: dental bridges are a popular choice for patients who are looking for a simple and affordable solution for a single missing tooth. Bridges are most commonly made from a false tooth that is connected to a new crown on either side. Bridges can be made from porcelain to ensure a natural result, and they usually last for around 10-15 years. Treatment usually involves 2 sessions around 2-3 weeks apart. Dentures: dentures are commonly used to replace full sets of missing teeth, but we also offer partial dentures for those with fewer gaps. Dentures are designed to look and function like natural teeth, and modern styles are very aesthetically pleasing. Dentures are more affordable than dental implants and the treatment time is much shorter. Dentures are custom-made for the individual and we check the fit and the condition of the denture every time you have a routine check-up. Dental implants: dental implants are made from titanium. They are small, screw-like appliances, and are inserted directly into openings in the jaw bone. The implants replace the root of the tooth and the crown, bridge or denture replaces the visible part of the missing tooth. Implants are built to last a lifetime, and they provide the same standard of functionality as natural teeth. They can be used to replace any number of lost teeth and are suitable for patients of all ages.

Dreamy Dentures in Weston Super Mare

If you’re searching for a reliable replacement for lost teeth, look no further than our dreamy dentures. Dentures are a tried and tested treatment that have enabled patients with missing teeth to enjoy confidence, a natural, healthy looking smile and a fully-functional set of teeth for decades.

About dentures

Dentures are sets of false teeth, which are used to replace missing teeth or a full arch of lost teeth. At Clifton Dental Studio, we have the incredible advantage of having both highly trained dentists and dental technicians on-site, and we offer exceptional modern dentures that provide all the benefits of healthy natural teeth. Our dentures are made from the finest quality materials and they are custom-made to ensure optimum comfort. Dentures are usually held by the suction of the gums, but some patients prefer to use fixative for additional stability and security. With dentures, you should be able to speak clearly and enjoy a wide range of foods without any worries.

The pros and cons of dentures

Dentures are affordable and the treatment time is short, so you can start enjoying the benefits of your new teeth very quickly. They are not a permanent solution because the contours of your mouth change, and therefore adjustments have to be made to preserve the fit. However, they do last a long time. If you have missing teeth and you are thinking about tooth replacement treatment, call us today and arrange a consultation.

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Dr Gerrard is a Bristol based Cosmetic dentist with many years of experience and is one of only a small number of dentists accredited by The British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry

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Contact Clifton Dental Studio Today!

Call Today On 0117 973 1910
Clifton Dental Studio, 92 Queens Road,Bristol, Avon,BS8 1RT

Monday to Thursday 9am – 5pm, Friday 8.30am – 3pm

Dr. Neil Gerrard BDS (Bristol), RDT, MSc (Dental Implants),  GDC no 76257. Clifton Dental Studio is a Private Dental Practice. Website last updated: July 2018
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Clifton Dental Studio 92 Queens Road, Bristol