We are proud to offer our patients an array of restorative and cosmetic dental treatments and we have options to cater for the needs of all our patients. We provide a range of different tooth replacement treatments for patients with a single missing tooth, a few lost teeth or full arches of missing teeth and we can tailor your treatment plan to suit your preferences and your budget. Our treatments include dental bridges, dentures and dental implants. Dental bridges are a popular choice for patients with a single missing tooth and they are most commonly made from a false tooth, which is joined to two crowns. We have a choice of materials on offer, including porcelain, for a lovely natural look and we use the best materials to ensure durability. Our bespoke dentures are an excellent choice for patients with a few missing teeth or full sets of lost teeth. Our modern partial and complete dentures are designed to mimic natural teeth in look and function and they make a real difference to the look of your smile, as well as your quality of life. Dental implants are the closest option to healthy, natural teeth; they are designed to replace the tooth root and implanted into the jaw bone. Once the implant has integrated, the implant is attached to a new restoration, which replaces the visible part of the lost tooth. Implants are very versatile because they can be connected to bridges, crowns and dentures. Whatever your needs, we can help to give you a beautiful new smile!
Flossing the teeth is not something everyone likes, or can do for a variety of reasons. Patients wearing fixed braces will not be able to use floss and others may feel they don’t know how to it. Our dental hygiene team at Clifton Dental in Bristol educates patients about the best methods of cleaning the teeth and this involves not only brushing but flossing as well. There are certain techniques that are used to get the best result when flossing and we are more than willing to show patients how to do it and give them hints and tips. Flossing can greatly impact on the oral hygiene of every patient. Food particles and tarter can result in build up between the teeth and on the gum line, even if regular brushing is done on a daily basis. This is because brushing alone cannot always get in the small gaps on the tooth and around the gum line. Floss gently removes any remaining tooth particles or tarter from the mouth. It is best to floss before brushing so that any bits left in the mouth can be cleaned away when brushing. There are a variety of flosses on the market depending on preference so why not get flossing today and see a huge difference to your oral hygiene in Chepstow.
Dentures have been used to replace missing teeth for many years and we are delighted to offer our patients high quality, functional partial and complete dentures to restore your smile and enable you to enjoy a full range of oral functions. Whether you have a few missing teeth or a full arch of missing teeth, we can tailor your treatment plan to suit your needs and your budget. At Clifton Dental Studio we use the finest quality materials and our modern dentures offer amazing aesthetics, as well as exceptional standards of functionality. With dentures, you will be able to speak clearly, eat a wide range of foods and feel confident when you look in the mirror. Our partial dentures are designed to blend in with your natural teeth and our complete dentures are extremely lifelike. Complete dentures are custom-made and they are held in place by the suction power of the gums, while partial dentures are supported by the natural teeth using small clasps. We recommend regular appointments for our denture patients and we check the fit of the denture regularly to prevent soreness and irritation.
At Clifton Dental Studio we don’t just provide you with a huge range of treatment options and the latest technology, we also offer a five year guarantee for many of our restorative treatments. We are so confident in the quality of treatment and the service you receive at the clinic, that we are prepared to offer you a five year guarantee on veneers, dental crowns and dental bridges. We are happy to replace failed crowns, bridges and veneers within 5 years of the initial treatment in cases where patients have followed their dentist’s recommendations and attended frequent hygiene sessions after treatment. Seeing a dental hygienist helps to reduce the risk of dental diseases. As well as our five year guarantee, we also offer many other promises to our clients. We strove for the best for every patient, we provide a range of flexible finance options and special offers and we always give you the option to choose whether you want to go ahead with treatment. There is no hard sell and we always make sure to explain the treatment process clearly and involve patients in the treatment process. We always stick to the belief that you should treat others how you would like to be treated yourself and we do everything we can to provide you with an excellent dental experience.
Whether you are unable to wear conventional dentures due to bone loss or you are searching for a tooth replacement treatment, which offers greater stability than traditional dentures, we can help. Implant-retained dentures are dentures with a difference. Rather than being held in place by the natural suction power of the gums, these dentures are anchored by dental implants. Dental implants are small titanium devices, which are fixed into small holes in the jaw bone to replace missing tooth roots. Implants are special because they are able to integrate into the bone tissue and once this process has taken place, a denture can be attached to the implants. With implants there to support the denture, patients can enjoy increased bite power, amazing aesthetics and the ability to perform everyday activities with ease. Implant-retained dentures also give you peace of mind; with the implants in place, there is no risk of a denture slipping, irritating the gums or becoming loose and this means you can smile, interact and communicate with others and eat without any hassle or stress. We usually recommend between 4 and 6 dental implants per denture. In cases where bone loss may be a problem, we can fit mini dental implants, rather than traditional implants. Treatment time is around 3-6 months and the results of treatment are incredible!
If you are looking for a way of getting over the problem of your teeth appearing worn-out, then Clifton Dental of Bristol are the people you should talk to about these concerns, and they can tell you all you need to know in Chepstow about this delicate issue. If the years have got to your teeth and they are looking pretty bad because of cracks, chips, and gaps or just become tired-out, it may be the time to look into getting porcelain veneers fitted so that you can hide away all of the mess and rejuvenate your smile again. It won’t take long to do and once they have been made and cemented into place, you will have a youthful looking smile again- the horrors will be gone. Porcelain is a wonderful looking material and it will mirror the enamel of the teeth perfectly. Once they are in place, you should treat them as you would your own teeth- they require no extra cleaning regime; they are very durable and should last for at least 15 years. Having them fitted will also restore your self-confidence and help you to express yourself a lot more in public.
X-rays have always played a vitally important in dental surgeries and is an excellent way to reveal anything going wrong in your mouth. They weren’t without their problems though; they could use high doses of radiation to take an image, they were clumsy to store and could take a while to process. However, they have now slipped into the new world of technology and gone digital, making them completely efficient to use. The process of imaging seems the just the same in the sense that as a patient, you may not see any difference as to any other x-ray you may have had. But digital x-rays use far less radiation and within seconds, the image is up on a computer screen, ready for immediate analysis and enabling the dentist to start work on you immediately if need be. Of course, with the images on computer, they are easily stored and can be pulled out of the files at the touch of a button for future reference. Clifton Dental Care of Bristol operate in the Chepstow area and can tell you about x-rays and other technologies to take advantage of in the dental surgery
Dental decay may seem nothing at first and if you start to suffer from a toothache, it may only take a filling to keep the tooth healthy, if you do not address it though, you could be setting yourself up for a huge and expensive fall. Decay starts with plaque; film and acids build up on the surfaces of the tooth and then eat their way in. Once they have broken through, the inside can become infected and then you are looking at a root canal in order to save the tooth: decay is also made easier by teeth grinding. The danger here though is you have set a very dangerous ball rolling; you are in danger of an abscess breaking out as well as gum and periodontal disease setting in and this can affect every part of your mouth and body in the long run. The way of preventing this in the beginning is to have a high quality of oral hygiene on the go, as well as putting in regular visits to see your dentist; both of these should be enough to keep decay at bay. For more on all aspects of dental decay and oral hygiene, Clifton Dental of Bristol can supply you with all the information you’ll need on such topics as these in Chepstow.
The world of modern dentistry today in Chepstow is a wonderful one and if you are suffering from any issues at all with your mouth, and even on your face, cosmetic dentistry has all bases covered. It starts with the basics in order to get your teeth and gums healthy first and plug up any gaps with bridges, implants or dentures; damaged teeth can be repaired with dental crowns and decay can be beautifully hidden away with white fillings- then the real cosmetics can start in earnest. Gums can be contoured with laser surgery and then repaired with veneers if need be; veneers can also cover away flaws in your teeth (along with bonding), whereas if the teeth are simply just discoloured, whitening will restore the colour back to the enamel. Even the lines and cracks in your face can be overcome by dentists today by injecting dermal fillers and BOTOX in to the damaged places. If all of this has wetted the appetite and you fancy a bit of a make-over, then get in touch with Clifton Dental of Bristol for information about all aspects of cosmetic dentistry, for they serve the area.
Call Today On 0117 973 1910 Email info@cliftonsmiles.co.uk
Dr Gerrard is a Bristol based Cosmetic dentist with many years of experience and is one of only a small number of dentists accredited by The British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry