The past ten years have seen many new and exciting developments in orthodontic treatment, meaning that adults needing braces no longer need to worry about wearing awkward-looking, conspicuous braces. New treatments mean that patients have an unprecedented level of choice when considering what would be the best option for them.
In previous years, fixed braces have been the sole option for people suffering from dental issues such as gaps between teeth, crowding and problems with their bite. Nowadays, there is a wide range of treatments available for adults who require braces. The most prominent ones are detailed below.
Invisalign is a system of invisible braces which uses clear aligners to move teeth into the required position. The material used is clear plastic so that they are not noticeable to other people. Invisalign braces are removable so that you experience no issues when eating or brushing your teeth.
Inman Aligner
The Inman Aligner works to correct issues with a patient’s front teeth. It is a removable device that starts to achieve visible results in just a few weeks after treatment commences. The overall effect is achieved in between three and five months, when teeth will be straight.
Six Month Smiles
If fixed braces are required, Six Month Smiles achieves quick results. This system focuses on the front teeth as these are the ones that are visible when you smile. The effects of treatment can, in many cases, be complete in as little as six months. Six Month Smiles have been designed to match the colour of your teeth so that they are less noticeable, while the technology used works to minimise any discomfort felt while you wear them. For more information on the rage of braces treatments we offer and which would be suitable for you, contact the team at Clifton Dental Studio in Bristol.
The Inman Aligner is a popular orthodontic treatment that offers a contemporary alternative to traditional braces, for patients with minor issues that affect the front teeth. This treatment works fast and could be the perfect choice for you if you’re seeking a rapid remedy for mild crowding, small spaces or minor misalignment.
What is the Inman Aligner?
This removable straightening appliance aligns the teeth using unique forces. There are two main components, a metal bar and a coiled spring. These parts produce forces that push and pull the teeth, allowing them to move in the appropriate direction. The aligner sits on the teeth and only visible part is a thin metal bar, which runs along the front teeth.
This innovative treatment works by generating gentle forces to re-position and re-align the teeth. As the aligner is removable, you can continue to eat and brush your teeth as normal.
How long does treatment take?
This is one of the speediest solutions around and you’ll be amazed at how quickly you notice results. Within weeks, you will be able to see changes, and most cases are complete within just 4 months.
Am I a good match for the Inman Aligner?
This treatment is ideal for patients who have minor problems that require a small amount of movement. It is geared towards treating issues with the front teeth, such as slightly crooked teeth or mild crowding. This system can also be hugely beneficial to treat cases of relapse when the teeth move out of position following previous treatment. To find out if you are a good candidate for the Inman Aligner, simply call and book a consultation.
The field of orthodontics has seen many advances over the past few years, one of the most important being discreet and invisible braces. Orthodontic treatment choices in the past have been limited, and fixed braces haven’t always been the most aesthetically pleasing accessory. Patients now have a much wider range of choices when it comes to braces. One of the most impressive options is invisible braces, which allow patients to undergo orthodontic treatment without people even knowing it!
At Clifton Dental Studio, we offer some of the industry’s leading invisible braces, including Invisalign and the Inman Aligner.
Invisalign allows patients to get a stunning smile without people even realising they’re wearing braces. Invisalign uses a series of clear aligners that are invisible when placed over the teeth. The aligners work in a specific order, and are to be changed every 2 weeks. Invisalign aligners are removable, which means that tooth-brushing and eating and drinking is made much easier.
The Inman Aligner
This is another impressive removable brace. Not strictly invisible, the Inman Aligner is a lot more discreet than a traditional fixed brace. There are two main components with the Inman Aligner, which work to create force and pressure to move the teeth into the desired position. The components are a spring (located at the back of the teeth) and a metal bar (located at the back of the teeth). The bar is very thin and fine so it is discreet in the mouth. The treatment time of the Inman Aligner is typically faster than other brace systems, with most cases being completed in as little as 16 weeks!
Imagine being able to enjoy a beautiful, straight smile in a matter of weeks without suffering any pain. With the Inman Aligner, this dream has become a reality and patients are able to see the results of treatment in just 8-16 weeks.
What is the Inman Aligner?
If you thought you had to wait months, even years for a straight smile, prepare to be amazed by the Inman Aligner. This removable appliance was developed in the USA and has become a great success around the world. It is made from a spring, which is located at the back of the teeth, and a metal bar, which runs across the front teeth. These parts produce forces that push and pull the teeth, gently squeezing them into position and correcting alignment issues.
The Inman Aligner is a modern alternative to traditional fixed braces for patients who do not require intensive treatment. This system focuses on the front teeth and is specifically designed to deal with minor issues, such as mild crowding and small gaps between the front teeth.
How long does treatment take?
Treatment time is the major selling-point of the Inman Aligner and the speed of treatment is so rapid that before you know it, you’ll be having your brace removed. Patients tend to start noticing a difference after just a couple of weeks and within 16 weeks almost all cases are complete.
How could the Inman Aligner benefit me?
If you are searching for an orthodontic solution for minor issues, offering comfort, convenience, speed and discreet aesthetics, look no further than the Inman Aligner. The treatment works incredibly quickly with minimum disruption to your day to day life and reduced pain. This brace gives you the freedom to brush your teeth in the normal way and enjoy eating without any panic about getting bits of spinach or herbs stuck in your teeth and the metal bar is very fine, so the brace is hardly noticeable.
The Inman Aligner can also be very beneficial for patients who have already had treatment in the past as a means of treating relapse.
One of the most important advances in the field of orthodontics is the introduction of discreet braces. For many years, patients who needed orthodontic treatment had a very limited choice, and fixed braces, although extremely effective, are not the most aesthetically pleasing accessory. Now, patients have a much wider range of options, including a host of impressive invisible brace treatments. These innovations allow patients to enjoy all the benefits of treatment with the added bonus of improved aesthetics during treatment.
We offer some of the world’s leading discreet braces, including Invisalign and the Inman Aligner.
About Invisalign
Marketed as an invisible brace system, Invisalign enables patients to get a beautiful smile without anyone being able to spot that they are wearing braces. Rather than using a traditional brace, Invisalign employs a sequence of clear aligners, which are impossible to see when they are placed over the top of the teeth. These aligners are similar to a very light and delicate version of a mouth guard and they work in a particular order, each one in place for 2 weeks. Invisalign aligners can be taken out, which makes tooth-brushing and eating much easier and less stressful than with fixed braces.
The Inman Aligner
The Inman Aligner is another impressive removable brace and although it is not strictly invisible, as with Invisalign aligners, it is much more discreet than a traditional fixed brace. With the Inman Aligner, there are two main components, which are responsible for creating force and pressure to move the teeth; these include a spring, which sits at the back of the teeth and a metal bar, which is located at the front of the teeth. The bar is visible, but it is very fine and thin and treatment time is so short that most people are willing to make the compromise with the aesthetics. Most cases are complete within just 16 weeks.
If you thought you had to wear a brace for at least a year to get a lovely straight smile, we have amazing news! With the incredible Inman Aligner, you can enjoy a new smile in just a matter of weeks! The Inman Aligner is a modern and innovative alternative to traditional fixed braces for patients who do not need intensive treatment. The appliance, which is removable, takes just 6-16 weeks to straighten the teeth and is an excellent option for patients who do not need a huge amount of movement. This is ideally suited to those with minor issues that affect the teeth located at the front of the mouth and is especially beneficial for patients who want results fast! The aligner works by using forces generated by a spring at the back of the teeth and a metal bar at the front of the teeth to push and pull the teeth, resulting in better tooth alignment and a beautiful smile. Most cases are complete within 4 months and many patients enjoy the fact that this treatment gives them more flexibility than a fixed brace. With the Inman Aligner you brush your teeth as normal and you can treat yourself to a meal out without worrying about getting any bits of food stuck in your braces.Get in touch with us today at Clifton Dental of Bristol for a consultation to start your journey to straighter teeth.
Most people assume that orthodontic treatment takes years, but at Clifton Dental of Bristol we are delighted to offer an extremely swift treatment, which straightens the teeth in just 4 months. The Inman Aligner is a removable brace, which takes just 6-16 weeks to move the teeth and create a healthier looking, more attractive smile. This appliance uses forces generated by a coiled spring and a metal bar to squeeze the teeth, causing them to move in the right direction. Unlike fixed braces, the Inman Aligner is removable, which makes eating and cleaning the teeth completely hassle-free and the metal bar, which runs along the front teeth, is much more discreet than a conventional brace. The Inman Aligner works very quickly for two main reasons; firstly, the technology involved accelerates tooth movement and secondly, the treatment is aimed specifically at patients with minor orthodontic issues. Dr Neil Gerrard is one of the UK’s first dentists to offer this incredible treatment and we have helped hundreds of patients to enjoy a beaming, straight smile. As well as offering comfort, convenience and speed, the Inman Aligner is also much less expensive than many of the other cosmetic braces on the market. If you’ve been looking for a swift solution for slightly crooked tooth or mild crowding, this could be an excellent option.
If you suffer from having teeth at the front of your mouth that stick out rather prominently, they can seriously hinder your confidence when trying to express yourself in public among your work colleagues and your social circle in Gloucester. As you get older though, the idea of having extensive orthodontic treatment is also unappealing- so what do you do. Well the first thing is to give Clifton Dental of Bristol a call and ask about the Inman aligner, for this is the answer to your prayers. This device is designed to work solely on your front teeth and within days of it being fitted, will loosen your teeth up with its unique mechanism and pull them into place very quickly. The device is removable, so you won’t have any problems with keeping your teeth clean and healthy throughout. But the greatest asset to the Inman is that it can have your teeth straightened in as little as 6 weeks; this isn’t normal and afterwards, your teeth will want to spring back, which is why you’ll need a retainer until they have got used to their new position in the mouth….but what a device eh? 6 weeks to put right all of the problems with your teeth? That’s got to be worth a look!
Some things in life are truly beautiful and remarkable and when it comes to dentistry, there is none sexier than the Inman aligner. Modern orthodontic treatments have improved beyond belief to provide you with quick and discreet treatment to brighten your smile and pull your teeth into place, and the Inman epitomises everything good about getting your teeth straightened. It is bespoke to a particular condition, namely, teeth that stick out at the front of your mouth and its design backs this up: a wire pulls on the outside of the teeth, while a bar pushes against the inside and being that both are connected to the same springs, they work together to loosen the teeth and pull them back into the desired position, and it is truly sensational how quickly this happens- your treatment can be over with in 6 weeks and considering that the device starts at £1200, that’s only £200 a week to get the most irritating problem in your mouth sorted out for once and for all. There are other conditions attached to this treatment; rapid movement in your teeth like will require you to wear a retainer to prevent the teeth from wanting to return to where they once were. But the aligner allows you a certain amount of freedom throughout the treatment because it can be taken out whenever you want to. For more information on this amazing device in Chepstow, then get in contact with Clifton dental in Bristol.
Everyone knows about dental braces either from personal experience or from seeing them on other people. If you are a parent and had to wear a brace in your youth, you may not realise how far the technology has come in the last ten years. The old fashioned fixed metal brace still exists but it has been improved upon and is now no longer quite as tortuous as it once was. As well as this, there have been a number of new developments in brace technology that has allowed the development of incredible new brace systems such as the Invisalign treatment and the Inman aligner.
The Inman aligner is a new system that has come to the UK from the US and taken the country by storm. It is capable of transforming the appearance of a smile and straightening teeth in only a tiny fraction of the time it used to take metal braces. In some cases, the Inman aligner can straighten teeth in as little as ten weeks. Although it has to be said that it is mostly suitable for minor alignment problems.
Invisalign is a system that involves clear plastic braces that completely reduce the visual impact of the braces, always one of the biggest drawbacks of wearing metal braces. This means that teenagers and young adults can straighten their teeth without the feeling of self-consciousness that used to come with the fixed metal wire and bracket braces.
As well as these two systems there are also the Damon brace and Six Month Smile, both of which are more similar to the old style braces but with several key improvements most notably in terms of speed and effectiveness of treatment. You can find out all about the new types of braces on offer at your next appointment with your Chepstow dentist.
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Dr Gerrard is a Bristol based Cosmetic dentist with many years of experience and is one of only a small number of dentists accredited by The British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry