The two most common things that affect our oral health are tooth decay and gum disease. Tooth decay occurs when plaque and bacteria are allowed to build up on the surface of the teeth and release acid that erodes enamel. This eventually leads to decay, infection and ultimately tooth loss. Gum disease is also caused by plaque and bacteria. This sits on the surface of the gum tissue and again releases acids, which cause irritation to the gums. If this process continues, the gum tissue can become infected which is the start of gum disease.
There are two main types of gum disease. Firstly, gingivitis which is the milder form of the disease, characterised by mild inflammation and irritation. This can cause some discomfort but is easily treated with improved oral hygiene and some treatment from a Swindon dentist. The other mores serious form of the disease is called periodontitis. This is when the infection has really taken hold in the gums, beyond the point that more effective cleaning will help. This may cause bleeding of the gums, tissue destruction and considerable pain.
If not treated effectively, periodontitis will eventually result in tooth loss and the spread of infection to other areas of the mouth. More worryingly perhaps, is the recent evidence for links between periodontits and heart disease. If the infection is allowed to enter the bloodstream it can cause a chain reaction that can have seriously damaging consequence on your heart and even cause fatal heart attacks. It is therefore very important to be aware of the health of your gums and do all you can to keep them clean. Better brushing and flossing combined with six-monthly dental check ups will help to keep your teeth clean and your gums healthy. With nearly three quarters of adults suffering from gum disease of some kind during their lives, it seems there is a lot more we can do to prevent it.
A dental implant is a metal screw that is anchored into the jawbone to act as a rigid support for an artificial tooth. It is one of the most sturdy and realistic ways to replace a missing tooth and is becoming one of the most popular.
If you have had a lost a tooth either due to head trauma or sporting injury, or simply from decay you will know that it is not a very pleasant experience. Not only can it be very painful initially, but it can also have serious repercussions for your future dental health. A missing tooth can be the underlying cause of a number of dental and muscular problems.
If a tooth is missing from the dental arc it leaves a hollow which can act as a breeding ground for bacteria. Because the hollow is difficult to clean, plaque forming bacteria builds up there and attacks other teeth and gums in the mouth. Missing teeth also encourage the remaining teeth to shift and lean into the gap. This can cause disruptions in bite which can lead to painful jaw conditions such as bruxism and TMJ. Missing teeth can also be responsible for sagging facial tissue, especially if more than one tooth is missing.
There are several options for patients wishing to replace a missing tooth. Partial dentures and dental bridges are two of the options but are often not sturdy enough to provide patients with the necessary degree of comfort and confidence. Dental implants are a more rigid alternative for replacing real teeth.
The dental implant itself is a metal screw, usually titanium or other non-harmful metal. It is drilled into the jawbone and allowed to settle for a few weeks. During this time the metal fuses with the bone and tissue in a process called osseointegration. When this is complete the dentist will attach a post and artificial crown to complete the procedure.
Due to the added level of security offered by a dental implant they are one of the most popular option for patients looking to replace a missing tooth. Gloucester dentists offer dental implants for patients with missing teeth and also mini-implants to act as a locking device for dentures.
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Dr Gerrard is a Bristol based Cosmetic dentist with many years of experience and is one of only a small number of dentists accredited by The British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry