Clifton Dental Studio 92 Queens Road, Bristol

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Clifton Dental Studio, 92 Queens Road, Bristol, Avon,BS8 1RT

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Posts Tagged ‘teeth straightening’

Bristol, Aligners and Braces

Braces can put the wind up you when you find out that they need to be fitted in order to re-align your teeth. However, going through this treatment will ensure the future of your oral health, as well as keeping your smile pretty of course. But before you jump in the deep end and take the first option offered to you, shop around beforehand and do a little research on what the market has to offer you. The world of orthodontics has really got its game up to scratch over the past few years and there are some seriously good gadgets around to choose from. Modern aligners are quite breath-taking; they work fast, are removable during your treatment and you (and others) will barely notice them in the mouth. Fixed braces are the more traditional image that people have of getting their teeth straightened, but work for more complex issues in the mouth, though even these have gone through a renaissance, using more subtle materials and they can also work fast for you as well. If you live in Bristol, then pop along and talk to Clifton Dental- they can tell you about all the wonderful devices on the market today.  

Bracing for Braces in Bristol

Probably one of the most loathed of all dental treatments has to wear braces: years of ugly metal in your mouth where food gets stuck and goes bad if you can’t manage to clean it out properly, constant taunts from people making fun of your woe, on and on everyday- nothing but trouble. Well, it can be rough time and as annoying as this next comment is, it’s for your own good though. Truly, get this over and done with and you will have healthy mouth for the rest of your life. You should also remember that the dental world is on your side and have developed a whole range of braces and aligners to help ease your passing through these rough waters, discreetly and quickly. The new breed of fixed braces use discreet, hard-to-spot materials when manufactured, and although steeped in the traditions of those old ugly braces in the sense that they work efficiently, they work far more quickly. Clear aligners though are all of the rage at the moment and it’s no wonder really, who wouldn’t want to get their teeth straightened by something that is invisible in the mouth, that can be removed for certain occasions such as eating and cleaning, and works in a third of the time that some braces take. At completely the other end of the scale, though, for certain types of teeth that stick out at the front, there is an aligner that can straighten your teeth in as little as 6 weeks! So, not sounding so bad now after all is it? If you want to talk to someone about braces, Clifton Dental of Bristol is all ears and can find the right brace or aligner for you.  

Supersonic 6 Months Smile in Chepstow

Braces eh? Can’t be doing with them, but if your mouth is showing signs of trouble for you in the future, you can’t do without them either. Throughout your life in Chepstow, your dentist will endeavour to protect the occlusion of your mouth, or its ‘bite’ and there are many treatments on hand to do this with, the main one being orthodontics, which is the art of teeth straightening through the use of braces. Fixed braces have come in for a lot of ‘stick’ over the years for being ugly and their treatments lengthy, but their modern derivatives have change all of that and the 6 Months Smile has been one of them responsible for this turn around. It takes everything ‘good’ from these old braces, like careful precision aligning of the teeth to remedy biting problems, and then modernises it with its flashy discreet materials which are hard for a passer-by to spot in the mouth. Another thing about this brace is that it is also designed to only work on those teeth that offend the eye when you smile. It’s a simple device that consists of small clear ceramic plates placed on the surface of the teeth and linked by a single wire that is anchored to the rear of the mouth; you make regular visits to the dentist to have it tightened so that the teeth keep moving. Like it says in the brochure, this can all be over within 6 months. If you want more information about this happy little device, then Clifton Dental of Bristol, who serves your area, can give you all the information you need.  

Patients from Bath benefit from braces treatment at Clifton Dental Studio

For patients for Bath and all across the UK there is the solution of braces for teeth that are not aligned how you would like them to be. You are never too old for braces treatment, with dental practitioners more than happy to give daughters and mothers and grandmas and everyone else the smile they deserve. Braces are something we all associate with childhood and there is no doubt that this is the best time to start the correction process. However, it is never too late to improve your appearance, never mind the benefits to your health and well-being from having a straight set of teeth. Believe it or not, braces have been around for a surprisingly long time. Many believe they date back as far as 2000 BC! It was really in the 18th and 19th centuries, though, that modern orthodontics really began as a science. These days braces are a lot more subtle and tooth coloured wire can help reduce the negative visual impact that many worry about before they undergo treatment. The treatment time for wearing braces varies from six months to six years, depending on the severity of the case or the age of the patient, for example. New techniques can speed up this process. Obviously, no-one wants to wear a metal grid for longer than absolutely necessary so any advances in this form of dentistry are very welcome. When my friend in Bath finally decided to get her teeth corrected she was awkward and a bit embarrassed by her braces. After six months she had got used to them though and after a year she had a dazzling smile.  

Get set for the Inman Aligner in Bristol: Clifton Dental straps you in!

Clifton dental will give you advice on all things dental, all of it good advice, but you may get the impression that they may be spinning you a huge fable when they give you advice on the Inman aligner, because some of its boasts simply aren’t possible…are they? The perfect candidate for this aligner is someone who is suffering from buck teeth at the front of the mouth, because the design of this device only allows it to work this way. On the inside of the mouth a bar pushes against the inside of the teeth and is connected to a spring that also operates a wire that pulls the outside of the teeth, so in a sense, these opposing forces jiggle the teeth about and loosen them so that they move into the desired position rapidly, very rapidly, 6 weeks rapidly in fact! That’s got to be a lie. Hasn’t it? The aligner is also removable (yeah right!) and so it can be taken out whenever you choose. Apart from all these goodies, the Inman is quite cheap considering it is made specially to fit your mouth, some start at around £1200, so in real terms, you are paying £200 a week to remove a problem that has possibly haunted you most of your life. Of course, it is at this point you wake up in Bath and realise it was all a dream…wasn’t it?!  

Clifton Dental can help make you Smile in 6 Months in Swindon

Calling all people of Swindon with funny teeth! How would you like to rid yourself of those gaps in your teeth, you know the teeth that stick out in all directions? And how would you like it to be done in just 6 months? Well, by contacting Clifton Dental, they can turn you on to the 6 months smile. That’s right, it does what it says on the packet- in 6 months you can eradicate your teeth problems and rejuvenate your smile. The great thing about this device is that although it has all the elements that you would find in those old school braces it comes packed with modern materials that are user friendly on the eye. This brace tends to pick out those problem teeth at the front of the mouth to which are placed tooth coloured ceramic plates. These in turn are linked together with a very subtle wire that attaches to a clear bracket at the back of the mouth. All this leads to a very discreet brace indeed. Every month, you will pop into the dentists for a check-up and to have the wire tightened to keep your teeth on the move and when it is all over, you are then presented with a retainer to use at your leisure to help stop the teeth from springing back out again. This is definitely a device you should consider in your quest for straight teeth.

Dentists in Bristol offer patients a variety of teeth straightening treatments to improve their smiles

Studies have shown that most people find faces which are more symmetrical to be the most attractive. There is not that much you can do about the shape of your face unless you can afford expensive, cosmetic surgery, but you can easily make your smile nice and straight. Your local dental surgery in Bristol will be able to offer you a variety of teeth straightening procedures that wor you your benefit in giving you a perfectly straight smile. The traditional, metal brace is still a very popular option for people of all ages who have crooked teeth. It is hard to see how the system of metal brackets and wires attached to the teeth and gradually moved by the dentist, can be beaten. The traditional metal brace can solve all teeth alignment issues. In spite of its superior performance, the traditional metal brace has several drawbacks that some newer products have been able to sidestep in a variety of different ways. Teeth can now be straightened using a clear, plastic brace that is entirely removable. Other products are very similar to the metal brace but are teeth coloured and so are more aesthetically pleasing. A concealed, coiled spring is used in one treatment that also is concerned with being discreet. Many of these treatments can also boast far quicker treatment times than the traditional metal brace which sometimes needs to be worn for several years. The fact is that the traditional metal brace is the only method yet that can actually rotate teeth as well as deal with alignment issues. Your dentist in Bristol will be able to examine your case and offer you advice about which method is best for you.

Get Six Months Smile treatment from Swindon dentists and improve the look of your smile

Getting your teeth straightened does not have to be a hugely inconvenient undertaking that takes a long time and leaves you feeling self conscious about the metal wires and brackets in your mouth. That has been the way that many people have unfortunately experienced the process of having their teeth straightened for many years now though. Traditional braces are very effective and can deal with all teeth alignment issues but if the problem is a little more minor then you might consider one of the newer products on the market like Six Months Smile. Six Months Smile works in a very similar way to traditional metal braces but eliminates some of the problems associated with them. As already mentioned, many people, especially teenager find that metal braces look nothing short of unsightly in their mouth and suffer from reduced confidence as a result. With Six Months Smile, the wires and brackets are all together more discreet and the colour can be adapted to the shade of your existing teeth. This means that they are simply not as noticeable in your mouth and social occasions suddenly become that much easier as a consequence. As the name suggests, Six Months Smile takes only six months to resolve issues with alignment in your mouth. As the average treatment time of traditional braces is three times that length, this is a vast improvement. Ask your Swindon dentist about Six Months Smile and see if it is right for you. Your issues with tooth alignment won’t just go away if you ignore them; do something about it by getting the Six Months Smile treatment from your dentist.

Bath dentists now offering amazing Invisalign see-through braces

For many people the idea of wearing metal braces is a frightening prospect. Having a smile covered in metal wires and brackets can lead to feelings of embarrassment about smiling and awkwardness in social situations. In the past there was no other option to correct a crooked smile but now a brace that is virtually invisible is available from Bath dentists. The Invisalign product has come to be known as the ‘see through’ or ‘invisible’ brace because they are so hard to see, even from close up. Invisaligns are made from a clear material which moves your teeth in the same way as metal braces. They are crafted using cutting edge computer software and the power of 3D images which allows them to fit perfectly to your unique mouth. Invisalign braces must be worn for twenty two hours a day but they are completely removable so that you can eat in comfort. Cleaning the Invisalign outside of your mouth is a huge improvement on traditional metal braces which would often trap food and be very difficult to effectively clean. Unlike traditional braces which would have to be adjusted, at regular meetings with your dentist you will be provided with a new Invisalign brace once your teeth have been sufficiently adjusted by the last one. In this way they are far more comfortable than traditional braces with their elastic bands and wires.

Finally the smile you always wanted with Inman aligner from Weston-super-Mare dentist

Have you ever looked in the mirror and wished you had straighter teeth but never felt the need or wanted to have the embarrassment of metal braces? Maybe your teeth are only slightly misaligned and you think that braces would be a waste of money and you could just live with a slightly crooked smile? If you answered yes to either of these questions then you could be the perfect candidate for the Inman aligner. This is a new teeth straightening, orthodontic device that aims to straighten teeth discreetly and in as little as three months. The other major advantage is that it is much cheaper than traditional braces. The Inman aligner was designed in the US and works by using a coiled spring to gradually move the lateral teeth out the way. This then creates room for the front teeth, the ones that are visible when smiling, to straighten against a small and discreet bar brace. By focusing in this way on the front, more visible teeth, the Inman aligner is able to achieve such incredibly fast results. The Inman aligner is so fast acting it is even used by brides-to-be and people with important social occasions in the run up to the big day. You may even have seen the Inman aligner on one of the big TV makeover shows that populate our screens these days. The Inman aligner is available from Weston-super-Mare dentists to straighten your teeth and give you the perfect smile. No more looking in the mirror and wondering what if. In just a few months you could have the smile you have always wanted.

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Dr Gerrard is a Bristol based Cosmetic dentist with many years of experience and is one of only a small number of dentists accredited by The British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry

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Contact Clifton Dental Studio Today!

Call Today On 0117 973 1910
Clifton Dental Studio, 92 Queens Road,Bristol, Avon,BS8 1RT

Monday to Thursday 9am – 5pm, Friday 8.30am – 3pm

Dr. Neil Gerrard BDS (Bristol), RDT, MSc (Dental Implants),  GDC no 76257. Clifton Dental Studio is a Private Dental Practice. Website last updated: July 2018
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