The pain of wisdom teeth in Swindon
Having wisdom teeth start to develop and come through can be a painful time in Swindon. They start to appear around the age of 17 and can take months to break through, sometimes never. There are a few ways to relieve the pain during this period. A numbing agent or oil can be purchased at most supermarkets and pharmacies and massaged onto the affected area to offer relief. Pain-killers too can be purchased at these outlets or obtained from a doctor. Other more simple methods involve chewing gum on the side where the pain is, the use of clove oil and rinsing with warm salt water. But wisdom tooth pain can also be a sign of infection- they are notoriously difficult to keep clean from bacteria and foodstuffs. If the pain is severe, dental treatment should be sought. Wisdom teeth also have a mind of there own, they can grow sideways, backwards, forwards and in extreme cases, downwards. This is because there is very little space for them to grow into. Wisdom tooth extraction is on the decline and these days, dentists would prefer to let the tooth stay. But sometimes, removing the tooth is unavoidable and on occasions, best done in hospital- for removal of a wisdom tooth, especially if it’s not showing, can be quite a complex and dangerous procedure. It can require great force to extract and put stress on the surrounding teeth and nerves and also affect the ears and sinuses. In such cases, a general anesthetic is used. Oral hygiene must be a top priority post-extraction as the mouth is extremely vulnerable to infection.Tags: bacteria, oral hygiene, wisdom teeth