*Pain Free dentistry at Clifton Dental Studio

Here at Clifton Dental Studio, we recognise that a trip to the dentist can be a stressful event. Many people will often put off seeing a dentist and live with painful toothache rather than make an appointment. Are you one of those people? Let me ask you…
Is fear of the dentist ruining your smile?
- Are you petrified of the dentist?
- Do you feel sick, experience palpitations or get sweaty palms at the mere thought of dental treatment?
- Have you ever missed a dental appointment because of uncontrollable fear?
- Or perhaps you attend appointments but feel anxious the entire time?
If so, you are not alone.
According to recent figures published by the Adult Dental Health Survey:
- Over a third of adults have moderate dental anxiety
- A little over one in ten adults have extreme dental anxiety.
So, with dental anxiety such a common issue, how do you overcome it?
The good news is that, here at Clifton Dental Studio, we help those with dental anxiety all the time. We enable them to overcome that fear and get the treatment they need to restore their dental health and often their self-confidence too.
Overcoming Dental Phobia: A Life-Changing Experience with Clifton Dental Studio
“I Was Ashamed, Embarrassed, and Mortified By the State of My Teeth But When I Went To Clifton Dental Studio…
At ten years old, I had an awful, brutal experience at the dentist that had a profound impact on me and changed me quite drastically. And I was quite confident and happy up until that point, and after that, that really blighted my life.
Many people say they don’t like going to the dentist; it was more than that. For me, I had a DEEP PHOBIA of walking past a dentist smelling of a dental surgery. If I saw the tools, it could likely induce panic. I’m really ashamed of it. I’ve always thought it was a weakness.
Living in Denial
And I’ve avoided going to the dentist at all costs, which has been really detrimental to my mental and physical health. I’ve looked after my teeth as well as I could because I thought the more I clean them and look after them, the less likely I have to go to a dentist. That was my theory.
In 2014, I was eating olives, and two of my teeth just sheared away at the back, leaving filling and grey amalgam and no enamel. And it was very PAINFUL. Then I lost another tooth and another.
The Breaking Point
And it took until 2023, I’m ashamed to say I had to pluck up the courage to go to a dentist. And you can imagine the state my teeth are in.
I do a lot of television, and I speak at literary events. And I could never open my mouth fully. I didn’t like to show my teeth. Not that great. I was ashamed, embarrassed, and mortified by the state of my teeth, but also, that fear I had far outweighed the desire to get them fixed. So it was a real catch-22.
The Turning Point
I saw on social media people talking about Neil Gerrard and his team at the home of pain-free dentistry. Did I believe it?
Probably not. Because I think so ingrained was my fear. And my worry that I didn’t think anything was going to be able to get me over this terrible sort of this blight in my life.
And I made an appointment to go and see Neil, and it took all of my courage, I can tell you. The appointment was at 10.30 AM. I arrived at 10.30 thinking, well, the less time I’m there, the better. At 10:31, Neil hadn’t appeared for a whole 60 seconds. I literally picked up my bag. And I thought, I just gotta go; I can’t do it. I can’t do it. And I was running out of the exit, and I felt his hand on my shoulder. And I turn round. Neil was standing there, and he said, you’re doing a runner?
Building Trust with Clifton Dental Studio
And I said, Yes. He said, Come back. Come in. And that was the start of it, really. I had sort of shown him my worst fear. The fact that I would rather run from the building and live like that in pain than let him actually have a look at my gob, which is ridiculous.
I have been seeing Neil now for six months for four or five sessions. The big difference for me was that I felt very LISTENED to.
He started saying, I think what we should do, Amanda, and I said, oh no, I can’t dig into the detail. I don’t want to know, he said, okay, that’s fine. I’ll write it down, or we’ll communicate some other way. And I said, well, I don’t like looking at those tools in a tray.
He said, right, that’s fine. We’ll take them away. And I knew at that point that he was going to listen to me, and he wasn’t going to laugh, and he wasn’t going to judge me. And I suppose that was the start of TRUST.
A Whole New Experience
And also of me feeling very SAFE, which was key. It’s not only Neil that has changed my life. It’s everybody.
It’s from the first point of contact at reception. With Julie’s emails, it’s the dental nurses. It’s everybody. Chris did my sedation; everybody I encountered was quite CALM, very calm, and encouraging and chatting as though it could have been a hotel for you.
It didn’t smell like a dentist. I didn’t have a sense of panic or sense of anything overly medical, which must be quite difficult in that scenario, but it really didn’t. And feeling safe and building up that trust was absolutely key.
When I tell you how I had a phobia, I could not walk past if it said dentists. I could feel the start of a panic. If I saw an advertisement on TV and they had dental tools, I would leave the room. I couldn’t go into the building.
The Transformation
Six months later, I had a dental hygienist appointment, walked in, said hi, and breezed up a set of stairs. It was only when Charlotte was cleaning my teeth and I was talking to her I suddenly thought, I’m at the dentist. I didn’t think about it. Before that I would have had blood on my hands, dug my nails in, I would be shaking. I would probably be sick, I would have to use the bathroom without getting too graphic.
Looking to the Future
There’s nothing to be afraid of. It’s just a complete TURNAROUND for me. Not only am I now happy to show off my teeth. I can’t tell you how far I’ve come but also how I feel. I don’t feel petrified.
I stopped having nightmares about the dentist, and I will happily go back. And I can’t believe I’m saying I can’t believe that’s how I feel, but they’ve totally changed my life.
Every day is ridiculous to feel emotional. Clifton Dental has changed the way I look. They’ve changed the way I do my job. They’ve taken away my fear. And no one wants to live in fear like that today. I just can’t thank them enough. I mean totally eternally grateful.”
—Amanda Prowse is an international bestselling author of thirty novels published in dozens of languages.
What do our patients think of their Clifton Dental Experience?
We Use A Fantastic Pre-Numbing Gel. It Goes On Your Gums And Guarantees Your Gum Will Be Numb Before We Give You A Pain Free Injection. Better Yet It Comes In 10 Different Flavours, Such As Mint, Bubble Gum, Grape, Strawberry, Mango… Or This One Here – Pina Colada Flavour

The entire team at Clifton is trained in the latest *pain free dental techniques and technologies to ensure your visit is as comfortable as possible. Furthermore, Practice Owner Neil Gerrard is a Certified Dental Phobia Dentist.
It’s not just about pain, many people dislike the smell or the sound of the dentist as well. Again, not to worry! Our practice is not like any other. We pride ourselves on creating an environment that is calm and caring. We really do take the stress and worry out of dentistry.
Read these inspirational stories from recent clients who successfully overcame their dental anxiety and restored their smiles…
“Karen Never Smiled Because She Hated Her Teeth”

Karen's Story
I had a phobia of going to a dentist at a young age; I was in fact terrified of going! I researched on the internet and found Clifton Dental Studio.
I was so nervous, but I made the giant step and booked my consultation with their Treatment Coordinator.
Not only was I petrified of treatment, but eating was also difficult. Drastic action was needed. I hated my smile and wanted it to be change.
Sedation helped me through the long appointments and really did make all the difference.
I would recommend both sedation and the treatment to all my friends most highly.
Karen Sivell, Bristol
Deborah's Story
I had hated my smile and was convinced I looked awful. I also developed a morbid fear of the dentist during my teens which just got worse and worse!
No matter how bad my mouth looked, it seemed preferable to a visit to the dentist.
I don’t think I realised just how much better my smile could become. I am not exaggerating when I say that having this treatment has changed both my self-image and my life in general.
I cannot thank Neil and the team at Clifton Dental Studio enough. Not only do I now not fear the dentist, I actually do look forward to it!
Deborah Cooper, Bristol
*Pain Free Options For Nervous Patients
Inhalation Sedation
Sedation through inhalation is suitable for mild to moderate/severe anxiety in both adults and children.
This technique involves the administration of “Gas” through a small mask fitted over the nose. Within just a few minutes you will start to experience a euphoric feeling while feeling quite comfortable at the thought of treatment.
This is a very safe technique which also possesses the added bonus of offering pain relief and therefore reduces or eliminates the need for local anaesthetic, for example to manage sensitivity during hygiene treatments.
Happy Air Can make Your Treatment More Comfortable

IV sedation (conscious sedation)
IV sedation is a very effective and safe way of treating those with moderate to severe anxiety and even phobia. Treatment of anxiety in this way is so effective that it has replaced the use of general anaesthetic in general practice. In fact it is so effective that virtually anyone can be helped.
What does IV sedation involve?
This technique involves the use of a small cannula (needle) placed in the back of the hand or the arm through which a sedative is administered prior to treatment.
As a patient you are conscious for the entire procedure, but don’t let this put you off. You will experience an extremely relaxed state, to the point of drowsiness. Many patients are more than happy to take a nap during treatment. IV sedation is not intended to put you to sleep or make you unconscious like a general anaesthetic, you just feel so relaxed and oblivious to your surroundings that you are happy to doze off. Because of this time passes in what appears to be minutes, even when undertaking many hours of treatment.
“Using Sedation Dentistry For Dental Implants Treatment”

Oral sedation
Oral sedation can be a very effective way of reducing anxiety. It is most suited to those with mild to moderate anxiety (those patients who force themselves to visit the dentist, but feel anxious and uncomfortable the entire time).
This technique involves the patient swallowing a drug, normally 30 to 60 minutes before the start of dental treatment to induce a relaxed state. As a patient you are conscious and still aware of what is going on around you, but feel more relaxed and better able to cope. For many the sensation is like that of being a little tipsy following a good bottle of wine, but without the hangover!
Desensitisation Therapy
Desensitisation techniques work well for those who experience mild to moderate anxiety.
Many of our anxieties develop through a learned association between a particular situation and an object or stimulus. For example, we learn from a young age that an injection is associated with pain.
Desensitisation therapy aims to restore a patient’s confidence and trust by teaching or reinforcing a new positive experience. For example; if a patient undertakes a number of treatments requiring dental anaesthetic and the patient feels no pain from each injection, the patient will not only start to trust the dentist resulting in less anxiety, but the link between the painful injection and visit to the dentist is softened or even broken. The patient is desensitised to the previous negative experience.
These techniques may be used independently or in conjunction with hypnotherapy and CBT for those who experience a greater level of anxiety.
If you have finally summoned up the courage to tackle your fear of the dentist, then one or a combination of these treatments will enable you to achieve the healthy smile you have always dreamed of. Additional information and help is available from a number of sources, including books, such as ‘There Is No Perfect Dentist’, available to purchase online now at Amazon, or directly from Clifton Dental Studio.
Dr Neil Gerrard is a Dental Phobia Certified dentist Click Here to verify.
Not only do we promise to deliver pain free dentistry we also promise to never judge you!

Experience Fear Free Dentistry Now – Guaranteed
A range of options are now available at the Clifton Dental Studio to help even the most fearful individuals undergo treatment. From our desensitisation treatments to our sedation service, we guarantee complete comfort during your entire visit.