Bristol dentists improve smiles with stunning porcelain veneers
Who wouldn’t want the chance to remedy their uneven, damaged or stained teeth? Anyone who has experienced these issues knows that they can severely hamper your confidence and lead to feelings of embarrassment about your smile. One option to consider is having porcelain veneers fitted.
Thanks to incredible advances in technology porcelain veneers are increasingly available using procedures that are extremely quick and efficient. Using CEREC techniques, for example, allows stunning porcelain veneers, tailored to your mouth, can be constructed in just over five minutes. 3D digital x-rays are sent to online milling machines and you won’t have to wait.
The porcelain used to make modern veneers is extremely durable and therefore the veneers themselves can be incredible thin. Porcelain veneers are highly adaptable and your dentist will be able to match them to your surrounding teeth, right down to colour, shade, texture and even translucence. They are fitted using an etching agent and then a dental bond and the results are durable and long lasting. You can treat teeth fitted with porcelain veneers just like regular teeth.
Looking for a cosmetic dentist? Clifton Dental Studio dentists are here to help
If you are ashamed about one or more of your teeth, take the first step towards having the perfect smile you deserve by talking to your Bristol dentist today about the incredible results achieved with porcelain veneers.
If you’re looking for perfect porcelain veneers in Bristol, look no further than Clifton Dental Studio. Our master dentists have years of experience in creating stunning veneer makeovers and you could soon have a perfect set of bright and beautiful pearly whites. Whether your teeth are in need of repair and a bit of TLC or you want to go all-out on the glamour front, we have the ideal treatment for you.
What are veneers?
Porcelain veneers are very thin shells made from porcelain and are placed on top of your natural teeth in order to create a beautiful aesthetic. Veneers are laminated with a glossy finish and are trimmed and shaped to fit the teeth perfectly and create the smile of your dreams. Veneers are not a standard size or shade and you can choose the ones that best suit your face shape and your idea of the perfect smile.
With veneers, we are able to offer a solution to problems such as staining and chips, as well as giving the smile sparkle and radiance. Veneers can also be an alternative to orthodontic treatment for patients who have gaps between their teeth although they merely hide the gaps, rather than physically moving the teeth.
How are veneers fitted?
Veneers are fixed onto the teeth using dental adhesive. This procedure isn’t painful and it doesn’t take long. Before the veneers are fitted, the planning stage takes place and this involves drawing up designs and sharing ideas about the look of the new smile and also preparing the moulds for the veneers. Before the moulds are created, the teeth are buffed and shaped to make room for the veneers to ensure a natural looking result. When the veneers have been crafted, you dentist will place them on your teeth to check that you are happy with them before securing them firmly.
Many people dream of a flawless white smile and we have a host of treatments and services available to correct flaws and repair damaged teeth to help you achieve a perfect looking smile. We use porcelain restorations on a regular basis because as a material, it offers stunning, natural looking aesthetics in addition to providing strength and durability.
Porcelain crowns
Crown treatment is often recommended when a tooth is severely damaged or it has become weak as a result of decay, a large filling or an injury. The aim of a crown is to strengthen and protect the remaining tooth structure. A crown is placed over the top of the tooth and is consequently sometimes known as a cap.
Porcelain crowns do not just offer restorative benefits for the teeth, they also help to improve the aesthetic. Porcelain matches the tooth shade and it also has a lovely iridescence, which mimics the look of healthy, bright teeth.
When we fit a porcelain crown, the tooth is prepared first. This involves removing any decayed tissue and shaping the tooth ready for the crown to be placed. Once the tooth has been shaped, an impression is created and this is sent to the laboratory. The new crown is then made and fitted. We usually place a temporary crown to bridge the gap between the first and second appointments, which are around two weeks apart.
Porcelain veneers
Veneers are a popular cosmetic solution for aesthetic issues such as gaps between the teeth, staining, chips and misshapen teeth. They are fixed onto the natural teeth to produce a new smile and they can make a massive difference to the way you look as well as how confident you feel when you smile. Veneers are made individually and can be used to treat isolated issues or placed as a full set to create a brand new smile. Porcelain is a popular material for veneers because it creates natural looking, radiant and beautiful smiles. Veneer treatment usually involves two sessions: one session to plan treatment and create impressions of the teeth and a second session to fit and secure the veneers.
If you would like to find out more about how we use porcelain to create breath-taking smiles or you are interested in crown or veneer treatment, call today!
If you’ve ever dreamed of a perfect, glossy smile, your dreams can soon become a reality with our beautiful porcelain veneers. We fit individual and entire arches of veneers to cover flaws and damaged teeth and create stunning, bright smiles. With veneers, anything is possible and you can look forward to showing off your smile.
The ins and outs of porcelain veneers
Porcelain veneers are extremely thin and light shells, which are designed to sit over the teeth to create a beautiful new smile. Veneers are custom-designed to fit the natural teeth and they are available in a range of different shades and sizes, so you have control of the design of your smile.
Veneers are a popular solution for worn, uneven, chipped and stained teeth and they are also a good choice for patients who simply want to add more glamour and radiance to their smile.
Veneers have amazing benefits for the look of the smile, but they can also really make a difference to a patient’s confidence, especially in cases where patients suffer from low self-esteem or feel very conscious about the appearance of their smile.
Veneer treatment
Veneer treatment is simple, quick and it involves very little pain. Before veneers are fitted, the teeth are prepared to make room for the veneers and ensure that they look natural. This process involves taking away an ultra-fine layer of the tooth surface. Once this stage is complete and you have chosen the shade and shape of your veneers, we will create impressions of your teeth and send them to our incredible dental technicians. Once your veneers are ready, we will place them on your teeth, allow you to take a look at your new smile and then secure them in position and bond them to the teeth.
Veneers are often featured on television makeover shows and it’s no surprise; they really can produce amazing results and they are highly versatile. Our dentists have expertise in using porcelain veneers to create beautiful smiles, so you can show off your pearly whites with pride.
About veneers
Veneers are very thin, tooth-shaped sheets of porcelain, which are placed over your teeth. They are often likened to false nails, as they sit on top of your teeth. There is a great deal of scope to design your own smile with veneers, as they are available in a range of different shapes, sizes and shades. Some of our patients prefer a very natural look, while others like to inject that extra touch of glamour into their smile.
Veneers are very versatile and they have a range of uses, from addressing chipped and worn teeth to creating a brighter, whiter smile for patients with stained teeth. They can also help to make gaps between the teeth look smaller and create a healthier, more youthful looking smile.
Veneer treatment
Veneer treatment takes place over two sessions that take place once we have had a consultation and planned your treatment in great detail. The first treatment is designed to prepare your teeth and create the impressions for your new veneers. Preparation involves trimming away an ultra-thin layer of the tooth structure to increase the space available for the veneers. This part of the treatment process is essential for creating an attractive, natural aesthetic.
Once the teeth have been prepared, impressions are created and these are used to make your bespoke veneers.
The second stage of treatment involves fitting the veneers. We will check that you are happy with the look of your new smile and then secure the veneers in position using dental adhesive.
At Clifton Dental Studio, it’s our aim to make you feel confident and attractive when you smile. Sadly, not many people are blessed with perfect pearly whites, but we have a range of treatments and techniques available to design and create a beautiful smile for you. Whether you’ve got stained or chipped teeth, you long to get rid of crooked and crowded teeth or you have missing teeth, we have solutions ready and waiting. Our bespoke smile makeovers are tailored to your needs and treatment preferences and our dentists have many years of experience in creating dream smiles.
Our smile makeovers
We use the latest treatments and smile design techniques to transform worn, broken and missing teeth into radiant, beautiful and natural looking smiles. We offer a comprehensive range of cosmetic, orthodontic and restorative services and we have solutions for all aesthetic dental issues.
We work with clients to choose the right treatments for their smile makeover and create a design which fits their idea of the perfect smile. Once the design is finished, patients have an idea of what they can expect when treatment is finished.
Popular treatments
The treatment you choose for your makeover will depend on a number of factors, from your oral health status and the cosmetic state of your teeth to your budget and the amount of time you have available for treatment. Our most popular treatments include tooth whitening, porcelain veneers, cosmetic braces and tooth-coloured fillings. We also offer dental implants and bridgework, crowns, gum reshaping and cosmetic bonding.
If you’re ready to take the plunge and transform your smile, call us today!
Veneers are frequently the stars of television makeover shows and it really is no surprise, as they create flawless smiles. Porcelain veneers look like healthy natural teeth and they are very versatile, making them a viable option for most patients who are searching for a treatment to enhance the aesthetic of their smile. Often spotted on celebrities, veneers are a sure-fire way of creating a bright, radiant smile. Porcelain veneers are ultra-thin shells, which are tooth shaped; they are fixed to the natural teeth to produce an amazing new smile and they are most commonly recommended for patients with chipped, worn and discoloured teeth. Patients have many options when it comes to veneer treatment and they can design their own smile; there are different shades and shapes available and you can have a single veneer, a few veneers or a full set to complete the ultimate transformation! At Clifton Dental of Bristol we often recommend porcelain veneers as part of a smile makeover. Usually, treatment involves two or three sessions, including the consultation. The first session is used to prepare the teeth and the second session is used to fit the veneers. Your dentist will create impressions of your teeth and these will be utilised by technicians to create your bespoke veneers. Once the veneers are in place, your smile look incredible and your confidence will soar.
If you are looking for a way of getting over the problem of your teeth appearing worn-out, then Clifton Dental of Bristol are the people you should talk to about these concerns, and they can tell you all you need to know in Chepstow about this delicate issue. If the years have got to your teeth and they are looking pretty bad because of cracks, chips, and gaps or just become tired-out, it may be the time to look into getting porcelain veneers fitted so that you can hide away all of the mess and rejuvenate your smile again. It won’t take long to do and once they have been made and cemented into place, you will have a youthful looking smile again- the horrors will be gone. Porcelain is a wonderful looking material and it will mirror the enamel of the teeth perfectly. Once they are in place, you should treat them as you would your own teeth- they require no extra cleaning regime; they are very durable and should last for at least 15 years. Having them fitted will also restore your self-confidence and help you to express yourself a lot more in public.
If you are having issues with the way your teeth look of late in Weston-super-Mare, and yet it is important to keep smiling in the line of work that you do, you may well have to turn to some cosmetic dentistry for a hand. It isn’t as bad as you may think though because by having some porcelain veneers fitted, you can hide a lot of issues away behind them, issues like chips, cracks, bad discolouration, gaps and receding gums. It won’t be painful and it will only take a couple of weeks before you get that perfect smile back again. Your teeth need to be prepped first and then measured up in order that the veneers can be made, but once they are ready, they’ll be cemented over the surfaces of your teeth, cleaned and then polished. They may feel a little alien at first in your mouth, but when you see the results, you won’t give a damn anyway because they will truly turn your mouth around in a magnificent way and put a smile well and truly back of that face of yours again. Clifton Dental serves the area, so knock them up for more information about this brilliant treatment.
If things go wrong in your mouth, especially over time in Chepstow with your teeth showing the ravishes of years of abuse, your smile can start to wither and show signs of ageing through gaps, receding gums, discolouration and general wear and tear and this can be quite demoralising if you have to show yourself in public on a daily basis. But help is at hand through the beauty of porcelain veneers because these can hide away all of your dental frailties and put that smile back on your face once more. For a start, porcelain is a stunning material; it copies the beauty of the enamel of the teeth and has incredible hue when kissed by light- and will compliment your mouth. All it takes is a couple of weeks of treatment that will involve the removal of all the bad enamel from your teeth and then replace it with brand new porcelain veneers that will cover over all of the problems that you may be suffering from. If you fancy the idea of this treatment, and let’s face it, why wouldn’t you rejuvenate your smile, then give Clifton Dental a shout in Bristol; they operate in the area and can tell you where to go for this superb treatment.
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Dr Gerrard is a Bristol based Cosmetic dentist with many years of experience and is one of only a small number of dentists accredited by The British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry