Teeth whitening; get rid of discoloured teeth by a Bath dentist
Teeth whitening used to be a thing only the rich had done, but with new techniques and more simplified training procedures it has become affordable to many more people says a Bath dentist. The cheapest method is to simply bleach the white using home kits; these are available in most chemists’ shops and can be bought for under £100. They are easy to use and quick to do the job, but like all cheap versions of a good idea they have a limited life span and the effects aren’t all they are promised to be. It involves mixing up a paste that is placed into a gum shield, this in turn is placed over the top and bottom sets of teeth and left to do its job. The main problem here would be that different teeth are discoloured more than the other ones, and so the bleach wouldn’t necessarily do such a good even job. The next process involves a technician at a salon who uses a gel and an intense light source to create a reaction; this in turn breaks down the discolouration and leaves a whitening effect on the teeth. This method has its drawbacks though, if your teeth have receding gums then the light will damage the root of the exposed tooth, and the process can’t be done. It is also a bit more expensive at around 200 to 400 pounds a time. Veneers are the next alternative and this will need a dentist to apply them, they are similar in design to a false nail and are glued onto a discoloured tooth or teeth in much the same way. They aren’t removable like a nail and stay on for the duration of their life span, which is around 3-5 years. They can also cover up a multitude of other teeth problems.Tags: discoloured teeth, teeth whitening, veneers