Clifton Dental Studio 92 Queens Road, Bristol

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Clifton Dental Studio, 92 Queens Road, Bristol, Avon,BS8 1RT

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Brighten Your Smile for a Super Summer

If your mood has been lifted by lighter evenings and the appearance of the sun, what better way to celebrate than with an amazing new smile? With our incredible tooth whitening treatments, we can ensure your pearly whites are glowing in perfect time to usher in the summer months.

About teeth whitening

Teeth whitening is a popular cosmetic treatment designed to make the smile look healthier and brighter by lightening the tooth shade. We offer a range of treatments that will guarantee you an amazing summer smile! Our options include home whitening and Enlighten, one of the world’s leading professional systems. With teeth whitening, you can enjoy sensational results with peace of mind. Whitening is safe, simple and there’s no discomfort involved.

What is home whitening and what are the benefits?

Home whitening is a home-based treatment that utilises specially made trays, which are filled with bleaching agent, to create lighter and brighter smiles. You wear the trays for around six hours per day for 10-14 consecutive days, and you can fit treatment in around your daily work or social commitments for maximum convenience. The trays are matched to impressions of your teeth so they should be very comfortable. The main benefit of home treatment is convenience. You can fit treatment around your plans and you don’t even need to leave home to reap the rewards! Home whitening is also hassle-free and the results are incredible.

About Enlighten

Enlighten is a regular feature on TV makeover shows and has established a reputation as the world’s leading whitening system. This treatment uses 14 days of home whitening with custom-made whitening trays and a single in-chair session to give the teeth a final flourish and a beautiful glow. The in-chair treatment takes just an hour. We simply apply bleaching agent to the teeth and then shine a light on the teeth to activate it. After an hour, your teeth will look beautifully white and your smile will shine for many years to come. If you like the sound of teeth whitening, why not call us and book a consultation?

Dental Crowns Fit for a Princess!

At Clifton Dental Studio, we offer crowns fit for princes and princesses. We use only the finest quality materials to produce beautiful crowns that last for years. If you have a damaged or decayed tooth and are in need of some TLC, we are here to help!

About crowns

Dental crowns are also known as caps. They sit over the top of the tooth to make the tooth stronger and to reduce the risk of further damage. You may be advised to have a new crown if you have a decayed tooth, your tooth has been damaged in an accident or through injury or you have had dental implant treatment. In cases of dental infection where root canal treatment has been carried out, a new crown is usually recommended to protect the tooth. Crowns can be made from a range of materials and we find that ceramics such as porcelain are very popular. Porcelain crowns are strong and durable, but they also match the bright, white aesthetic of healthy natural teeth and they blend in with the smile. Crowns should last for around 10 years, but it is important that they are cared for properly. While it is not possible for the actual crown to decay, the tooth tissue, which joins onto the crown can become decayed and therefore good oral hygiene is essential.

What happens when you have a crown?

Crowns are custom-made for each individual patient and we create an impression of the tooth to form a mould for the crown. Before the impression is created, the tooth is prepared and any decayed tissue is removed. This helps to prevent the spread of infection. Our crowns are hand-crafted by expert dental technicians and once they are ready, we fit them by placing the crown over your natural tooth gently. The crown is then secured using strong dental adhesive.  

What's So Good About the Inman Aligner?

The Inman Aligner is one of our most impressive orthodontic treatments, but what’s so good about it and could it be the perfect solution for your orthodontic needs?

About the Inman Aligner

The Inman Aligner is a removable orthodontic aligner that takes a matter of weeks to straighten the front teeth. This treatment was pioneered in the USA and has since enjoyed success all the over the world. The Inman Aligner presents a quick, simple and discreet alternative to traditional fixed braces for patients who require minor correction. It focuses on the front teeth and uses gentle forces to squeeze the teeth into position. This treatment offers flexibility and increased convenience, as the appliance is removable. This means that you can eat without any worries, clean your teeth as normal and take your brace out if you want to look your best for a special occasion.

Is the Inman Aligner invisible?

Invisible aligners are all the rage at the moment and while the Inman Aligner isn’t fully invisible, it is a far more discreet option than fixed braces. This aligner features a metal bar and a coiled spring, which generate tooth movement. The metal bar is visible, but it is fine and treatment time is so short that you’ll barely notice it.

How long does treatment take?

Speed is one of the main advantages of this amazing treatment and most cases are complete within just 16 weeks. There may be slight variations in the treatment time, as every patient has unique needs.

Is this treatment suitable for me?

If you have minor orthodontic issues that involve your front teeth or you have suffered relapse since you had treatment, the Inman Aligner could be an ideal match. In order to determine if this option is viable for you, we will carry out tests and analyse the bite during the consultation.

4 Reasons to Get Veneers

Veneers have fast become the treatment of choice for patients seeking a gleaming, flawless smile, but why are they so popular and could they be a good investment for you? Here are 4 reasons to get veneers:
  1. Beautiful aesthetics: the main reason most people choose to have veneers is to enjoy a beautiful smile. Veneers are designed to look like bright, perfectly shaped natural teeth and they are guaranteed to make even the most unsightly set of teeth look stunning. When you’ve got a gorgeous smile, you’ll also be more likely to feel confident showing it off.
  2. Easy process: the process for veneer treatment is very simple and there is minimal discomfort involved. Treatment usually takes place over 2 sessions. The first session is designed to plan treatment and prepare the teeth and the second session is used to fit the veneers. Preparing the teeth involves removing an ultra-thin layer of the tooth surface. The aim is to make room for the new veneers. Your new veneers are created based on impressions of the teeth to ensure a perfect fit. Once they are ready, the veneers are then fixed onto the surface of the teeth to create your new smile.
  3. Solution for cosmetic imperfections: veneers are known for creating celebrity smiles, but they also offer a solution for imperfections, including chipped and uneven teeth, gaps between the teeth and worn and misshapen edges.
  4. Timeless looks: veneers should last for many years, meaning that your smile will look timeless and beautiful for years to come.
If you think veneers could be the treatment for you, call us today. Whether you’ve got unsightly chipped teeth you’re keen to remedy or you simply long for a brighter, more attractive looking smile, veneers could be the answer.

What is the Best Way to Replace a Tooth?

Today, there are some really impressive treatments around to replace missing teeth, so if you have a missing tooth, there’s no need to panic. At Clifton Dental Studio we understand what a difference a healthy smile makes and we are delighted to offer a range of treatment options for patients who have lost teeth through injury, decay, gum disease or trauma. Our treatment choices include dental bridges, dentures and dental implants.


Dental bridges are an easy, affordable and effective solution for lost teeth and they are a great choice for patients who have a single lost tooth or a small number of missing teeth. A traditional fixed dental bridge is made up of a false tooth anchored on either side by a crown. Bridges can be made from ceramics for a natural aesthetic and they should last up to 15 years, provided they are well cared-for. Treatment usually involves 2-3 sessions and takes 2-3 weeks.


Dentures are sets of false teeth designed to look and function like natural teeth. We offer partial and complete dentures made from the finest quality materials to produce durable dentures that look healthy and bright. Dentures are suitable for patients with multiple missing teeth and they are bespoke. Denture treatment is swift and painless and once you have your dentures, we will check the fit regularly to prevent any irritation.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are a long-term option for tooth loss and they offer many benefits including enhanced functionality, natural aesthetics and easy maintenance. The treatment process is more invasive than other treatments and treatment time is much longer. However, once implants are in place, they are very easy to care for and they last for many years. Our expert dentists will be happy to weigh up the options with you and discuss the pros and cons. Every patient is different and what is best for one client may not be ideal for another. When you have a consultation, we can assess your needs and ascertain your treatment preferences and expectations and then provide you with the information you need to help you make a decision.

Dentures vs. Dental Implants

If you have a missing tooth or a number of missing teeth you may be thinking about tooth replacement treatment, but which treatment is best and what’s the difference between dentures and dental implants?


Dentures are prosthetic teeth, which have been used for decades to replace missing natural teeth. Dentures come in two forms: partial dentures, which are used to replace a small number of teeth and full dentures, which are used to replace an entire arch. Dentures are usually made from acrylic and plastic and we use the highest quality materials and the latest techniques to produce perfectly-fitting, natural looking dentures.

Dental implants

Dental implants work as a more modern tooth replacement treatment and they are suitable for patients of all ages. They can be used to replace single or multiple missing teeth. The aim of an implant is to replace the tooth root. Like a natural root, the implant lies in the bone tissue and this allows optimum stability for the new tooth. Once the implant has merged with the bone, it can be connected to a bridge, crown or denture to complete the replacement. Implants are built to last for many years and they are currently the most durable option on the market.

Which one is best for me?

There are many factors to consider when deciding which treatment is best for you. These may include your dental needs, your budget, treatment time and your preferences in terms of aesthetics and maintenance. Implants last a lot longer than dentures, they are easier to look after, they produce more natural looking aesthetics and provide greater stability than dentures, but treatment can take a long time and implants are expensive. Denture treatment is faster and more affordable. When you have a consultation, we can weigh up the pros and cons with you and go through the ins and outs of each option to help you decide.

Transform Your Smile With Tooth Whitening

If you’re searching for a simple, painless and highly effective means of transforming the look of your smile, tooth whitening could be the ideal choice. This is one of our most popular cosmetic treatments and it’s no wonder – the results are incredible! We have tried and tested a number of tooth whitening systems to ensure that we offer the very best treatments. Our treatments include LaserSmile, WY10 and the amazing Enlighten.

About Enlighten

If you’re familiar with lifestyle shows, you will probably have come across Enlighten whitening before. This system is widely regarded as the world’s best whitening treatment and it is capable of producing incredible results. This is the only treatment available in the UK to deliver shade B1, the lightest tooth shade. Enlighten whitening is a dual treatment involving both at-home and in-chair treatment. Treatment takes 15 days and this comprises of 14 days of treatment at home and one power whitening treatment at the clinic. Home whitening is incredibly simple and patients wear a whitening tray, which is custom-made and contains whitening agent, for 6 hours per day at home. After this stage of treatment, we invite you to the clinic for a one-hour whitening session to give your smile that final sparkling boost. We apply bleaching agent to your teeth and this is activated using a light. All you have to do is lie back and relax. You won’t feel any pain and at the end, your smile will look fantastic.

Is tooth whitening safe?

The treatments we offer have been tested extensively and approved for use in the UK. Our dentists have many years of experience in administering whitening treatment and we can assure you that you’re in safe hands. Side-effects are uncommon. However, you may experience very mild, temporary sensitivity. If you’d like to find out more about tooth whitening or you’re eager to brighten up your smile in time for spring/summer, call us now!  

Incredible Invisible Braces

If you thought invisible braces were an impossible dream, think again! With incredible Invisalign treatment, we can straighten your teeth in secret!

What is Invisalign and is it suitable for me?

Invisalign is a modern aligner system, which offers an invisible alternative to traditional fixed braces. Many patients who are advised to have orthodontic treatment are reluctant to take the plunge because they worry about how they will look, how they will feel and what other people will think when they have their braces fitted. With Invisalign, patients have peace of mind that their appearance won’t change and they can feel more confident throughout the treatment process. Invisalign caters for teenage and adult patients and it represents a great option for people who wish to retain a professional appearance, those who rely on their looks for work reasons and people who don’t want the hassle of coming up against comments and jibes as a result of wearing braces. With Invisalign, you can have the treatment you need without anybody else even knowing that you’re wearing braces. This is a versatile treatment option that can benefit people with a range of different orthodontic problems. We will be able to assess whether it is a good match for you when you have your consultation.

How does Invisalign treatment work?

Invisalign has a different approach to treatment than traditional braces and it uses a sequence of bespoke, removable appliances called aligners to move the teeth. The aligners are created based on a personalised treatment plan, which is drawn up using advanced software. Each aligner is different and there is a set order. The aligners are worn in 2 week blocks until treatment is complete. Invisalign aligners are removable, giving you freedom and convenience. However, it is important that they are in place for at least 21 hours per day. They are designed to be taken out for eating, cleaning the teeth and drinking. If you like the sound of Invisalign, call today and book a consultation.

How Can I Get a New Smile in Six Months?

It may sound a little crazy to claim that we can give you a brand new smile in just six months, but with the incredible Six Month Smiles system, we really can make your smile dreams come true! This innovative, rapid fixed brace treatment is the ideal solution for patients who are searching for a quick fix for orthodontic issues.

The ins and outs of Six Month Smiles

Six Month Smiles is a speedy fixed brace system that offers patients who want results fast and an alternative to traditional fixed braces. These braces target issues that involve the front teeth, known as the social 6, and they use gentle forces to achieve impressive results quickly with minimal discomfort. Fixed braces are reliable and effective and now, with Six Month Smiles, patients can also enjoy comfort, discreet aesthetics and speed. With this treatment, you really can have it all!

How does Six Month Smiles work?

Six Month Smile braces use self-ligating wires and sleek brackets to generate gentle but powerful forces to drive the teeth into the correct position. By concentrating on the front teeth only, treatment time is reduced and we can achieve the best aesthetic.

What do Six Month Smiles braces look like?

These braces are not invisible like some of the modern aligner treatments. However, they are very discreet, as they are made up of tooth-coloured wires and clear brackets. These braces are also streamlined and they are less cumbersome than traditional fixed braces.

Is Six Month smiles suitable for everyone?

Six Month smiles braces are geared towards patients who have issues that concern the teeth at the front of the mouth and they are designed to correct minor and moderate cases. If you have more complex needs or you have issues that affect the back teeth or the alignment of the entire arch, there may be other options better suited to your needs and we will be happy to make suggestions and explore the different treatments with you.

All You Need to Know About All-On-4

We offer a range of implant solutions, including the amazing All-on-4 system, a same-day implant treatment that transforms the appearance of the smile in just one session.

What is All-on-4?

All-on-4 is an implant treatment capable of restoring a full arch of teeth in just one day. This system uses a total of four implants to anchor a full arch of new teeth and the results are visible straightaway. Usually, between 6 and 10 implants are used for a new arch and implant treatment can take up to 8 months. The placement of All-on-4 implants also differs to traditional implants, as the back implants are placed at 45 degree angles rather than the traditional 90 degree angle.

What are the benefits of All-on-4?

All-on-4 reduces treatment time significantly and provides instant relief for patients with large number of missing teeth. The placement of the implants is less invasive than traditional implants, as only four implants are required and you’ll start enjoying the many benefits immediately, rather than waiting for months to showcase your amazing new pearly whites. With implants there to secure the new teeth, you can enjoy much greater stability and peace of mind. There’s no risk of the teeth slipping and the risk of irritation and soreness is greatly reduced. The stability of implants also increases the functionality of the teeth, giving you greater bite power and the freedom to enjoy lots of different foods without any worry or trepidation. All-on-4 treatment can also have benefits for your overall appearance, as the new teeth provide support for the cheeks, giving you a more youthful look. If you want to find out if All-on-4 is a good choice for you, call us today and arrange a consultation. Whether you’ve had problems with traditional dentures in the past or you’re intrigued by dental implants, we can help to set you on the road to a beautiful new smile.

Call Today On 0117 973 1910 Email [email protected]

Dr Gerrard is a Bristol based Cosmetic dentist with many years of experience and is one of only a small number of dentists accredited by The British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry

Ada 2014
Smile Awards
Aesthetic Dentistry Winner
ADA2018 Finalist Logo
As seen in the sunday times
Ada 2015
Aesthetic Dentistry Finalist

Contact Clifton Dental Studio Today!

Call Today On 0117 973 1910
Email [email protected]
Clifton Dental Studio, 92 Queens Road,Bristol, Avon,BS8 1RT

Monday to Thursday 9am – 5pm, Friday 8.30am – 3pm

Dr. Neil Gerrard BDS (Bristol), RDT, MSc (Dental Implants),  GDC no 76257. Clifton Dental Studio is a Private Dental Practice. Website last updated: July 2018
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Clifton Dental Studio 92 Queens Road, Bristol