Clifton Dental Studio 92 Queens Road, Bristol

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Clifton Dental Studio, 92 Queens Road, Bristol, Avon,BS8 1RT

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Freshen Up Your Look This Summer With Our Facial Treatments

Facial rejuvenation treatment is a safe, simple and effective way of giving your complexion a healthy, youthful glow this summer. If you’re worrying about wrinkles or want to roll back the clock and look your best for a special summer event, now is the time to call and book a consultation with Dr Neil Gerrard. Dr Gerrard has many years of experience in facial rejuvenation treatment, so you can be sure that you’re in good hands!

About facial rejuvenation treatment

We offer two types of facial rejuvenation treatment, both of which are non-surgical. Botox and dermal fillers can help to reinvigorate the complexion, softening wrinkles and lines and giving your skin a radiant glow. Botox is a purified form of botulinum toxin type A, which is used as an effective, non-invasive remedy for lines and facial folds. This targeted treatment softens lines and reduces the visibility of crow’s feet, laughter lines, nasal lines and wrinkles on the forehead to create younger looking skin. It works by blocking nerve signals to the facial muscles, causing them to relax. Botox treatment only takes around 15-30 minutes and the results are temporary, lasting up to six months. During the procedure, Dr Gerrard uses a very fine tipped needle to inject Botox slowly and carefully into the desired areas of the skin. The results will become visible around 24-72 hours later. Dermal fillers are another effective treatment for lines and wrinkles. However, they can also help to reduce sagging, boost sunken skin and create more definition in the facial features. Fillers add volume to the skin and they can highlight the cheekbones and jaw line to make your features really stand out. We can also inject filler into the lips to add fullness. Like Botox, the procedure for filler treatment is very simple and the results are temporary. Treatment takes just 15-30 minutes and there is minimal pain involved. The results of treatment should last up to nine months. If you’re eager to inject radiance into your skin this summer, call now and make an appointment.

We'll Help You Say Goodbye to Gaps!

If you have unsightly spaces between your teeth or you have gaps in your smile as a result of an accident, injury or gum disease, we have the solutions to help you say goodbye to gaps for good.

Gaps in the smile

Missing teeth can create all kinds of problems, from an increased risk of dental disease and tooth movement to problems with eating and speech. If you have missing teeth, we strongly recommend looking into tooth replacement options. Replacing teeth helps to create a more attractive smile, which will make you feel more confident, and you will find it easier to eat and speak clearly. We have various tooth replacement treatments on offer, including dentures, dental bridges and dental implants. Dental bridges are a popular option for single teeth, while dentures are an excellent choice for full sets of missing teeth. Implants are the most versatile option, as they are compatible with dentures, bridges and crowns. This means that they can be used for single or multiple missing teeth.

Closing spaces between the teeth

If you have gaps between your teeth, there are various options open to you, including orthodontic treatment, veneers and cosmetic bonding. Orthodontic treatment is the only option that physically moves the teeth and reduces the size of the gap. However, if you have a single gap or you only have small gaps and don’t want to have intensive orthodontic treatment, cosmetic bonding may be a viable option. This procedure uses dental composite to reduce the visible size of a gap by building up tooth-coloured material between the teeth. Bonding only takes an hour and is more affordable than braces and veneers. Veneers may be a good option if you have several gaps and you also want to address aesthetic flaws such as worn and stained teeth. If you’re keen to say goodbye to gaps, call us now to discuss your treatment options.  

Sensational Smile Rejuvenation

If your teeth are in need of an overhaul, you’ve come to the right place. Our sensational smile rejuvenation treatment can help to restore, replace and reinvigorate damaged, broken and missing teeth to create healthy looking, functional smiles. Dr Neil Gerrard has extensive experience in smile rejuvenation and he uses a variety of techniques and treatment methods to achieve truly amazing results.

What is smile rejuvenation?

Smile rejuvenation is another name for mouth reconstruction. It aims to revive and rejuvenate the smile to boost confidence and create a much more attractive aesthetic. You may be advised to consider smile rejuvenation if you have a large number of damaged, broken or missing teeth as a result of dental disease, acid erosion, injury or trauma. In order to bring about the desired results, Dr Gerrard uses an array of restorative treatments, including veneers, crowns, dental bridges and dental implants.

How long does treatment take?

Every patient is different and treatment times vary according to which methods are used. Some treatments can be completed within weeks, while some take several months. Dr Gerrard will be able to discuss treatment times with you when you have your consultation. The planning stage is essential for this treatment and Dr Gerrard will talk you through the treatment processes to make sure you understand which treatments would be beneficial and what advantages they offer. During the planning phase, we will carry out tests and do x-rays to ascertain the extent of the damage to the teeth and check the gums and supportive bone structure. This will help us to plan treatment and decide on the best course of action.

Incredible, Fast Results with the Inman Aligner

If time is of the essence and you’re longing for straight teeth in time for summer, the Inman Aligner could be the rapid orthodontic solution you’ve been dreaming of. With an average treatment time of just 16 weeks, this aligner will have you beaming with confidence in record time!

What is the Inman Aligner?

The Inman Aligner is a speedy orthodontic device designed to tackle issues that involve the front teeth. This treatment targets minor issues and it works incredibly quickly to provide clients who only need a small amount of movement with perfectly straight pearly whites. The aligner generates forces using a coiled spring and a metal bar. These forces squeeze the teeth, causing them to move into position. Although treatment is very fast, the forces are gentle and this helps to ensure you don’t feel any pain.

What does the Inman Aligner look like?

Many aligner treatments use completely clear aligners to straighten the teeth and although the Inman Aligner is not invisible, it does work very fast and is much more discreet than conventional fixed braces. All that can be seen when you smile is the fine metal bar, which sits on the front of the teeth.

Is the Inman Aligner for me?

If you have minor issues that require a small degree of correction, such as slightly crooked front teeth or mild crowding, the Inman Aligner may be an ideal solution. This treatment is not suitable for more complex cases because it can only produce a limited amount of movement. However, it can be beneficial for patients who have had treatment already and suffered subsequent relapse. If you would like to find out if the Inman Aligner is suited to your orthodontic needs, call us today and arrange a consultation. Our expert dentists will be able to assess your bite and the alignment of your teeth to determine if this is a good choice for you. They can also talk you through other potential options.

The Advantages of Implant Retained Dentures

Dental implants are one of the most exciting developments in modern dentistry and now denture patients can enjoy the benefits of both denture and implant treatment thanks to amazing implant-retained dentures. Traditionally, dentures are held in place by the gums that assert natural suction power. However, with implant-retained dentures, the denture is secured by dental implants.

What are the advantages of implant-retained dentures?

Implant-retained dentures offer solutions for many of the common complaints raised by denture-wearers, such as slipping, ill-fitting dentures, irritation and a lack of confidence when eating. With dental implants in place to secure the denture, there is absolutely no risk of the denture sliding, so you can have complete peace of mind when you speak, smile or eat and you can enjoy enhanced functionality. Dental implants are inserted into sockets in the jaw bone. They are designed to act as a substitute for the natural tooth root and they provide the same level of stability as a healthy root. Implant-retained dentures also make it possible for patients who cannot tolerate traditional dentures for reasons such as bone loss, lack of bone definition or a sensitive gag reflex, to wear dentures. In cases where traditional implants are not suitable, for example if you have bone loss or your jawbone is slightly weak and lacks density, mini implants may be recommended to support the denture. Mini implants are smaller versions of traditional implants are they are easier to tolerate. They don’t last as long, but the procedure is less invasive and the results are amazing. If you’ve had trouble with dentures in the past or you are looking for an effective, long-term solution for tooth loss and you like the sound of implant-retained dentures, our dentists will be happy to tell you more. Call now and arrange a consultation to find out if this treatment is the perfect match for you.

Stunning Tooth Replacements to Suit Every Patient

At Clifton Dental Studio we understand the unique needs of our clients and we aim to provide a range of treatment choices to suit every patient. We have a fantastic range of tooth replacements available to cater for our clients’ varying needs and preferences and are confident that we can find the perfect solution for you.

Replacing missing teeth

There are countless benefits of replacing missing teeth and we encourage our patients with missing teeth to consider replacement options. Today, there are some really amazing prostheses on offer and with replacement teeth, you can enjoy enhanced aesthetics, better oral health, clear speech and the ability to eat properly.

Our treatments

Our treatment list boasts: Dental implants and All-on-4: dental implants are a long-term option suitable for patents with one or more missing teeth. Implants replace the tooth root and they are secured into the jaw bone tissue. They are then connected to a bridge, denture or crown. As well as traditional implants, we are delighted to offer All-on-4, a same-day implant treatment that uses four implants to anchor a full arch of new teeth. Dentures and implant-retained dentures: dentures are sets of false teeth designed to look like natural teeth. They are secured by the suction power of the gums and the treatment process is quick and simple. Dentures are an affordable option for patients with several missing teeth or a full arch of lost teeth. We also offer implant-retained dentures, which offer the benefits of dentures and dental implants. These dentures enjoy enhanced security for increased bite power, natural aesthetics and peace of mind. Dental bridges: bridges are a very popular option for patients who have a single missing tooth. The traditional fixed bridge, the most common type of bridge, is made from a false tooth with crown on each side for support. Many people choose to have a ceramic bridge that blends in with the natural teeth for a seamless aesthetic. Bridge treatment can be completed within 2-3 weeks and a bridge should last up to 15 years.

Complete and Partial Dentures are a Comfortable Solution

If you’re looking for a comfortable solution for missing teeth, our partial and complete dentures could be just the ticket. We use modern design concepts and high grade materials to create beautiful, bespoke dentures.

About dentures

Dentures are prosthetic teeth designed to look and function like natural teeth. There are different styles available, including partial and complete dentures. Partial dentures replace a small number of teeth, while a complete or full denture replaces an entire arch. Usually, dentures are held securely by the natural suction of the gums. However, it is possible to use denture fixative for added security. We also offer implant-retained dentures, which are supported by dental implants.

How are dentures made?

We make dentures based on impressions of your teeth and images of your face. Our aim is to create a well-fitted, natural looking denture that enables you to feel confident when you smile and facilitates clear speech and the ability to eat a range of foods with ease. Our dentures are made by highly skilled dental technicians. Once they are ready, we will fit them and check that you are happy with your new smile. We will then arrange follow-up appointments to check the fit and the condition of the denture. It is important to achieve a perfect fit with dentures, as ill-fitting dentures can cause sore spots to develop and irritate the gums.

What advantages do dentures offer?

Dentures offer a number of benefits for patients with multiple missing teeth. Dentures enhance the aesthetic of the smile and the overall facial look and they can make you look much younger. They are easy to keep clean and the treatment process is simple and non-invasive. Dentures are also more affordable than other tooth replacement treatments and you can start enjoying the results after just a couple of weeks. To find out more about our outstanding modern dentures, call today and book your consultation.

Stop Snoring for Good with Clifton's Anti-Snoring Treatment

Disrupted sleep can soon cause you to feel tired, lethargic and irritable. If you regularly wake yourself up with snoring or you’re struggling to sleep because you share a bed with a snorer, now is the time to do something about it and start your journey to undisturbed, peaceful nights.

Why do I snore?

Snoring is a very common problem and in most cases it is occasional. Potential causes include sleeping on your back, allergies and illnesses such as colds and coughs. If you snore on a regular basis it may be down to underlying issues that prevent the body from getting enough oxygen while you sleep. The most common risk factors include being overweight, smoking, drinking alcohol and structural problems that affect the passage of air through the nostrils.

How can I stop snoring?

Sometimes, stopping snoring is as simple as giving up alcohol in the evening, taking allergy medication or swapping your sleeping position so that you lie on your side rather than your back. However, in other cases, more drastic changes such as giving up smoking and losing weight may be required. In cases where lifestyle changes are not sufficient, we can help to prevent snoring by providing Somnowell treatment. Somnowell offers a range of treatments, including a mandibular advancement appliance that holds the jaw in the optimum position to encourage air flow. Unlike similar devices, the Somnowell advancement mandibular appliance also helps to reduce the risk of oral health problems including decay and gum disease, as it is resistant to fungi and bacteria. Somnowell also provides treatments for TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorder and sleep apnoea. If snoring is getting to you or your partner is begging you to do something to stop your snoring, call now and make an appointment.  

All About the Cosmetic Bonding Procedure

If you’re looking for a rapid remedy for tooth imperfections, look no further than cosmetic bonding. This single day treatment offers amazing benefits for the look of your smile and your confidence, and the best news is that there’s no discomfort and no need for injections.

What is dental bonding and what does treatment entail?

Cosmetic bonding is a popular cosmetic dental treatment that provides an aesthetic solution for problems such as worn and misshapen teeth, small spaces between the teeth and chipped edges. The procedure uses dental composite, a tooth-coloured material, to modify the appearance of individual teeth. The changes are usually only minor, but the overall impact after treatment is complete is amazing. During the dental bonding procedure, your dentist will use their skill and creativity to shape and craft the composite to achieve the desired result. Your dentist will help you select a shade of composite that matches your natural teeth and then mould it while it is soft at room temperature. Once your dentist is happy with the new aesthetic, they will shine a light onto the teeth for a short period of time. This sets the composite and makes it hard. Cosmetic bonding is not uncomfortable, so you won’t need any anaesthetic beforehand and you can see the amazing results straight after treatment.

Is cosmetic bonding the right choice for me?

If you have minor aesthetic issues such as those mentioned above and you’re searching for a simple solution that delivers instant results, cosmetic bonding may be an excellent choice. To find out more and see if this is the best choice for you, call now and book a consultation.

High Quality Crowns for Perfect Restorations

At Clifton Dental Studio, we recognise the importance of quality and we use only the finest materials to create beautiful, functional restorations. If you have a damaged or decayed tooth, we can create bespoke crowns to restore your smile and prevent further injury to the tooth.

What are dental crowns?

Dental crowns are an effective way of restoring teeth that have been damaged or weakened as a result of an accident, dental health problems or an injury. We sometimes refer to crowns as caps, as they sit on top of the tooth. Crowns are durable and hard-wearing, and we can use ceramics including porcelain to create a beautifully natural aesthetic. We us advanced techniques to hand-craft our crowns, creating layers to increase strength and give the crown a lovely luminescent sheen that mimics natural teeth.

Why would I need a crown?

Crowns are restorative treatments that may be called into action to restore and strengthen a fragile tooth. If your tooth is fractured, you have had a large filling in the past, you have an infected tooth or you have suffered extensive damage as a result of a fall or sports injury, for example, you may be advised to have a new crown. In the case of an infected tooth, the crown may be fitted after root canal treatment. You may also need a new crown if you are having dental implant treatment to replace a missing tooth. In this case, the crown is connected to the implant to replace the visible part of the tooth, while the implant replaces the root section.

How long will my crown last?

Typically, crowns last between 5 and 10 years. It is not possible for crowns to decay. However, the tooth tissue that joins the crown can become damaged and for this reason good oral hygiene is really important.

Call Today On 0117 973 1910 Email [email protected]

Dr Gerrard is a Bristol based Cosmetic dentist with many years of experience and is one of only a small number of dentists accredited by The British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry

Ada 2014
Smile Awards
Aesthetic Dentistry Winner
ADA2018 Finalist Logo
As seen in the sunday times
Ada 2015
Aesthetic Dentistry Finalist

Contact Clifton Dental Studio Today!

Call Today On 0117 973 1910
Email [email protected]
Clifton Dental Studio, 92 Queens Road,Bristol, Avon,BS8 1RT

Monday to Thursday 9am – 5pm, Friday 8.30am – 3pm

Dr. Neil Gerrard BDS (Bristol), RDT, MSc (Dental Implants),  GDC no 76257. Clifton Dental Studio is a Private Dental Practice. Website last updated: July 2018
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Clifton Dental Studio 92 Queens Road, Bristol