Clifton Dental Studio 92 Queens Road, Bristol

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Clifton Dental Studio, 92 Queens Road, Bristol, Avon,BS8 1RT

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Inman Aligner Treatment is Something to Smile About This Autumn!

Braces can be tricky, especially for those wanting straighter teeth during adulthood. Train track braces are effective, but there is no way to hide the fact that you are wearing them. Recently, however, several kinds of invisible braces have burst on to the market and they’re changing the way we think about braces. The Inman Aligner, for example, is quick, effective and super discreet.

How does it work?

The Inman Aligner works using springs that are carefully engineered to put the right amount of pressure on your teeth. They push behind the teeth, while a clear wire holds the teeth in place from the front. This moves them into place quickly and precisely.

What are the advantages?

It’s fast

Because the brace is designed especially for you, the springs are engineered to apply optimum, continuous force to the teeth. Traditional braces need to be tightened every so often, and other kinds of invisible braces need to be replaced every couple of weeks. The Inman Aligner is constantly exerting pressure on the teeth, therefore it works all day, every day. This means that treatment can be completed in a matter of weeks (typically 12-18) rather than years.

It’s discreet

Where possible the Inman Aligner is made of clear materials, so it’s practically invisible. People don’t need to know you’re having your teeth straightened unless you tell them so – which Bristol serving dentists believe make it an excellent choice!

It’s removable

Due to its retainer-like design, the Inman Aligner can be removed whenever you like. It should be removed when you’re eating or cleaning your teeth, but it can also be taken out for special occasions, such as family photographs or an important meeting. It is important to note that spending too much time without the retainer will impair its effectiveness and it should ideally be worn for at least 20 hours per day.

Are there any disadvantages?

During the first few days you may experience some mild discomfort as the braces begin moving your teeth. You may also develop a slight lisp, but this too is temporary. All things considered, the advantages of this treatment greatly outweigh the temporary disadvantages.

Patients are Choosing the Correct Braces with the Help of Clifton Dental Studio

Orthodontic appliances can straighten teeth for improved smiles, but in addition they can also help patients from Bristol when a tooth is missing. They are generally worn for approximately two years, although the time required depends on the severity of the problem. There are mainly three types of orthodontics braces available today. The best type of orthodontics braces for an individual depends on various factors and each brace has their pros and cons.

Metal Braces

These are the traditional or conventional braces. The biggest disadvantage and the main reason why people look for other kinds of braces are because they are very visible and obvious. However, the main benefit of these braces is that they are the most cost effective solution and those who wish to retain the cost to a minimum may have to go with this option.

Ceramic Braces

Ceramic braces are made of materials that look like natural teeth. Due to this colour-match material the brackets become hard to see and are less obvious. Because of this low visibility they are also known as clear braces. Even the colour of the wire that goes through the bracket would be much similar to the colour of the teeth. The major concern with ceramic braces is that the material used is not as strong as the metal braces and could get broken. Along with being weaker than the metal braces, they are also expensive, which can be hurtful to your wallet.

Lingual Braces

The other major type of brace is lingual braces. They are fitted to the back and the inside of the teeth rather than at the front. Due to their positioning they can be barely seen and so are also known as invisible braces.  These are certainly costlier than both ceramic and metal braces, but given the benefit of invisibility, these braces are in high demand.

5 Tips and Tricks for New Denture Wearers

If you’ve recently started wearing dentures, here are five top tips and tricks to ensure a smooth transition and to help you get the most out of your dentures:
  1. Practice reading out loud: it can take a little time to get used to speaking with dentures, so try reading out loud and practising talking during the first few days.
  2. Stick to soft foods at first: at first, it may feel slightly odd when you try and eat with your new dentures, but you will soon get used to them and eating will become second nature. For the first few days, we recommend sticking to soft foods such as yoghurts, scrambled eggs, soup and mashed potato. As you become more comfortable with your denture, you can start introducing slightly harder foods. It’s best to avoid anything sticky, such as chewy sweets, when you have dentures.
  3. Use both sides of your mouth when you eat: avoid eating on one side of your mouth only, as this will create an imbalance. Try to chew using both sides, take small mouthfuls and chew slowly until you have become accustomed to eating with your dentures.
  4. Drink plenty of water: it’s a good idea to drink lots of water when you first get your dentures, particularly at meal times and after eating.
  5. Wear your denture every day: it’s important to wear your denture every day so that you get used to it quicker and to reduce the risk of gum recession and bone loss.
If you have any questions about your new dentures or would like advice, don’t hesitate to call and speak to our dentists or pop in and see us.  

Why Are Crowded Teeth a Problem?

Crowding is a common orthodontic problem that can often be solved very effectively with braces. If you suffer from overcrowding and are looking for a stress-free solution, we may have just the perfect treatment for you.

Why are crowded teeth problematic?

Crowded teeth can make your smile look unattractive but they can also increase your risk of developing dental diseases. This is because it is often very difficult to clean all the surfaces of the teeth when they are pushed up against each other. If you’re not happy with the look of your smile, it can also affect your confidence, especially when you’re around other people. Dental treatment creates more attractive smiles, boosts confidence and enables you to eat and clean your teeth without any trouble at all.

What can be done for crowded teeth?

Orthodontic treatment is the best course of action for crowded teeth and today there are all kinds of amazing treatments available. Crowding is a common problem that usually results from a lack of space in the jaw. Braces help to reposition the teeth, create more space and align the teeth perfectly. The range of options available to you will depend largely on the severity of the crowding. In minor cases, aligners and fixed braces may be viable, while in complex cases, fixed braces are usually the best option. In some cases of crowding, it might be necessary to remove some of the teeth before the braces are fitted, as this creates space for the teeth to move. Your dentist will go through your options and the treatment processes when you have your consultation.  

Rejuvenate Your Smile at Clifton Dental Studio

At Clifton Dental Studio, we offer an ever-expanding collection of treatments designed to banish dental disease, boost confidence and create beautiful smiles. We offer smile rejuvenation and reconstruction for those in need of extensive repair and will have you smiling with confidence again in no time.

What is smile rejuvenation?

Smile rejuvenation, also known as smile reconstruction, is a technique that aims to rebuild and repair damaged teeth and create a more attractive smile. This procedure is generally recommended for those who have sustained extensive damage as a result of an accident or injury, severe decay or infection. We use a series of restorative treatments to achieve a new smile and Dr Neil Gerrard has extensive experience in this area, winning awards for past case studies.

Planning your treatment

Planning is an essential part of the treatment process and we carry out a range of tests, examinations and scans to assess your level of need and ascertain what kinds of treatments would be most beneficial for you. We involve our clients in every step of the process and discuss the options at length. We also invite you to bring in photographs so we can design your new smile in line with your ideas and preferences.

The treatment process

The process differs for every patient because the choice of treatments varies. We make sure that every client has a clear idea of what is happening when and schedule appointments to fit in with the time-frame as well as our patients’ schedules. Any preparatory work is undertaken first and then the new restorations, be it an implant, a bridge or a crown, are placed. The end result is a reinvigorated, beautiful smile and improved oral function. To find out more, simply call our friendly reception team.

What Options Are There For Replacing Missing Teeth?

If you lose a tooth or a number of teeth, there are various options open to you. Losing a tooth can be distressing, but the good news is that modern prostheses are incredibly effective as well as natural looking, so rest assured that we can restore your smile to its former glory. If you have a single, multiple or full arches of missing teeth, we can help. Call today to find out more about our terrific tooth replacements.

What are my options?

There are three main options for replacing missing teeth. These are dental bridges, dentures and dental implants. Dental bridges: bridges are a reliable and effective solution for missing teeth and are commonly used when a single tooth has been lost. Bridges are usually made from ceramics, and can sometimes be fused to metal. A traditional fixed bridge is made from a bar of crowns and literally bridges the gap left by a lost tooth. These bridges take two sessions to make and fit and should last for up to 15 years. Bridge treatment is simple and painless. The first session is used to plan treatment and create the template for the bridge and the second appointment (usually two weeks later) is used to place the bridge. Dentures: dentures are sets of prosthetic teeth used to replace multiple teeth or entire arches of teeth. They are generally made from acrylic and metal and modern dentures are very lifelike. Dentures are custom-fit for the individual and are built to last. We will check your denture every time you have a check-up and can provide repairs and replacements with minimal hassle. Dentures are a good choice for those with a large number of missing teeth and the treatment process is very simple. Dental implants: dental implants offer a long-term option for patients with single or multiple missing teeth. The implant itself replaces the missing tooth root and it is then attached to a crown, bridge or denture, which replaces the crown section. Implants last for many years and they offer the same level of stability and functionality as a natural tooth root. If you would like to discuss your treatment options with our experience dental team, call us today!

We Can Transform Your Gummy Smile With Reshaping

If you have a gummy smile, we are here to help! Using the latest contouring techniques, we can shape your gums to create a more attractive smile and ensure you feel more confident when your smile is in the spotlight.

What is a gummy smile?

A gummy smile is an aesthetic problem that occurs when an excessive amount of gum tissue is visible when you smile. A gummy smile usually makes the teeth look smaller. With a gummy smile there are no painful symptoms, but many people feel self-conscious about the appearance of their smile and this often has a major bearing on the way they feel.

About the gum contouring procedure

Gum contouring is a cosmetic technique designed to provide a solution for a gummy smile. The aim of the procedure is to reshape the gums to make more of the tooth crowns visible and improve the overall look and balance of the smile. We use the latest techniques to gently trim away tiny pieces of the gum tissue to expose more of the tooth crown. This makes the teeth look longer and larger and enhances the overall aesthetic of the smile. We perform gum reshaping in a single session and it is a comfortable and quick procedure. If you’re conscious of your gummy smile and dream of feeling more confident and sporting an attractive, healthy looking smile, why not give us a call and book a consultation? During your consultation, we will explain exactly what treatment entails and how it could benefit you. We can also show you some images of what your smile could look like after treatment to give you an idea of what you can expect if you choose to go ahead.

4 Fantastic Facts About Tooth Whitening

Tooth whitening is one of our most popular cosmetic treatments and a sure-fire way to make your smile shine. If you’re interested in tooth whitening treatment or would like to find out more about our amazing treatments, here are four fantastic facts about whitening:
  1. You can achieve a beautiful white smile from the comfort of your own sofa: with home whitening treatment, you can enjoy incredible results without even leaving the comfort of your own home. Home treatment is incredibly simple and it’s a great option for those with demanding work or childcare commitments or a hectic social calendar. Before you begin treatment, we fit you for your whitening trays and when these are ready, you can take them home and begin your treatment. The custom-fit trays contain whitening agent, which lightens the shade of your teeth on contact with the enamel. After just 14 days of wearing the trays for six hour periods, your smile will look noticeably whiter and brighter.
  2. Tooth whitening is safe: there has been a lot in the news of late about the safety of tooth whitening and we would like to reassure all our clients that the treatments we provide are completely safe. We have carefully selected a range of the best treatments out there and our dentists have vast expertise in this treatment.
  3. Anyone can achieve that A-list glow: in the past, cosmetic treatments were largely restricted to the rich and famous, but whitening treatment is now widely accessible and anyone can achieve that celebrity look. We offer high quality, affordable whitening treatment and have finance options available on many of our cosmetic treatments. If you dream of a perfect white smile like in the movies or magazine articles, we can make your dreams come true!
  4. Tooth whitening will lighten your smile for years to come: the results of tooth whitening treatment will last up to five years and even longer in the case of Enlighten whitening, so you can enjoy a stunning, timeless smile for years to come.
If you like the sound of whitening, call us now and make an appointment!

How to Stop Snoring

If snoring is keeping you awake at night, we can help. Our anti-snoring treatments can help to improve breathing while you sleep, reducing noise and ensuring everyone enjoys a good night’s sleep.

What causes snoring and how can I stop?

The noise of snoring is caused by the soft tissue at the back of the mouth and in the throat vibrating. The most common risk factors for snoring include:
  • being overweight
  • having a large neck circumference
  • smoking
  • sleeping on your back
  • taking certain forms of medication, including sleeping pills
  • drinking alcohol.
Sometimes, people also find that they snore when they have an illness that affects their breathing, such as a cough or cold. If you snore occasionally, there’s probably nothing to worry about and you won’t need to seek advice. But if snoring is a persistent problem, it’s a good idea to see your GP or come and see us. Disturbed nights of sleep can soon make you feel drowsy and lethargic during the day and in the long-term, you may be at risk of stress, anxiety, depression and increased susceptibility to illnesses and infections. There are some very simple steps you can take to stop snoring, including:
  • changing your sleeping position (sleeping on your side is preferable to sleeping on your back)
  • avoiding alcohol during the evenings
  • exercising on a regular basis
  • avoiding sleeping pills
Giving up smoking is also hugely beneficial for snorers. However, we recognise that this is a difficult process and are here to help and support you. We are also able to provide custom-designed bite guards made by Somnowell. Somnowell products are tried and tested and have been developed based on years of research. Mandibular advancement devices have been proven to be very effective for people who snore on a regular basis. These devices are designed to improve breathing and increase air flow by holding the lower jaw in a forward position while you sleep. If you need help for snoring, call now and arrange a consultation!

The Cosmetic Wonders of a Dental Crown

Many people are aware of the restorative benefits of dental crowns, but have you ever wondered how a crown could transform the look of your smile? At Clifton Dental Studio, we pride ourselves on providing the finest quality dental crowns so you can enjoy peace of mind and enhanced dental protection as well as a beautiful, healthy looking smile.

About crowns

Dental crowns are commonly used to patch up and repair broken and fractured teeth. They add strength to the tooth and protect it from further damage and injury. Crowns are sometimes known as caps because they are slotted over the top of the existing tooth structure. Crowns are commonly made from ceramics, are hard-wearing and should last around 10 years.

The aesthetic benefits of crowns

Crowns are predominantly used to restore the teeth, but they can also have amazing aesthetic benefits. Crowns improve the appearance of the tooth, making it look healthier and whiter. Porcelain is a good choice for crowns because it matches the shade of your tooth. If you have a number of broken, damaged or infected teeth, a new set of crowns can completely transform the look of the smile as well as making you feel much more confident.

Why would I need a crown?

You may be advised to have a new crown fitted if you have a dental infection or have damaged a tooth in an accident. Crowns can also be attached to dental implants to replace a lost natural tooth.

Call Today On 0117 973 1910 Email [email protected]

Dr Gerrard is a Bristol based Cosmetic dentist with many years of experience and is one of only a small number of dentists accredited by The British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry

Ada 2014
Smile Awards
Aesthetic Dentistry Winner
ADA2018 Finalist Logo
As seen in the sunday times
Ada 2015
Aesthetic Dentistry Finalist

Contact Clifton Dental Studio Today!

Call Today On 0117 973 1910
Email [email protected]
Clifton Dental Studio, 92 Queens Road,Bristol, Avon,BS8 1RT

Monday to Thursday 9am – 5pm, Friday 8.30am – 3pm

Dr. Neil Gerrard BDS (Bristol), RDT, MSc (Dental Implants),  GDC no 76257. Clifton Dental Studio is a Private Dental Practice. Website last updated: July 2018
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Clifton Dental Studio 92 Queens Road, Bristol