Clifton Dental Studio 92 Queens Road, Bristol

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Posts Tagged ‘dental crown’

Bath gets the royal Porcelain Crown treatment

2904387_blogWe use the latest high quality materials to produce natural looking, durable crowns, which will enhance your smile and strengthen your teeth. Crowns are a type of restoration, which are used to make the teeth stronger following an accident or injury or damage caused by decay. Crowns are also sometimes known as caps because they sit over the top of the tooth. Our porcelain crowns look like healthy natural teeth and it is not possible to distinguish between the crown and the natural tooth. As well as making the tooth stronger and helping to reduce the risk of further damage, crowns can also enhance the look of your smile. If you have extensive decay, a broken tooth or an oral infection, you may benefit from a new crown. Crowns are also commonly used after dental implant treatment, bridge work and root canal therapy. Our crowns are custom-made for each individual by highly trained dental technicians; the crown is made based on an impression of the tooth and this means that it will fit perfectly. Before a crown is placed, the tooth is prepared to remove the decayed tissue; this helps to prevent infection from spreading. Once the crown has been made, it is then placed over the top of the tooth and fixed in position using dental adhesive.

Getting a crown fitted in Weston-super-mare

If you have ever had really bad tooth decay in Weston-super-mare, you will probably know that in order to save your tooth from extraction, you are going to have to have the dead tissue removed from the tooth and then have the roots removed as well- a root canal treatment. But in order to keep your teeth ‘biting’ as they should to protect the way your jaws come together and the overall health of your mouth and stop the problem from spreading further, you are going to have to dip your hand in your pocket for some of restorative treatment to get the tooth back to it’s best- a dental crown is your answer. Now, modern dentistry not only offers you what is ‘hip’ and what is ‘in’ right now, but also offers you the choice of which crown you would like. They come in a few variations- gold crowns are strong and can withstand the forces that are put into the mouth on an everyday basis; so too are porcelain-over-metal crowns- these are the preferable choices if you need to have a crown fitted towards the rear of the mouth and that can cope with all that chewing and indeed, gossiping that you do everyday, If you have suffered a bit of decay at the front of the mouth however, again the choice is yours, but you may get away with a purely porcelain crown, as the stresses at the front of the mouth are not as harsh as at the back and porcelain is one of the most natural substances on the planet that complements the natural hue that your teeth give off.

Chepstow dentist manufactures Cerec crown in minutes while you wait

Dental crowns, inlays and veneers are some of the most useful and versatile dental treatments. Not only do they protect teeth from damage but they also restore the cosmetic appearance of the teeth. In the past, manufacturing these ceramic restorations involved a lengthy process of dental moulds, x-rays and fabrication in a laboratory. The whole process from initial consultation to fitting of the crown could take several appointments and several weeks. However, a new technology called Cerec is revolutionising the way dentists make ceramic restorations and clearly points the way forward in terms of modern dentistry. Cerec relies on the information provided by digital x-rays and three-dimensional imaging. This allows the dentist a full 3D view of the patient’s teeth on which to design the new crown or veneer. When satisfied, they can then select the right shade and consistency of enamel and instruct a computer-guided mill to sculpt the new tooth cap. This whole milling process can take as little as six minutes per tooth and allows the whole procedure to be carried out in just one appointment. Cerec is cutting edge technology and is available now at Chepstow dentists. It has drastically cut waiting and treatment times for all patients, meaning fewer appointments are needed and that you can have the dental work you require carried out as soon as possible. Cerec made crowns, veneers and inlays are also incredibly strong as they are made from a single piece of porcelain as opposed to several layers. This kind of pioneering technology has many possible uses in dentistry and it is expected that soon, all dental restorations will be manufactured in this way.

Prevent tooth decay with treatment from Chepstow dentist

Tooth decay can be a very serious and unpleasant dental condition. It can result in pain, ranging from mild to severe, infection and ultimately tooth loss. Tooth decay does affect some people more than others, but it is true that with a combination of good oral hygiene and regular dental check ups it is possible to avoid tooth decay altogether. Tooth decay begins when plaque and bacteria are allowed to build up on the surface of the teeth. Plaque is a sticky, filmy substance that coats the enamel and releases acids from decaying bacteria. These acids gradually erode the protective enamel layer of the teeth causing small cavities to form. This is the first part of the decay process. Once the enamel has begun to decay, it will eventually be breached. This exposes the softer, bone-like dentin underneath. This is also easily eroded by plaque if it is not removed by effective brushing or the decay not repaired with a filling or dental crown. Tooth enamel will not grow back once it has gone so dental treatment will be required to sure up the tooth. Within the dentin there are many small passageways that lead to the dental nerve. Extremes of hot or cold can aggravate the dental nerve when passed down these passageways. Again these will need to be sealed off or somehow protected with dental treatment. If this decay process is allowed to continue, it will eventually penetrate to the root canal and attack the dental nerve. This will be in the form of a bacterial infection. This may cause a dangerous abscess, which is not only painful but can cause the infection to spread. As well as the abscess, if the infection is allowed to attack the nerve it may destroy it, which could result in the loss of the tooth. Tooth decay can be prevented by better oral hygiene to remove plaque and bacteria. If the process has already begun, treatment from a Chepstow dentist is essential to prevent any further suffering or damage.

Stunning dental crown with Cerec from Chepstow dentist

Technology is changing our world at an incredible rate. New devices are being invented and implemented to make our lives more comfortable and more convenient, at a remarkable pace. The world of dental treatment is experiencing a similar technological revolution that is changing the way dentistry is practised and making lives easier and more comfortable for patients. One of the most notable and impressive new dental technologies is known as Cerec, and in many respects represents the future of modern dental practise. In the past, if a patient needed a dental crown or a veneer to repair a damaged tooth or restore the health of a decayed one, it would take several appointments and several weeks to design and fit. Cerec has made this process possible in a single visit to your Chepstow dentist. Using new dental equipment like digital x-rays and 3D imaging, the dentist can create an incredibly accurate picture of your mouth in only a few minutes. There is no need for time consuming traditional x-rays or dental moulds. Using this digital image the dentist can then begin to design the new crown or restoration on the computer. When satisfied with the appearance, they can then instruct a computer-guided mill to sculpt the new tooth from a single piece of carefully colour-matched porcelain. This manufacturing process can take as little as six minutes per tooth, which is an incredible improvement on the previous laboratory method. Also known as chair-side treatment, Cerec reduces the need for dental appointments, making your life more convenient and shortening waiting times for all other patients. With stunning results possible, it is easy to see why more dentists and even more patients are opting to choose Cerec dental restorations.

Swindon dentist uses versatile dental bonding to repair damaged teeth

Dental bonding is a term used in dentistry to describe the composite resin used as adhesive for dental procedures that is hardened with high intensity heat from a laser. Bonding is a very versatile material that can also be used to repair small damage to teeth such as chips and cracks, as well as covering damage caused by discolouration. In fact, if you’ve had any kind of dental treatment in the past such as a crown, veneer or filling you’ve probably benefited from dental bonding. Composite bonding is the name given to the use of resin to fix small damage to teeth. The procedure involves mixing up the resin to closely match the colour of the existing teeth, before applying it to the damaged area and moulding it to the desired shape. When this moulding is completed, and it may involve the application of several layers of resin, the dentist will solidify it using the heat of a laser. It can then be polished and buffed to resemble the smooth appearance of tooth enamel. Bonding can be used in this way to repair cracks, chips and fill cavities, replacing the old silver amalgam fillings that have caused so much controversy in recent years. Bonding can also be used to make uneven or slightly crooked teeth look more aesthetically pleasing by careful and subtle application. The use of bonding as an adhesive enables dentists to fit dental crowns or veneers to teeth that are significantly damaged. In such cases bonding alone may not be sufficient to repair the damage but its strength and durability make it perfect for securing other dental replacements. Before any bonding is applied it is first necessary to etch the surface of the tooth to allow for greater adhesion. It is difficult to estimate the cost of dental bonding because the amount needed can vary greatly depending on the problem. However, it is important to remember that dental bonding is one of the cheapest and readily available dental treatments. Dentists in Swindon are thoroughly trained in the uses of dental bonding to make long lasting and visually pleasing dental repairs at a minimum of cost.

Protect damaged teeth with dental crowns from Bath dentist

Anyone who has suffered the pain of a severely damaged tooth or root canal procedure can tell you exactly how unpleasant it is. When dental nerves are exposed either due to cracks in the teeth, cavities or dental surgery they can be incredibly sensitive and the source of great discomfort. Dental crowns are artificial tooth caps that aim to rebuild the structure of damaged or exposed teeth to protect them from further damage and restore their cosmetic appearance. Crowns are very versatile and effective and can be made from a number of different materials. Depending on the situation of the tooth in the mouth, crowns can either be made of a mixture of ceramic and metal, or for more visually prominent teeth, just from a porcelain ceramic. It is even possible to manufacture crowns made form pure gold or silver for a slightly more glitzy appearance. When applying dental crowns to damaged teeth, the dentist will need to remove some of the surface enamel to allow the crown to fit over the top. The crown should cover all parts of the tooth that are proud of the gum line for maximum protection. They are fixed to the teeth using a strong composite resin bonding which is tooth coloured for a more attractive cosmetic appearance. New technology has radically reduced the amount of time needed to manufacture and fit crowns. It is now even possible to repair a damaged tooth with a crown in only one visit to the dentist, using computer-aided technology. A crown from a Bath dentist can last up to twenty years if properly cared for, offering protection from pain and further damage with no damage to the appearance of the teeth.

Prevent further damage to teeth with dental crown from Swindon dentist

Restorative dental crowns are caps that fit over the top of damaged, broken or cracked teeth in order to restore their cosmetic appearance and protect them from further damage. They can be made from a variety of different substances including gold and silver but are most commonly fabricated from enamel-like porcelain. Dental crowns have existed for many years but it is only in the last few years that they have improved to reach the incredible standards of realism and effective protection that they offer today. New computer-aided design and manufacture technology has allowed Swindon dentists to be able to fit beautifully engineered crowns in a fraction of the time previously possible. There are many reasons why patients need crowns, ranging from further protective measures following root canal treatments to purely cosmetic reasons improving the appearance of a smile. Whatever the reason, dental crowns are fitted in the same way following preparation involving some removal of enamel. This allows the crown to fit naturally over the top of the existing tooth without looking out of place. However, as crown technology improves and crowns are manufactured to ever-higher degrees of accuracy, the porcelain becomes thinner, meaning less enamel needs to be removed prior to fitting. A dental crown procedure will usually involve several visits to the dentist to complete. It is usually a relatively painless procedure unless the teeth are being repaired due to structural damage. Once fitted, if properly cared for, a dental crown will offer added protection against further injury, restore the cosmetic appearance of the tooth and resist stains for up to fifteen years.

Replace a missing tooth with lifelike dental implant from Gloucester dentist

A dental implant is a metal screw that is anchored into the jawbone to act as a rigid support for an artificial tooth. It is one of the most sturdy and realistic ways to replace a missing tooth and is becoming one of the most popular. If you have had a lost a tooth either due to head trauma or sporting injury, or simply from decay you will know that it is not a very pleasant experience. Not only can it be very painful initially, but it can also have serious repercussions for your future dental health. A missing tooth can be the underlying cause of a number of dental and muscular problems. If a tooth is missing from the dental arc it leaves a hollow which can act as a breeding ground for bacteria. Because the hollow is difficult to clean, plaque forming bacteria builds up there and attacks other teeth and gums in the mouth. Missing teeth also encourage the remaining teeth to shift and lean into the gap. This can cause disruptions in bite which can lead to painful jaw conditions such as bruxism and TMJ. Missing teeth can also be responsible for sagging facial tissue, especially if more than one tooth is missing. There are several options for patients wishing to replace a missing tooth. Partial dentures and dental bridges are two of the options but are often not sturdy enough to provide patients with the necessary degree of comfort and confidence. Dental implants are a more rigid alternative for replacing real teeth. The dental implant itself is a metal screw, usually titanium or other non-harmful metal. It is drilled into the jawbone and allowed to settle for a few weeks. During this time the metal fuses with the bone and tissue in a process called osseointegration. When this is complete the dentist will attach a post and artificial crown to complete the procedure. Due to the added level of security offered by a dental implant they are one of the most popular option for patients looking to replace a missing tooth. Gloucester dentists offer dental implants for patients with missing teeth and also mini-implants to act as a locking device for dentures.

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Dr Gerrard is a Bristol based Cosmetic dentist with many years of experience and is one of only a small number of dentists accredited by The British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry

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Clifton Dental Studio, 92 Queens Road,Bristol, Avon,BS8 1RT

Monday to Thursday 9am – 5pm, Friday 8.30am – 3pm

Dr. Neil Gerrard BDS (Bristol), RDT, MSc (Dental Implants),  GDC no 76257. Clifton Dental Studio is a Private Dental Practice. Website last updated: July 2018
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