Clifton Dental Studio 92 Queens Road, Bristol

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Clifton Dental Studio, 92 Queens Road, Bristol, Avon,BS8 1RT

Call Clifton Dental Studio Today On 0117 973 1910


Spring Clean Your Smile!

The first glimpses of spring will soon appear and suddenly our thoughts will turn to spring/summer wardrobes, booking holidays and organising summer events. But many of us will also be thinking about making changes to our appearance. In the summer months, many people make more effort with their appearance, as they usually have more occasions to attend, such as birthday parties, weddings and summer barbeques and want to feel their best. For an increasing number of people, spring is also a great time of year to think about having treatment to make their smile look better. Research has consistently shown that a nice smile is one of the key features people look for in a future partner and studies have also linked a healthy, attractive smile to a happy personal life and successful career. There are many different things you can do to make your smile look more attractive, from spending a few extra minutes every day cleaning your teeth to spending thousands of pounds on cosmetic dental treatments. For many people, spending money on dental treatments is a sure-fire way to feel and look better. Treatments such as invisible braces, veneers and tooth whitening treatments have become extremely popular in recent years, especially as the Hollywood style smile has become so popular with celebrities. For those on a budget or who are maybe slightly more fearful of cosmetic treatments, a simple scale and polish may do the trick. Cleaning treatments are much more intensive than manual brushing and produce a unique ‘dentist clean’ finish. A professional cleaning treatment will leave your teeth feeling smooth and looking much more radiant in perfect time for spring.

Discreet Modern Orthodontic Braces

Braces have come a long way in recent years. Today patients are able to benefit from the amazing teeth straightening effects of braces without worrying about visible wires and brackets embarrassing them during treatment. One of the most innovative and popular brace treatments is Invisalign, favoured by celebrities and dentists alike.

What are Invisalign braces?

Invisalign braces are made from clear plastic material and fit over your teeth. Your Invisalign treatment will involve several sets of clear aligners, with a new aligner used every two weeks. Every aligner is slightly different in shape, so gently ease your teeth into their new straighter position. Your aligners will be custom made from impressions of your teeth to ensure that you receive the very best treatment and results from your braces.

What are the main benefits of Invisalign braces?

There are a number of positive benefits of Invisalign treatment, including:
  • Completely clear, so treatment is very discreet
  • Braces are removable, so you can eat and drink normally, as well as being able to clean your teeth properly.
  • Highly effective, yet gentle for easier treatment.
What can Invisalign braces treat? Invisalign can treat a whole range of orthodontic problems, including:
  • Overbites
  • Gaps between teeth
  • Crooked teeth
  • Twisted teeth
  • Misaligned teeth
Straight teeth are not only attractive, they also have added health benefits. This is because plaque and dental bacteria are less likely to become trapped between straight teeth. Crooked teeth, however, have crooks and crevices, which are a perfect place for debris and bacteria to hide. This can lead to decay and gum disease, so straighter teeth can actually help maintain the health of your teeth as well as looking attractive.

Brilliant Braces in Bristol!

We offer an impressive array of orthodontic treatments to straighten the teeth and create beautiful smiles and we are confident that we can find a brilliant treatment for every patient.

The wonders of braces

Braces are a really effective treatment for problems including crowding, gaps between the teeth, crooked and twisted teeth, issues with the bite and protruding front teeth. Braces have been around for many years, but today, patients have access to innovative new takes on traditional braces and there has never been a more exciting time in the world of Orthodontics. Today’s patients have a choice of all kinds of systems and appliances and treatments are faster, more convenient and more comfortable than ever before. Here are two of the amazing treatments we offer at Clifton Dental Studio: Invisalign: Invisalign is a clear aligner treatment that uses virtually undetectable plastic aligners to move the teeth. With Invisalign, you can enjoy the freedom of a removable brace combined with amazingly discreet aesthetics. Treatment is suitable for most patients and the average treatment time is around 12 months. The Inman Aligner: the Inman Aligner is a rapid treatment aimed at patients who have minor issues with the front teeth. Treatment takes just 16 weeks and the aligner is removable, comfortable and a lot more discreet than most fixed braces.

Makeover Your Smile in Bristol

Smile makeovers provide aesthetic improvement

One of the first things you notice about someone you’ve just met is their face and all the components of it. We study people’s faces as a whole and as we carry out a conversation with them, we focus on various aspects, although we usually pay more attention to a person’s eyes and mouth. This is a fact that causes some people great concern. From billboard advertisements to celebrity endorsements, we are bombarded with thinking about our teeth and mouths in an aesthetic manner. The psychology associated with the alignment and shape of one’s mouth and teeth is one that greatly affects our level of outgoingness and confidence. In fact, it is has been suggested through scientific research that orthodontic treatment can boost social lives and careers in adults. Additionally, how straight one’s teeth are has an influence on another person’s perception of them in terms of how intelligent and trustworthy they seem. Fundamental issues associated with mouth and teeth alignment are addressed in dentistry and orthodontics in multiple forms. As a general term, this is often referred to as a smile makeover. A smile makeover is one or more cosmetic, dental or facial rejuvenation procedures carried out with an end result of enhancing and improving the aesthetics of one’s smile. Smile makeovers encompass a variety of techniques, surgeries and treatments including the fitting of porcelain veneers, Invisalign braces, the replacement of missing teeth, surgical gum contouring and even Botox. The number of procedures you go through depends on what your goal for your smile is.

Looking for a Bristol dentist? Clifton Dental Studio are here to help.

Smile makeovers provide you the opportunity to reclaim your appearance and, to use a cliché, put your best face forward.

Rejuvenate Your Face with Our Excellent Anti-Aging Treatments

Pablo Picasso once quipped that “It takes a long time to become young.” Despite all his artistic prowess, it seems that Picasso hadn’t counted on Botox.

What is Botox then?

Botox is a diluted toxin which, when used in appropriate doses, is very safe. Botox essentially makes your facial muscles relax, helping to eliminate wrinkles and make your face look smoother. Botox can also be used to help with other medical conditions, including muscular spasms, motor neuron disease and teeth grinding. Most people tend to associate Botox with its aesthetic usage. Botox is one way of altering your appearance without requiring surgery!

How can it do this?

Facial lines form as a result of underlying muscular action. Botox effectively blocks the impulses from nerves to muscles in the area it is injected in to, thus reducing the appearance of facial lines in these areas.

Standard procedure

Botox, in terms of cosmetic treatment, is speedier than superman running a lap around the Earth. In other words: Botox application normally takes 10 minutes!  Enhancements should become recognisable after roughly two to three days and should continue to emerge for roughly a month.

Will it hurt?

A fine needle is used to minimise discomfort. Many say it is less painful than waxing or a facial! You may experience some itching or swelling immediately after the injection, but this should subside relatively quickly.

Post-treatment advice

After treatment, lie down and rest for a few hours. Also, avoid rubbing the injected area for three days as this could potentially shift Botox into undesired locations. Avoid alcohol and painkillers for a while too.

Call us!

If you’re interested in trying Botox, please call us at Clifton Dental Studio in the very heart of Bristol!

Be Proud of Your Smile with Porcelain Veneers

Bristol dentists improve smiles with stunning porcelain veneers

Who wouldn’t want the chance to remedy their uneven, damaged or stained teeth?  Anyone who has experienced these issues knows that they can severely hamper your confidence and lead to feelings of embarrassment about your smile.  One option to consider is having porcelain veneers fitted. Thanks to incredible advances in technology porcelain veneers are increasingly available using procedures that are extremely quick and efficient. Using CEREC techniques, for example, allows stunning porcelain veneers, tailored to your mouth, can be constructed in just over five minutes. 3D digital x-rays are sent to online milling machines and you won’t have to wait. The porcelain used to make modern veneers is extremely durable and therefore the veneers themselves can be incredible thin. Porcelain veneers are highly adaptable and your dentist will be able to match them to your surrounding teeth, right down to colour, shade, texture and even translucence.  They are fitted using an etching agent and then a dental bond and the results are durable and long lasting.  You can treat teeth fitted with porcelain veneers just like regular teeth.

Looking for a cosmetic dentist? Clifton Dental Studio dentists are here to help

If you are ashamed about one or more of your teeth, take the first step towards having the perfect smile you deserve by talking to your Bristol dentist today about the incredible results achieved with porcelain veneers.

Give Your Smile a Royal Makeover with Dental Crowns

If you thought crowns were only worn by the royal family, think again! With our beautiful porcelain crowns, you too can feel like a VIP.

About dental crowns

Dental crowns are very useful restorations that can help to build up weak, decayed and injured teeth. In many cases, a crown helps to restore function to a tooth that would otherwise crumble away and eventually have to be extracted. Crowns are recommended when the tooth is weak as a result of sporting injuries, accidents or falls that cause fractures, dental infections, decay and large cavities. We can also use crowns in tandem with dental implants to replace lost teeth. We recommend porcelain crowns because they produce amazing aesthetics and are strong and hard-wearing. With a porcelain crown, it’s hard to spot the difference between the crown and the natural tooth, so you can smile with confidence!

What happens when a crown is placed?

Crowns sit over the top of the teeth and they are placed once the tooth has been buffed, shaped and thoroughly cleaned. The decayed or injured tissue is removed before the tooth is cleaned and your dentist will then create a mould of the tooth. This mould will be used to form the bespoke crown, which is usually fitted around two weeks later. Once the crown has been positioned over the tooth and your dentist has checked that it fits perfectly, it will be secured firmly using dental adhesive. Crowns are built to last and withstand the pressures of daily wear and tear and they should last for around 10 years. Every time you have a dental check-up, your dentist will have a look at the crown and check its condition. You don’t need to do anything special to care for a crown – simply carry on your daily oral hygiene routine as normal and take care when you’re playing sports or eating very hard foods.

Painful Wisdom Teeth and What Can Be Done About Them

At Clifton Dental Studio in the heart of Bristol we understand that wisdom teeth can be very painful. We carry out many extraction procedures and offer expert care for those suffering with painful wisdom teeth.

About the wisdom teeth

The wisdom teeth, also known as the third molars, are the last teeth to erupt. They are found in the corners of the mouth and are often painful because there is sometimes not enough space remaining in the jaw. If this is the case, the teeth will not be able to grow properly and they may start to grow at an angle, or against the neighbouring toot. This is known as an impacted tooth.

When is it advisable to remove a wisdom tooth?

It is advisable to remove a wisdom tooth if it is causing pain and discomfort, it has become impacted or it is decayed. The wisdom teeth are not essential for oral health and it is usually best to extract them if they are causing problems. In many cases, they develop without any issues, but they can be troublesome when there is a lack of space.

Wisdom tooth extraction

The extraction procedure for wisdom teeth is essentially the same as a normal tooth. However, often, there are complications due to the position and angle of the tooth. Our oral surgeons have expertise in dealing with complex cases and they use the latest techniques to reduce pain and achieve the best possible outcome. After wisdom tooth extraction, it is common to experience pain and swelling. We advise taking painkillers and avoiding hard foods for a period of time, while the gums heal and swelling dies down. Extraction is a daunting prospect for many and we offer sedation for nervous and phobic patients. Sedation helps patients to feel more relaxed during treatment and it is particularly beneficial for those who have a fear of pain and patients who have had a negative experience in the dental chair in the past.

Tongue Cleansing for Patients in Bristol

Most people are aware of the importance of cleaning their teeth, but have you ever spent time cleaning your tongue? Your tongue harbours thousands of bacteria and cleaning it on a regular basis helps to reduce the risk of decay and gum disease, as well as ensuring that your breath is fresh and clean.

Why is it important to clean the tongue?

Bacteria tend to gather around the tongue (especially at the back) and brushing your teeth alone is not sufficient to get rid of the bacteria and plaque in your mouth. Rinsing with mouthwash can be beneficial but you should also spend a couple of minutes cleaning your tongue. We recommend using a flexible plastic device used to scrape bacteria off the tongue. Around 80 percent of cases of bad breath are linked to bacteria on the tongue and these bacteria can spread to other parts of the mouth, increasing the risk of decay and gum disease. Using a tongue cleaner removes bacteria from the tongue, eliminating bad breath, a problem that can be embarrassing, and helps you to enjoy good oral health.

Smoking and Your Tongue

Some smokers find that they develop a thick film over their tongue as a result of smoking. Using a tongue cleaner can remove this film, improving the odour of the breath and helping to reduce the amount of harmful bacteria in the mouth.

Advice about oral hygiene

If you need any advice about oral hygiene we are always on hand to give tips about brushing, flossing and rinsing, provide information about healthy eating and help with giving up smoking. We can also recommend oral hygiene products at Clifton Dental Studio in Bristol.

Routine Visits to the Dentist Will Help Keep Your Oral Health in Check

We all know that our teeth are one of the most important parts of our bodies. Why not, when they are the key element to a dazzling smile, and who doesn’t want one of those? But, in order to make sure that your smile is perfect you should have a regular check-up, because even though your smile may look good to you there may be serious underlying problems. These can have a prominent effect on the teeth and ruin your smile later on.

The routine dental visit

When you have finished eating, plaque starts to build up on the teeth within 15 minutes. If this is not removed thoroughly and effectively then it can lead to tooth decay, which will flourish if not treated correctly. Tooth decay is the most common of all disorders and, believe it or not, is second only to the common cold. It is caused due to the acid of the plaque left on the teeth liquefying the enamel and this then leads to cavities (holes) in the teeth, which result in tooth decay. These cavities can be painless and remain undetected at first but can result in the nerve and blood vessels in the tooth being destroyed. Ultimately, it can result in the loss of your tooth and a great deal of pain.


If you go for regular dental check-ups then this can be avoided, because cavities can be detected in their early stages during a routine check-up, as they may show up on x-rays before they are even detectable to the naked eye. There are other issues as well, such as periodontitis and gingivitis, which can occur by not treating your teeth properly. You may not even be aware of them until it is too late. So make sure you make regular visits to your dentist to keep your teeth in check, because you don’t want to lose that wonderful smile now do you?

Call Today On 0117 973 1910 Email [email protected]

Dr Gerrard is a Bristol based Cosmetic dentist with many years of experience and is one of only a small number of dentists accredited by The British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry

Ada 2014
Smile Awards
Aesthetic Dentistry Winner
ADA2018 Finalist Logo
As seen in the sunday times
Ada 2015
Aesthetic Dentistry Finalist

Contact Clifton Dental Studio Today!

Call Today On 0117 973 1910
Email [email protected]
Clifton Dental Studio, 92 Queens Road,Bristol, Avon,BS8 1RT

Monday to Thursday 9am – 5pm, Friday 8.30am – 3pm

Dr. Neil Gerrard BDS (Bristol), RDT, MSc (Dental Implants),  GDC no 76257. Clifton Dental Studio is a Private Dental Practice. Website last updated: July 2018
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Clifton Dental Studio 92 Queens Road, Bristol