Clifton Dental Studio 92 Queens Road, Bristol

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Clifton Dental Studio, 92 Queens Road, Bristol, Avon,BS8 1RT

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Brush Your Tongue for Better Smelling Breath and Better Overall Health

A general oral hygiene routine is said to involve brushing, flossing and using mouthwash, however, to really ensure that your mouth is completely clean you may want to incorporate tongue cleansing into your regime.

Why clean my tongue?

The majority of bacteria in your mouth is found towards the back of the tongue, which means that even when you have brushed and flossed every inch of your teeth bacteria can soon return, making its way from your tongue.

How does a tongue scraper work?

A tongue scraper is a simple device, made up hard plastic, which you run across the surface of the tongue. The scraper then pulls away the debris and harmful dental film that rests across the tongue. Doing this every morning and especially in the evening will help prevent bacteria from the tongue from tainting the rest of your mouth. You can also use special brushes or just a general toothbrush (kept separately from the toothbrush you use on your teeth) to brush away the harmful bacterial film. Tongue scraping is also a great idea if you wish to keep you breath smelling fresh, as the bacteria on your tongue is the main cause of bad breath.

What else should I do to keep my mouth fresh and clean?

Another underrated dental hygiene habit is flossing. Flossing removes the debris and plaque that has settled between the teeth, which brushing alone is unable to reach. If this debris is left to settle it can lead to numerous oral health problems, including tooth decay and gum disease, which can lead to tooth loss. If is therefore important to do more than just brush your teeth, in order to keep a fresh and healthy mouth.

Say Goodbye to Chipped Teeth

We know that even the tiniest chip can have a dramatic impact on the look of your smile and we have amazing treatments at the ready to restore your smile to its full glory. With cosmetic bonding, we are able to repair chipped teeth and create stunning smiles in just one hour!

What is cosmetic bonding?

Cosmetic bonding is also known as composite bonding, and it is an effective procedure that involves using dental composite to fix damaged teeth and improve the overall aesthetic of the smile. Composite is a tooth-coloured putty-like material, which can be set using a powerful light source. It is also used for white fillings. Bonding is most commonly used to rebuild chipped teeth, but it can also be an effective solution for patients with worn teeth and spaces between their teeth.

The procedure

The best thing about this treatment is that it guarantees amazing results without any pain. The procedure is quick and simple and the results are visible straight away. Your Clifton dentist will use their creative flair and expertise to mould the composite to repair your chipped tooth. The shade of the composite will be closely matched to your natural tooth so that you won’t be able to spot the difference between the composite and the tooth. Once your dentist has shaped and bonded the composite onto the tooth, it will be set. This involves shining a curing light onto the tooth. This process is quick and painless, and all you need to do is pop on a pair of goggles to protect your eyes from the light. Once the composite is hard and any final adjustments have been made, you can take a look at your new smile! Often, even the simplest and most minor changes to the individual teeth can make an amazing difference to the overall look of the smile and you can get ready to smile with confidence again.

Fix Your Damaged Roots with Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment is something many people have heard of, however they don’t quite know what it is or what causes a person to need such treatment. Well firstly, let’s just say it isn’t as scary as many think it is, but the cause of the root canal treatment can be quite painful if not treated.

Let’s talk roots

Roots hold your teeth in place and contain canals, which in turn contain a pulp chamber that stocks the living tissues. As this pulp contains the nerves, cells, blood vessels and fibres if they become injured, contaminated or damaged, your tooth can in turn start to die. Once this has happened it leaves your tooth vulnerable to infection, which can cause a lot of pain. So if this does happen then you will most likely need a root canal treatment, a procedure that involves removing the degenerated tissue within the root canal, and then sealing it to prevent further infection. The root canal treatment can often be useful to save decayed teeth.

What does the procedure involve?

The procedure involved in a root canal is pretty straightforward. Before the actual process your dentist will take X-rays to help determine the number of roots and identify the infection symptoms. You may then have a rubber dam placed; this is to make the process more relaxing for you and can also reduce the risks of re-infection in the root canals afterwards. After drilling into the tooth to access the canals, narrow filing instruments will be used to carry out the procedure by removing any decayed pulp. Any debris left over will then be removed with irrigation fluid before the root canals are sealed. Crowns or inlays may be placed after for a variety of reasons. Teeth that have undergone this treatment may appear darker but can be bleached. Contact the team at Clifton Dental Studio in Bristol for more information.

Preventing Gum Disease

Gum disease can be very damaging, but it is preventable. At Clifton Dental Studio, we actively promote preventative dental care and provide effective gum disease treatment and management. We always believe that prevention is better than cure and there are some very simple ways you can reduce your risk of developing gum disease:

Brushing and flossing

Brushing is essential to remove bacteria and bits of food from your mouth. If bacteria are left to linger, they combine with saliva and food debris to form plaque, which is a major risk factor for gum disease and cavities. Brushing sweeps away bacteria and plaque and polishes the teeth to make them glow. Flossing is an important part of your daily oral hygiene routine because it targets the tiny cracks between your teeth and cleans the gum line. Ideally, you should brush your teeth every morning and evening for at least two minutes each time. We recommend using fluoride toothpaste. Daily flossing is also hugely beneficial.

Seeing your dentist

Regular check-ups enable us to spot any early warning signs of gum disease and this means that treatment can be administered as early as possible. The mild form of gum disease, gingivitis, is easy to treat with good oral hygiene, but periodontal disease is much harder to manage. We recommend routine check-ups every six months.

Watch your diet

Your diet has a significant influence on your oral health. Foods that contain a lot of sugar increases the risk of dental diseases because bacteria in your mouth feed on the sugars and subsequently release acids, which attack the enamel and irritate the gums. Try to avoid eating excessive amounts of sugary foods and try to stick to three meals a day, rather than grazing during the day. Always wait around one hour after eating to clean your teeth to prevent damage to the enamel.

Spot the signs

Spotting the warning signs of gum disease helps to prevent the situation from getting worse. The most common signs to look out for include swollen, sore and bleeding gums. If you notice these symptoms, see your dentist as soon as you can.

The Importance of Rinsing After Brushing Your Teeth

Most people rinse their mouth out with water or mouthwash, or both, after they’ve finished brushing their teeth and spat out the toothpaste. But should you? There are now a large number of people, including a lot of dentists, who believe rinsing the mouth after brushing shouldn’t be done and needs to be expelled as a natural routine of dental hygiene.

To rinse or not to rinse

It’s something that is simply accepted by many people, that you rinse after brushing. But when you sit down and think about it, it makes sense not to. Spitting out the toothpaste once you’re done brushing and leaving the residue on the teeth not only keeps your mouth fresh but means the fluoride in your toothpaste continues to work after you’ve finished brushing and this is exactly what many dentists are now saying. Many companies that make and sell toothpaste are also preaching the same message. Colgate has stated that leaving fluoride on the teeth can allow the toothpaste to continue to work up until your next meal.

Are there other views?

If you were to follow up reading this article with a look into other people’s views on the internet you would discover an ongoing debate between those who believe in rinsing and those who don’t. Despite many dentists advising to not rinse, a large number of people still stick by the idea of rinsing. This can be true for some toothpaste with very high fluoride concentrations, such as whiteners and smokers’ toothpaste, or toothpastes with other added chemicals which could damage teeth if there is prolonged contact. It should be stressed however that these toothpastes are not common orthodox toothpastes and are usually prescribed or specialised types.

The Benefits of a Professional Scale and Polish

Many people may assume that visiting a hygienist is only necessary when you have gum disease, but this is not the case. A visit to the hygienist can be hugely beneficial for all patients, even those with excellent oral health. Now, you can book appointments with a dental hygienist directly so there’s no need to go through a dentist first.

Why should I consider seeing a dental hygienist?

Dental hygienists have advanced training in providing dental hygiene services, including scale and polish, fresh breath clinics and preventative dental treatments and seeing a hygienist on a regular basis can help to cut your risk of developing decay and gum disease. Hygiene sessions can also give your teeth a healthy radiance and boost whiteness by removing surface stains.

What is a scale and polish?

Scaling is a process used to remove plaque and tartar from the teeth and the gum line. Your dental hygienist will use specially designed instruments to remove the plaque and tartar from the teeth and then polish them, giving them a lovely brightness and a smooth finish. Cleaning treatments provided by dental hygienists are much more powerful and effective than brushing at home and you will really notice the difference after your session. Surface stains will be banished, leaving your smile looking much brighter and more attractive and your teeth will feel lovely and smooth; your chances of developing oral diseases will also be significantly lower.

Is a scale and polish painful?

The procedure is not painful, although it may feel a little odd at first when your hygienist starts to remove the plaque from the teeth. There is no recovery time required and you won’t feel any pain when you get home. If you’re interested in hygiene treatments or you would like to book an appointment with one of our excellent dental hygienists, call the clinic today!

Modern Braces for All Patients

Braces have come a long way from the wire and elastic variety that haunted 80’s teenage movies in America. Here are just a few of the more modern brace systems available at Clifton Dental Studio in the city of Bristol.

Invisalign Braces

Invisalign braces are practically unnoticeable, meaning you can achieve a naturally straight smile incognito. They consist of a series of removable aligners made from clear plastic. Aside from no one knowing you’re having orthodontic treatment, Invisalign braces are more comfortable than their fixed wire and elastic counterparts, which can inflame and irritate one’s gums. They are also more convenient, as you can take them out before eating and bypass the common issue of getting food trapped between your braces. The ability to take Invisalign out also aids with maintaining good oral hygiene, something important that can become complicated with fixed braces.

Inman Aligner

Orthodontic treatment doesn’t end once your brace is off. It is recommended you wear a retainer for up to a year after finishing brace treatment and, predictably, relapses during this period are quite common. The Inman Aligner is a fast working device optimised to correct teeth, particularly the front teeth, following a relapse. Utilising a unique coil and bow system, the Inman Aligner can have your teeth straight after six to eighteen weeks (which is a doddle compared to the three years that standard orthodontic treatment can take).

All About At-Home Whitening

All of us at some stage in our lifespan experience teeth stains or discolouration. Some of us may be more prone to dental discolouration due to our genetics or smoking habits that yellow the teeth. Our diets can affect the colour of our teeth. Those who love to drink red wine, tea or coffee regularly may find that their teeth yellow too or become dull, losing that fresh white toothy lustre.

The impression our teeth make

When we smile, the first thing we reveal are our teeth and gums. The state of our teeth can impact the way in which we are perceived by others. To help you look and feel your best we provide a convenient solution at Clifton Dental Studio in Bristol to safely whiten your teeth in the comfort of your own home.

Safe and convenient home teeth-whitening

Our dentist assesses your teeth whitening needs and makes appropriate recommendations for treatment. We can power whiten your teeth in our studio for immediate teeth whitening results and provide you with maintenance home teeth whitening treatments or we can give you a full home teeth-whitening solution. Our teeth whitening dentist custom-prepares whitening trays for you that contain a low intensity oxidising agent to gently whiten your teeth shade. The tray fits over the teeth similar to a mouth shield and should be used approximately six hours a day for best results. Home teeth whitening effects does vary from person-to-person. All our whitening products are compliant with EU regulations. Home and power teeth whitening may not be suitable for all, such as those with genetic tooth discolouration or those with overly sensitive teeth. Dental veneers may then be the ideal alternative to mask dental discolouration for healthy, white-looking teeth and a beautiful smile.

Rejuvenate Your Skin in Time for Spring

As well as giving you a beautiful, gleaming smile with our cosmetic, restorative and general dental treatments, we also provide treatments to rejuvenate and revive your skin. Our facial treatments are non-surgical and sessions are usually complete within 30 minutes. If your skin is looking dull and tired, you’re sick of zoning in on wrinkles when you look in the mirror or you want to roll back the years without the risks of surgery, we can help!

Our treatments

Our treatments include Botox and dermal fillers.


Botox is a purified toxin injected into the skin to smooth lines and wrinkles. This treatment is particularly popular for treating issues such as crow’s feet and lines on the forehead. Botox works by limiting muscle contraction in the facial muscles. Treatment is non-invasive, sessions usually last between 10 and 30 minutes and the results last between 3 and 6 months. If you are new to facial treatments, Botox is a good option because the results are only temporary, so you can have treatment without committing to a permanent look or undertaking the risks of surgery.

Dermal fillers

Dermal fillers are another popular treatment for reducing the visibility of facial lines and they also provide a solution for dull and sunken skin. Fillers add volume and plumpness to the skin to help combat the effects of ageing and decreasing quantities of collagen. Fillers can also add more volume to the lips and treatment can really make a difference to the definition of the facial features. Like Botox, dermal fillers produce temporary results and patients have the choice to top-up their treatment after around 6-9 months.

The procedure

The beauty of fillers and Botox is the simplicity and speed of the treatment process. The procedure takes less than half an hour, there is very little pain involved and you don’t need to worry about taking time off after treatment. A fine needle is used to inject Botox or filler into the skin. Before treatment, we will discuss the areas you want to treat and explain how the treatment works and what you can expect after treatment.

Dentures vs. Dental Implants

If you have missing teeth, there are various options available to you, the best including dental implants and dentures. But which one is best and what are the pros and cons of each treatment?

Dental implants

Dental implants are a relatively new concept in the world of tooth replacement and they have a very big impact in a small space of time. A long term solution for missing teeth, dental implants offer a versatile option for patients with any number of missing teeth. Implants are made from titanium and are used to replace the root of the missing tooth. They are placed inside openings in the jaw bone and attached to crowns, dentures or dental bridges. When you have an implant and the restoration has been attached, the tooth looks completely natural and it will function in exactly the same way.


Dentures are a very popular solution for patients with a large number of missing teeth. These custom-made sets of false teeth are designed to restore the aesthetic of the smile and enable you to eat and speak with ease. Modern dentures are very convincing and they also offer a much higher level of comfort and functionality than dentures of old.  We offer partial and complete dentures at Clifton Dental Studio.

Which treatment is best for me?

Dental implants provide a long-term solution, amazing aesthetics and the best level of functionality and they are easy to look after. However, they are expensive and treatment does take a while, as the implants have to integrate into the bone tissue. Dentures are a more affordable option, but they don’t last as long, they require maintenance and they don’t offer the same aesthetic standards as implants, although they do look very natural. Your dentist can help you to make a decision and will go through the pros and cons of each option with you.

Call Today On 0117 973 1910 Email [email protected]

Dr Gerrard is a Bristol based Cosmetic dentist with many years of experience and is one of only a small number of dentists accredited by The British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry

Ada 2014
Smile Awards
Aesthetic Dentistry Winner
ADA2018 Finalist Logo
As seen in the sunday times
Ada 2015
Aesthetic Dentistry Finalist

Contact Clifton Dental Studio Today!

Call Today On 0117 973 1910
Email [email protected]
Clifton Dental Studio, 92 Queens Road,Bristol, Avon,BS8 1RT

Monday to Thursday 9am – 5pm, Friday 8.30am – 3pm

Dr. Neil Gerrard BDS (Bristol), RDT, MSc (Dental Implants),  GDC no 76257. Clifton Dental Studio is a Private Dental Practice. Website last updated: July 2018
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Clifton Dental Studio 92 Queens Road, Bristol