Clifton Dental Studio 92 Queens Road, Bristol

Call Today On 0117 973 1910
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Clifton Dental Studio, 92 Queens Road, Bristol, Avon,BS8 1RT

Call Clifton Dental Studio Today On 0117 973 1910

Completely Rejuvenate Your Smile with Our Cosmetic Treatments

If your teeth are broken, crumbling, stained or chipped or you have been fighting advanced gum disease and long for a more attractive smile and better oral health, we can use the latest dental techniques and innovations to create amazing results and rejuvenate your smile completely. The aim of smile rejuvenation is to restore and repair the teeth and enhance the beauty of your smile to create stunning aesthetics and ensure that you feel much more confident when your smile is on show.

About smile rejuvenation

We use a wide range of restorative techniques to rejuvenate the smile and address aesthetic flaws. Each individual case is different and the sequence of treatments we use may vary. During the consultation stage, we assess your level of need, identify specific issues to address and draw up effective solutions. We discuss treatment options with you, go through some ideas and talk to you about the expected results, your treatment aims and other factors such as cost, how treatment will affect you, what the processes entail and how long treatment will take. We are always here to answer any questions and put worries to bed, so don’t hesitate to contact us. The treatment options we may use for complete smile rejuvenation include:
  • crowns
  • porcelain veneers
  • dental bridges
  • dental implants

The treatment process

Once the planning stage is complete, we can set about creating your brand new smile. The preparation phases differ for each treatment and we plan your treatment pathway in meticulous detail. We will inform you when each stage is due to happen and let you know exactly what to expect. In the case of dental implant treatment, it may be necessary to carry out bone grafting and that will be discussed with you if this is the case. Grafting may be needed if you lack density and strength in the jaw bone. Once preparation is complete, we can set about fitting the new restorations and you will eventually be able to catch a glimpse of your amazing new smile in the mirror and then enjoy showing it off to your family and friends.

Everything You Need to Know About Cosmetic Contouring

Often, even the most minor imperfections can make you feel a little self-conscious about the look of your smile, but with services such as cosmetic contouring we can make flaws disappear and produce a perfect smiles that will make you feel much more confident.

What is cosmetic contouring?

Cosmetic contouring is a relatively simple cosmetic dental procedure that can achieve dazzling results in less than an hour. With this technique, we are able to make minor repairs to the teeth and change the aesthetic of individual teeth to produce dramatic results. Often, the changes seem very minor and you may not even feel us working away on your teeth, but the impact is incredible. This treatment may be recommended for those with chipped or broken teeth, worn or jagged edges or pointy teeth. It can also be used to create more definition if you have flat edged teeth or to alter the shape of the tooth slightly to make the smile look more balanced. We can also use this technique to create a younger looking aesthetic in line with other smile rejuvenation techniques. Cosmetic contouring can usually be completed in just one appointment and in most cases, no anaesthetic is required. If you have chipped, worn or misshapen teeth or your teeth are in need of a little TLC, call us and ask about cosmetic contouring or arrange a consultation to find out more about our cosmetic dental treatments.

Magnificent Replacements for Missing Teeth

Missing teeth can cause all kinds of problems and at Clifton Dental Studio, we have the perfect solutions. Our magnificent missing tooth treatments restore smiles, boost confidence, enable you to eat a healthy, balanced diet and enjoy better standards of oral health. Our tooth replacements include:

Dental bridges

Dental bridges are a popular solution for people who have a single missing tooth or a few gaps in their smile. Bridges are traditionally made from a false tooth fused to a crown on either side and they are an affordable and convenient treatment option. Treatment can be completed in two sessions and bridges are made from durable materials such as metals and ceramics. They last up to 15 years. Ceramic bridges are popular because they look incredibly natural.

Dental implants

Dental implants are the most versatile tooth replacement solution on the market at the moment and they are suitable for the vast majority of people with missing teeth, regardless of age and how many teeth are missing. The aim of the implant, which is a small prosthesis made from titanium, is to replace the root of the missing tooth. Once the implant is secure in the jaw bone, it is then connected to a restoration and this stage of treatment replaces the visible part of the tooth. Implants are compatible with bridges, dentures and single crowns and they last for many years.


Modern dentures are a simple and affordable means of replacing a few missing teeth or a full arch of lost teeth. Dentures are sets of natural-looking prosthetic teeth fitted for the individual. They are designed to function like natural teeth and are easy to look after. If you are interested in tooth replacement treatment and would like to find out more about the options available at Clifton Dental Studio, don’t hesitate to call and book an appointment.

What is a Gummy Smile and How Are They Treated?

A gummy smile is a cosmetic dental issue that is corrected easily and effectively with gum contouring treatment. A gummy smile is not something that threatens oral or general health or causes you to experience any painful symptoms. However, it can affect your confidence and many people who have a gummy smile feel self-conscious when they talk or show their teeth to other people. A gummy smile is the name given to the appearance of the smile when there is a large amount of gum tissue covering the teeth. It often means that the teeth look short and small. As your smile is one of your most noticeable features, it’s understandable that you would feel uncomfortable when it is in the limelight and seek ways to make it look more attractive. With gum contouring treatment, we can help to enhance the aesthetic appeal of your smile and ensure that you don’t want to hide away in the future.

What is gum contouring?

Gum contouring, also known as gum reshaping, is a technique used to balance the aesthetic of the smile by decreasing the amount of gum tissue that can be seen when you smile and shaping the gums to create a more attractive look. This procedure involves taking away extremely small pieces of the gum tissue to expose more of the tooth crown. The teeth look longer and larger and the overall look of the smile is greatly improved. If you have uneven gums or you dislike the appearance of your smile, we can help. Call today to book an appointment and see how we could transform your gummy smile and boost your confidence.

Cosmetic Bonding Explained

Cosmetic bonding is one of the most effective cosmetic procedures around, but what exactly is it and who can it benefit?

What is cosmetic bonding?

Cosmetic bonding, also known as composite bonding, is a cosmetic dental treatment that uses dental composite to make aesthetic changes to the teeth. Bonding can be used to re-shape the teeth, repair chips, smooth jagged and worn surfacesand decrease the size of gaps between the teeth. At room temperature, composite is soft and malleable and your Clifton Dental Studio dentist will use their skill and creativity to shape it to correct imperfections. There are various shades of composite available and we will choose the closest match to your natural teeth for the best possible aesthetic. Once treatment is finished, you won’t be able to tell the difference between the composite and your natural tooth structure. When the composite is in the right place and your dentist is happy with the new aesthetic, they will set it firm using a curing light. This doesn’t hurt in any ways and it only takes a minute. You can simply relax and all you need to do is pop on some goggles to protect your eyes.

Is cosmetic bonding painful?

Cosmetic bonding is not painful at all and there’s usually no need for any form of anaesthetic. Treatment is usually complete within an hour and you’ll see an amazing difference straightaway. Even though it may feel like hardly anything has been done to your teeth, the impact of even the most minor changes to individual teeth can be massive on the overall look of your smile. If you like the sound of dental bonding, now is the perfect time to book an appointment and enjoy a dazzling smile in time for the summer! This treatment is rapid, simple and pain-free and it will completely transform your smile and ensure that you feel confident whenever your pearly whites are on show.

Perfect Porcelain Restorations

From time to time, everyone’s teeth need a little TLC and we have the perfect porcelain restorations to strengthen weakened, chipped, broken and damaged teeth.

Our restorative treatments

We offer a comprehensive range of restorative treatments to repair and restore beautiful smiles. We offer high quality materials such as porcelain to ensure the best oral health and aesthetic outcomes. Porcelain is strong and hard-wearing and it also looks beautifully natural. Our porcelain restorations include crowns and veneers. We can fit single veneers to patch up worn edges and misshapen teeth or entire sets of veneers.

Why would I need a crown?

Crowns are designed to protect a damaged or decayed tooth from further harm and increase the functionality of the tooth. Crowns are sometimes called caps because they are fixed over the top of the natural tooth structure. Once they are in place, you will find that the tooth feels stronger and that the smile looks more attractive. Porcelain crowns blend seamlessly with the tooth structure and they should last for several years. Our crowns are hand-crafted using a multi-layer technique, which creates an incredibly lifelike aesthetic. If you have a large cavity or a broken or infected tooth, we may recommend crown treatment.

About porcelain veneers

Porcelain veneers are often associated with glamorous smiles, but they also have restorative benefits and they may be an excellent choice if you have chipped, uneven or worn teeth. Veneers are custom-designed shells of porcelain placed on the tooth surface. They are thin and light and can have an amazing impact on your confidence as well as the way you look. If you’re interested in restorative treatment, why not give us a call and book a consultation today?

Correcting Crowded Smiles

Crowding is a common orthodontic issue that occurs when there is a lack of room in the jaw. Crowding can result in irregular alignment and overlapping. If your teeth are crowded there’s no need to panic, as we have outstanding orthodontics ready and waiting to help.

About orthodontic treatment

Orthodontics is the area of dentistry concerned with the alignment and positioning of the teeth and the bite. Imperfections, problems with the bite and misalignment are fairly common, but modern treatments are highly effective and they also work faster than ever before, while also offering additional benefits such as discreet aesthetics and enhanced comfort. Treatment usually has noticeable benefits for the look of the smile, but it can also help to boost confidence when speaking, improve the overall facial aesthetic, increase self-esteem and make eating and cleaning the teeth easier.

Our treatment options

We are delighted to offer a range of innovative treatments, including:
  • Inman Aligner: this removable brace is a rapid solution for anyone who requires minor correction for problems with the alignment of the front teeth. Treatment is usually complete within 16 weeks.
  • Invisalign: this clear brace system uses a series of bespoke aligners made from transparent plastic to straighten the teeth comfortably and discreetly. It is suited to patients with minor and moderate issues.
  • Six Month Smiles: this discreet fixed brace treatment is ideal for those who want results fast. Treatment takes just six months and the braces are made from tooth-coloured and clear parts, so you won’t have to worry about what you look like. This system is geared towards patients who need minor or moderate levels of treatment for issues that involve the social 6, the teeth at the front of the mouth.
If you would like advice about dealing with a crowded smile or you’d like to explore your orthodontic treatment options, call us today and arrange a consultation.

We'll Help You Say Goodbye to Gaps!

If you have unsightly spaces between your teeth or you have gaps in your smile as a result of an accident, injury or gum disease, we have the solutions to help you say goodbye to gaps for good.

Gaps in the smile

Missing teeth can create all kinds of problems, from an increased risk of dental disease and tooth movement to problems with eating and speech. If you have missing teeth, we strongly recommend looking into tooth replacement options. Replacing teeth helps to create a more attractive smile, which will make you feel more confident, and you will find it easier to eat and speak clearly. We have various tooth replacement treatments on offer, including dentures, dental bridges and dental implants. Dental bridges are a popular option for single teeth, while dentures are an excellent choice for full sets of missing teeth. Implants are the most versatile option, as they are compatible with dentures, bridges and crowns. This means that they can be used for single or multiple missing teeth.

Closing spaces between the teeth

If you have gaps between your teeth, there are various options open to you, including orthodontic treatment, veneers and cosmetic bonding. Orthodontic treatment is the only option that physically moves the teeth and reduces the size of the gap. However, if you have a single gap or you only have small gaps and don’t want to have intensive orthodontic treatment, cosmetic bonding may be a viable option. This procedure uses dental composite to reduce the visible size of a gap by building up tooth-coloured material between the teeth. Bonding only takes an hour and is more affordable than braces and veneers. Veneers may be a good option if you have several gaps and you also want to address aesthetic flaws such as worn and stained teeth. If you’re keen to say goodbye to gaps, call us now to discuss your treatment options.  

Sensational Smile Rejuvenation

If your teeth are in need of an overhaul, you’ve come to the right place. Our sensational smile rejuvenation treatment can help to restore, replace and reinvigorate damaged, broken and missing teeth to create healthy looking, functional smiles. Dr Neil Gerrard has extensive experience in smile rejuvenation and he uses a variety of techniques and treatment methods to achieve truly amazing results.

What is smile rejuvenation?

Smile rejuvenation is another name for mouth reconstruction. It aims to revive and rejuvenate the smile to boost confidence and create a much more attractive aesthetic. You may be advised to consider smile rejuvenation if you have a large number of damaged, broken or missing teeth as a result of dental disease, acid erosion, injury or trauma. In order to bring about the desired results, Dr Gerrard uses an array of restorative treatments, including veneers, crowns, dental bridges and dental implants.

How long does treatment take?

Every patient is different and treatment times vary according to which methods are used. Some treatments can be completed within weeks, while some take several months. Dr Gerrard will be able to discuss treatment times with you when you have your consultation. The planning stage is essential for this treatment and Dr Gerrard will talk you through the treatment processes to make sure you understand which treatments would be beneficial and what advantages they offer. During the planning phase, we will carry out tests and do x-rays to ascertain the extent of the damage to the teeth and check the gums and supportive bone structure. This will help us to plan treatment and decide on the best course of action.

All About the Cosmetic Bonding Procedure

If you’re looking for a rapid remedy for tooth imperfections, look no further than cosmetic bonding. This single day treatment offers amazing benefits for the look of your smile and your confidence, and the best news is that there’s no discomfort and no need for injections.

What is dental bonding and what does treatment entail?

Cosmetic bonding is a popular cosmetic dental treatment that provides an aesthetic solution for problems such as worn and misshapen teeth, small spaces between the teeth and chipped edges. The procedure uses dental composite, a tooth-coloured material, to modify the appearance of individual teeth. The changes are usually only minor, but the overall impact after treatment is complete is amazing. During the dental bonding procedure, your dentist will use their skill and creativity to shape and craft the composite to achieve the desired result. Your dentist will help you select a shade of composite that matches your natural teeth and then mould it while it is soft at room temperature. Once your dentist is happy with the new aesthetic, they will shine a light onto the teeth for a short period of time. This sets the composite and makes it hard. Cosmetic bonding is not uncomfortable, so you won’t need any anaesthetic beforehand and you can see the amazing results straight after treatment.

Is cosmetic bonding the right choice for me?

If you have minor aesthetic issues such as those mentioned above and you’re searching for a simple solution that delivers instant results, cosmetic bonding may be an excellent choice. To find out more and see if this is the best choice for you, call now and book a consultation.

Call Today On 0117 973 1910 Email [email protected]

Dr Gerrard is a Bristol based Cosmetic dentist with many years of experience and is one of only a small number of dentists accredited by The British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry

Ada 2014
Smile Awards
Aesthetic Dentistry Winner
ADA2018 Finalist Logo
As seen in the sunday times
Ada 2015
Aesthetic Dentistry Finalist

Contact Clifton Dental Studio Today!

Call Today On 0117 973 1910
Email [email protected]
Clifton Dental Studio, 92 Queens Road,Bristol, Avon,BS8 1RT

Monday to Thursday 9am – 5pm, Friday 8.30am – 3pm

Dr. Neil Gerrard BDS (Bristol), RDT, MSc (Dental Implants),  GDC no 76257. Clifton Dental Studio is a Private Dental Practice. Website last updated: July 2018
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Clifton Dental Studio 92 Queens Road, Bristol