Clifton Dental Studio 92 Queens Road, Bristol

Call Today On 0117 973 1910
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Clifton Dental Studio, 92 Queens Road, Bristol, Avon,BS8 1RT

Call Clifton Dental Studio Today On 0117 973 1910

Be Amazed this Autumn with Bristol's Best Cosmetic Contouring

If you have chipped or worn teeth and you’re looking for a simple, affordable and effective solution to give you an amazing autumn smile, look no further than cosmetic contouring. With this simple, pain-free procedure we can transform your smile in one easy session.

What is cosmetic contouring?

Cosmetic contouring is a procedure that is used to improve the look of individual teeth and create a healthier, more attractive looking smile. Often, the changes we make to the individual teeth are very minor, but the overall impact is amazing. This is an effective solution for patients who have chipped, misshapen and worn teeth and the best news is that it is completely painless. Our dentists use their skill and expertise to gently reshape and contour the teeth, smoothing rough edges and improving the shape of individual teeth to create a beautiful smile. We can offer cosmetic contouring alone, combined with tooth whitening, or as part of a series of treatments that make up a smile makeover. We can also offer cosmetic bonding, a quick and painless procedure used to improve the look of chipped and worn teeth, for misshapen teeth and worn tooth surfaces. This process involves using dental composite to patch up the teeth and make the smile look incredible. If you’d like to find out more about cosmetic contouring, don’t hesitate to call us and arrange a consultation. We can talk you through the treatment process, identify areas that could benefit from treatment and give you an idea of what you can expect to see when you look in the mirror after the procedure.

What is Cosmetic Dentistry in Chepstow?

At Clifton Dental Studio we like to be at the forefront of modern dentistry and we strive to provide our patients with the best treatments around. Our cosmetic dental services are designed to produce beautiful smiles and we believe that we can find a solution to any aesthetic problem. If you’re interested in cosmetic dentistry or you want to take steps towards making your smile more attractive, we are here to help.

What is cosmetic dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry is a branch of dentistry that is concerned with aesthetics. Cosmetic treatments are designed to improve the look of the smile and include veneers, tooth whitening, cosmetic bonding, gum reshaping and smile makeovers. We can also offer cosmetic braces, which straighten the teeth at the same time as providing discreet aesthetics to give you greater confidence and take the hassle and stress out of orthodontic treatment. Cosmetic dental treatments vary in terms of treatment duration and cost. Some treatments can be completed in less than an hour, while others take months and fees vary hugely. For patients who want a complete transformation for their smile, smile makeovers may be an option. Makeovers use different treatments to create dream smiles and they are tailored to the individual patient.

The advantages of cosmetic dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry makes the smile look great, but it can also work wonders for confidence and have a significant impact on your overall appearance. Many people who choose to have cosmetic dentistry make this decision because they are self-conscious about the appearance of their smile and treatment can make a huge difference to self-esteem, as well as the look of the teeth.

Super Symmetrical Smiles in Swindon

A perfect smile is not easy to come by and that’s why we use the latest treatments and state of the art technology to design smiles and ensure perfect symmetry and alignment. We use smile design to create a template for a new smile in order to ensure the best possible end result. Using state of the art software, brand new techniques and our dentists’ expertise and experience, we are able to provide our patients with their dream smile.

Symmetry and alignment

Even the most beautiful looking smile may not be quite perfect, and with our smile design techniques, we can correct minor or severe imperfections to produce stunning aesthetics. We prioritise the design element of the treatment process to ensure we have the perfect template to work from, ensuring optimum horizontal alignment, symmetry and balance. We take a number of factors into consideration when designing the smile, including tooth size and proportion, the shade of the tooth, the width of the smile, the alignment of the teeth and the shape of the gum line. By identifying imperfections and minor flaws, we can find solutions and bring about the best transformation. Smile assessment and planning is so important to us and we also value our patients’ preferences and ideas; we want you to get involved and share your opinions. If you would like to find out more about smile design or smile makeovers at Clifton Dental Studio, call us now and arrange a consultation!

Terrific Tooth Restorations with Smile Rejuvenation in Bristol

With smile rejuvenation, we are able to bring about complete transformations to enable you to enjoy a beautiful smile and bags of confidence. If you’re longing for a healthy-looking, youthful smile, this could be just the solution!

What is smile rejuvenation?

Smile rejuvenation is a technique we use to create beautiful, younger looking smiles and repair and replace damaged and lost teeth. It is also known as full mouth reconstruction. Treatment is usually intensive and we can achieve a lot in a relatively short space of time. Whether you have severely damaged or missing teeth or you have sustained extensive dental injuries, we will be able to find the perfect treatments to produce amazing results. Dr Neil Gerrard is an incredibly experienced and skilled dentist who is capable of transforming even the most damaged and decayed teeth into a radiant new smile. Smile rejuvenation uses a variety of techniques and treatments to strengthen, restore and replace the teeth, such as crowns, dental bridges, veneers and dental implants. The finished result is not only a stunning smile, but also improved oral function, which will make day to day tasks such as eating and talking much easier.

The treatment process

Before any treatment is carried out, Dr Gerrard will provide a consultation to examine the mouth and assess the patient’s needs. During the consultation, X-rays will be taken and the bite will be analysed. This information will be used to plan treatment and design the new smile. Dr Gerrard discusses the treatment processes and procedures with patients and he is always available to answer questions or explain how treatment work and why they would be beneficial. Once planning is complete, treatment can begin! Cases may be different and therefore costs, treatment time and procedures may vary. Dr Gerrard will explain the schedule and also go through each procedure so that patients have a clear understanding of what happens when and what each session will entail.

Terrific Tooth Replacement in Chepstow

You can lose teeth at any time of life, through injury, accident, oral disease or ageing. At Clifton Dental Studio we have an array of solutions to cater for the varying needs of our patients and enable them to eat, speak and smile without anxiety, worry or difficulty.

Our tooth replacement treatments

We offer dentures, dental bridges and dental implants to replace lost teeth.


Dentures are a tried and tested tooth replacement treatment that offers amazing levels of functionality, as well as affordability and natural looking aesthetics. Our partial and complete dentures are custom-made from the finest quality materials and our dental technicians are first class. We also offer implant-retained dentures. These are dentures supported by dental implants.

Dental implants

Dental implants are the latest innovation in the world of tooth replacement and they are designed to act as a substitute for the missing tooth root. Implants are placed into sockets in the jaw bone and they then integrate into the tissue to become part of the oral cavity. Once the implants have integrated, they are then connected to a crown, a dental bridge or a denture. We offer traditional implants, mini implants and the revolutionary All-on-4 system, which provides same-day tooth replacement.

Dental bridges

Dental bridges are a popular option for patients with a single missing tooth and they offer a quick, simple and affordable alternative to implant treatment. The traditional fixed bridge is the most common type of bridge and this appliance is made of a false tooth fused to two crowns. Bridges can be made from different materials such as porcelain, and they last for between 10 and 15 years. Bridge treatment usually takes around 2 weeks and the procedure to fit the bridge is completely painless.

Perfect Porcelain Veneers in Bristol

If you’ve ever dreamed of a perfect, glossy smile, your dreams can soon become a reality with our beautiful porcelain veneers. We fit individual and entire arches of veneers to cover flaws and damaged teeth and create stunning, bright smiles. With veneers, anything is possible and you can look forward to showing off your smile.

The ins and outs of porcelain veneers

Porcelain veneers are extremely thin and light shells, which are designed to sit over the teeth to create a beautiful new smile. Veneers are custom-designed to fit the natural teeth and they are available in a range of different shades and sizes, so you have control of the design of your smile. Veneers are a popular solution for worn, uneven, chipped and stained teeth and they are also a good choice for patients who simply want to add more glamour and radiance to their smile. Veneers have amazing benefits for the look of the smile, but they can also really make a difference to a patient’s confidence, especially in cases where patients suffer from low self-esteem or feel very conscious about the appearance of their smile.

Veneer treatment

Veneer treatment is simple, quick and it involves very little pain. Before veneers are fitted, the teeth are prepared to make room for the veneers and ensure that they look natural. This process involves taking away an ultra-fine layer of the tooth surface. Once this stage is complete and you have chosen the shade and shape of your veneers, we will create impressions of your teeth and send them to our incredible dental technicians. Once your veneers are ready, we will place them on your teeth, allow you to take a look at your new smile and then secure them in position and bond them to the teeth.

Lovely Lumineers in Bristol

  Discoloured, mildly misaligned or damaged teeth can make us feel very self-conscious, but dental veneers are the perfect solution to putting the confidence back into your smile. Veneers can be made from either porcelain or white composite.

What are Lumineers?

Lumineers are made from patented porcelain- a wafer thin cover that is easy to fit and will hide away any signs of gaps, cracks and general wear and tear in your teeth. The strength comes once they have been bonded in with the cement. All you have to do is to get your teeth measured up by having moulds taken. Once this has been done, these moulds are sent off so that the fittings can be made. Once they are ready, your teeth will be cleaned and then the Lumineers will be glued straight onto the front of the teeth. These fittings should last a long while if you care for them, and they will totally transform the look of your smile. Lumineers are the epitome of everything beautiful about modern dentistry.

Less tooth preparation

With Lumineers, your existing tooth structure is preserved, as the treatment involves less tooth preparation. In your first appointment at Clifton Dental Studio, we will take impressions of your teeth so that we can custom-make your Lumineers. In your second appointment the Lumineers will be fitted and adjusted for a long-lasting, beautiful smile.

Rejuvenate Your Smile in Bristol

Your smile is one of your most important features and it can have a major bearing on your looks. If your teeth look bright and healthy, this can really enhance your facial aesthetic, but if you have missing, chipped or stained teeth, this can make you look older. We offer complete smile rejuvenation to give your smile a boost and help you to look and feel a million dollars.

What is smile rejuvenation?

Smile rejuvenation is designed to transform and enhance your smile to ensure you feel confident and happy when you look in the mirror or bear your teeth to smile, talk or laugh. Smile rejuvenation usually involves a series of different treatments, including cosmetic and restorative dental services, which work together to achieve a perfect outcome. The planning stage is extremely important and we will carry out extensive checks and examinations to identify problem areas and determine the best solutions. Dr Neil Gerrard has several years of experience in creating dream smiles and during the consultation stage, he will discuss the different treatment options and work with you to design the ideal smile. Treatments that are commonly used to rejuvenate the smile include veneers, tooth whitening, crowns, bridge work and dental implants. We will also check your bite and we can offer orthodontic treatment if these are issues such as spaces between the teeth, crowding or overbite.

How long does treatment take?

It’s impossible to pin down a treatment time because this will depend heavily on the treatments you choose. Some treatments can be completed in a single treatment session lasting an hour, while others, such as dental implants, take several months. Once you have chosen your treatments, we will be able to give you a detailed plan, which will include details about expected treatment time.

Terrific Tooth-Coloured Fillings in Bristol

With today’s incredible modern materials, we are able to strengthen the teeth and fill cavities without detracting from the tooth’s natural beauty. With our tooth-coloured fillings, we can fill your cavities, while maintaining your beautiful smile!

All about tooth-coloured fillings

Tooth coloured fillings, also known as white fillings, are a mercury-free alternative to amalgam fillings. We place new fillings and we also offer a replacement service for existing metal fillings. Our white fillings are designed to match the shade of your tooth to ensure that you cannot tell the difference between the filing and the rest of the tooth. They are made from composite and resins, which are safer and more environmentally friendly than metal amalgam fillings. We may recommend that you have a filling if you have a decayed tooth and a cavity has formed in the tooth surface. Fillings strengthen the tooth, improve the function of the tooth and prevent pain and sensitivity. They also help to prevent the infection from spreading to other parts of the tooth.

The filling procedure

Before your tooth is filled, we will numb it using local anaesthetic, so you won’t feel any pain at all. The procedure is fairly straightforward and involves two key stages. Firstly, the cavity is cleaned and any decayed tissue is removed. Once the cavity is clear, bonding agent is applied to the surface of the tooth to facilitate adhesion. The second stage involves placing the filling. The dental composite is placed inside the cavity and then shaped to fit the hole. Once the cavity has been filled, the composite is set hard using a curing light. Once the composite has hardened, your Clifton Dental Studio dentist will make any final adjustments and trim the filling to ensure that the cavity is filled perfectly. If you have mercury amalgam fillings and you would like to replace them or you think you have a cavity, call us today and arrange an appointment.    

Say Goodbye to Gaps in Bath

Gaps can make your smile look unhealthy, unbalanced and unattractive, but if you don’t have perfectly positioned teeth, there is no need to panic. We have a host of treatment options available to close, cover or reduce gaps in your teeth to create a beautiful smile and a more confident you.

Treatment options for a gappy smile

If you have a missing tooth, the best options are dental bridges and dental implants. Bridges are more affordable, while implants last a lifetime. Bridges are custom-made and treatment can be completed in around two weeks, while implant treatment takes several months, as the implant integrates into the bone tissue to take on the role of the tooth root.

Treatments for gaps between the teeth

If you have spaces between the teeth, there are various choices, including: Veneers: veneers are porcelain shells, which are placed over the teeth to cover chipped and worn surfaces and gaps between the teeth to create a beautiful, flawless smile. Cosmetic bonding: this is an affordable, quick and simple procedure, which can be used to repair chips and worn surfaces, as well as reducing the size of a gap between two teeth. It involves using dental composite, which is also used for white fillings; the composite is moulded to improve the shape of the tooth or close a gap and then set hard using a curing light. Orthodontic treatment: orthodontic treatment is the best solution if you want a long-term treatment for gaps between the teeth. This form of treatment actually moves the teeth and there are many different options available, including fixed and removable braces.

Call Today On 0117 973 1910 Email [email protected]

Dr Gerrard is a Bristol based Cosmetic dentist with many years of experience and is one of only a small number of dentists accredited by The British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry

Ada 2014
Smile Awards
Aesthetic Dentistry Winner
ADA2018 Finalist Logo
As seen in the sunday times
Ada 2015
Aesthetic Dentistry Finalist

Contact Clifton Dental Studio Today!

Call Today On 0117 973 1910
Email [email protected]
Clifton Dental Studio, 92 Queens Road,Bristol, Avon,BS8 1RT

Monday to Thursday 9am – 5pm, Friday 8.30am – 3pm

Dr. Neil Gerrard BDS (Bristol), RDT, MSc (Dental Implants),  GDC no 76257. Clifton Dental Studio is a Private Dental Practice. Website last updated: July 2018
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Clifton Dental Studio 92 Queens Road, Bristol