Dental pain, often commonly known as toothache, can be extremely unpleasant and is usually an indicator of the exact level of decay affecting the tooth. The pain occurs because decay has worn away the protective layer of enamel around the tooth. This exposes the more sensitive dentine and dental nerve located at the centre of the tooth. A breach in the enamel also allows extremes of hot and cold to penetrate to the nerve of the tooth, creating the sensation of sensitive teeth when eating.
There are different kinds of pain commonly experienced that are usually indicative of certain forms of decay. A sharp pain set off by hot or cold food indicates an early sign of decay as a heat stimulus is sent to the nerve through the dentine. The sharp pain will usually subside after a few seconds to a minute. A dull pain starting without any stimulus is a more serious concern and may signal damage to the living cells of the nerve and decaying pulp tissue. For both forms of pain it is recommended that you see a Chepstow dentist as soon as possible as he may need to fill any dental cavities or in serious cases remove infected material from the tooth via a root canal treatment.
Although it is possible to gain relief from the pain of toothache using over-the-counter and prescription painkillers, this will not address the root of the problem. Dental decay will get steadily worse unless treated correctly by a trained dentist. It is also important to remember that even if dental pain appears to have stopped it is still necessary to see a dentist. This is because some infections actually kill off the sensitive dental nerve, leaving the tooth without any sensation but still infected. The infection is then capable of spreading to other teeth in the mouth and even the bloodstream.
Dental pain is never a pleasant experience but it is important to remember that it can be treated and prevented by seeking the necessary treatment from a dentist as soon as possible.
Dental pain can come in many forms, with the most obvious being toothache, but it can also be caused by gum disease, bite and jaw misalignment and sensitive teeth. The best way to avoid all kinds of dental pain is of course to keep your teeth and gums healthy by brushing and flossing regularly and keeping up six-monthly appointment with your dentist.
Most dental pains are caused by problems arising from poor dental hygiene. Toothache arises because a dental cavity has penetrated to the central chamber of a tooth and become infected. The infection then begins to attack the very sensitive dental nerve causing pain. Infected teeth can also lead to painful tooth abscesses. These abscesses arise when the body tries to fight the infection by bombarding it with white blood cells. Both infected teeth and abscesses are very painful and susceptible to extremes of temperature. They can both be prevented by brushing and flossing because this removes the bacteria rich substance called plaque that causes dental erosion in the first place.
Dental pain associated with bite is usually cause by teeth moving around and leaning within the dental arc. This is often caused by a missing tooth due to decay or dental trauma. Dentists can treat this pain by fitting mouth guards or other appliances to prevent teeth grinding or bite adjustment.
Whatever kind of dental pain you are suffering it can usually be treated with over-the-counter pain relief but it is always necessary to have your teeth examined by a dentist first. Some tooth infections and gum diseases require antibiotics or even surgery. If you are suffering from dental pain, make an appointment to see a Gloucester dentist and have a thorough check up. Dental pain can be treated but it is more effective to prevent the causes of dental pain far in advance.
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Dr Gerrard is a Bristol based Cosmetic dentist with many years of experience and is one of only a small number of dentists accredited by The British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry