We know from archaeological evidence all over the world that we have been trying to look after our teeth for thousands of years. The ancient Egyptians, the first great civilisation, used twigs and leaves to keep teeth clean. Many African tribes to this day still use the ancient practice of chewing leaves with antibacterial properties to keep teeth clean. While the Egyptians may not have understood the exact science behind dental hygiene, they had certainly worked out that keeping teeth clean and healthy helped to prevent painful dental conditions in the future.
We now understand the exact scientific processes that can occur in the mouth to cause dental problems if teeth are not cleaned or cared for properly. Bath dentists recommend that patients brush their teeth twice a day and floss at least once a day. This helps to remove plaque, a filmy substance rich in bacteria that releases acid and erodes the protective tooth enamel. By removing plaque you can prevent enamel erosion that can lead to dental cavities, tooth infection and in severe cases, tooth loss.
It is also vital to keep up six-monthly check-up appointments with a Bath dentist who is highly-trained to spot the first signs of tooth decay or gum disease. Catching these conditions early is critical to effective treatment that can prevent pain and further infection. Dentists can also recommend the most effective methods of cleaning and most suitable products for your individual teeth. This will almost certainly not involve any leaves or twigs but the principles first discovered by the Egyptians remain the same: look after your teeth and they will look after you.
When it comes to oral hygiene the old maxim that prevention is better than cure is never more prevalent. Maintaining a good standard of oral hygiene is completely pain-free and takes as little as a combined 10 minutes a day. When you compare this to just some of the alternatives of ignoring hygiene it becomes quite clear that this small sacrifice is worth making.
Take for example a root canal procedure. During this surgery the dentist has to drill down (using the famed and feared dentist drill) into the heart of an infected tooth where, to bring an end to the severe pain the patient is almost inevitably suffering, he will need to remove all the infected material and possibly even the extremely sensitive nerve endings themselves. When all the infected matter has been removed the dentist will fill the cavity with medicine and filling material before capping the tooth with a porcelain crown. This procedure could involve several hours in the dentist’s chair and more importantly could put an enormous hole in your wallet. Extensive dental surgery of this kind does not come cheap, and there is no alternative that will bring an end to the pain of an infected tooth.
You may think it a little extreme to say that by not properly brushing and flossing your teeth you will end up with painful toothache and infections, but dental decay does no favours for anyone. Inadequate brushing and flossing allows a bacteria rich substance called plaque to build up around the surface of the teeth and gums. This plaque release acids from decaying bacteria which gradually erode tooth enamel. This cavity forming process, if allowed to continue, penetrates to the heart of the tooth and when that happens an infection forms and you become intimate with the dentist’s drill.
Infected teeth are just one of the unpleasant consequences of poor dental hygiene. Some teeth are beyond saving by root canal and will either need to be removed or fall out naturally. This begins to happen regularly and you’re looking at a lifetime of denture wearing. Both forms of gum disease, gingivitis and the more serious periodontitis can cause irritation and even bleeding. More worryingly the infection can spread to the bloodstream and can cause heart problems.
Dentists advise that teeth brushing should be performed twice a day for a minimum of three minutes and that you should floss at least once a day. A Swindon dentist will be able to give you a more thorough instruction in good oral hygiene at your next appointment.
In the war against dental decay, after effective brushing and flossing, the most important weapon is a regular dental check up every six months with a dentist. Brushing and flossing are crucial for maintaining a high standard of oral hygiene. They help to control plaque, a bacteria rich substance that is responsible for enamel erosion and tooth decay. But even the most dedicated teeth cleaner can still suffer from dental conditions they will not be able to spot.
For example, even effective brushing and flossing may not be enough to prevent gum disease or tooth decay. Some people are more susceptible to these conditions than others and tooth decay especially develops in areas that are hard to clean and therefore impossible to see. Areas in between teeth and below the gum line can be very difficult to clean and so dental decay can occur without the patient knowing. A dentist will examine all the hard to reach places as part of a thorough check up.
Dentists recommend that you make an appointment every six months. Not only will they be able to carry out a thorough check for the signs of tooth decay and gum disease but they can also examine your diet and cleaning regimes and give you advice on more effective dental care. They will also be able to give your teeth a thorough clean or refer you to a dental hygienist. Dentists can also give advice about the natural discolouration of teeth that occurs with age and the most effective ways to control it.
For patients with certain conditions it may be necessary to visit a dentist on a more regular basis. Smokers and pregnant women are particularly at risk and need to make more regular appointments. A Bristol dentist will be able to further advise you on the need for regular check ups and can carry out a thorough check up for any dental problems.
The preventative measures of brushing and flossing, if performed correctly and diligently everyday, can help to prevent nearly all forms of dental problems. Dentists recommend that patients brush for at least three minutes everyday and floss once a day. It is also recommended to use an appropriate toothbrush and toothpaste for your gums and teeth.
Brushing and flossing help to prevent the build up of plaque on the teeth and gums. Plaque is a filmy bacteria rich substance that coats the tooth enamel. The acid released from decaying bacteria erodes tooth enamel causing dental cavities which leads ultimately to tooth loss and gum disease. Brushing removes the majority of plaque and flossing gets to the harder to reach areas between the teeth and under the gum line.
As well as keeping teeth free from plaque, brushing and flossing also removes trapped food debris from between the teeth which is the cause of over 90 per cent of cases of bad breath. It is also advised by dentists that patients brush the surface of their tongue with a specially designed tongue brush.
By keeping a high standard of oral hygiene, mainly by correct brushing and flossing, you can help to have healthy teeth and gums for the rest of your life. However, it is also important that you maintain regular visits to the dentist for check ups. Even brushing and flossing cannot prevent all types of dental disease. Make an appointment with a Swindon dentist for a check up and for more information about correct brushing and flossing tips.
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Dr Gerrard is a Bristol based Cosmetic dentist with many years of experience and is one of only a small number of dentists accredited by The British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry