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Posts Tagged ‘brushing and flossing’

Get the best tips and advice about brushing and flossing from your Chepstow dentist

If you get to grips with the best way to brush and floss your teeth then these techniques will become second nature to you, won’t have to think about it and you’ll have excellent oral hygiene as well. Take the time to learn about how to brush your teeth and floss them properly; it won’t take long and you’ll be better off for it! Dentists in Chepstow advise that you brush your teeth at least twice a day. Good times to do this are first thing in the morning and last thing at night. Quite apart from being convenient, it is good to brush your teeth first thing in the morning because saliva production is at its lowest during sleep and so plaque can flourish. By brushing at the end of the day you will be removing the plaque that has formed from eating meals. You should use a brush that is comfortable to hold and that has firm, erect bristles on a small head that can easily be manoeuvred around your mouth. Apply a small amount of tooth paste that has been enriched with fluoride and a little water and brush your teeth in a gentle but firm motion. Be sure to brush the interior of your mouth and the exterior and cover all of your teeth front and back. This should remove most of the plaque but flossing will take care of the rest. Flossing is when you pull a thin piece of tape through the gaps between your teeth. This is a great help in the fight against gum disease because plaque can easily hide there and cause problems.

Eat your way to good oral health: Get top advice from Swindon dentists

When you are taking care of your teeth and gums you shouldn’t limit your strategy to brushing and flossing. Of course they are vital activities which should be carried out daily in the correct fashion: brushing twice for at least three minutes and again after meals if desired, using a fluoride enriched tooth paste and so on. But there are other things to consider when trying to give your mouth the best chance of staying healthy. Certain foods cause more plaque to be produced and these should be avoided, kept to a minimum or eating immediately prior to brushing. It is substances which contain a lot of sugar and or starch which produce the most plaque in your mouth. Plaque can attack the enamel which naturally protects your teeth and so it is best to minimise the amount of it which can thrive in your mouth. Sweet treats should be just that: treats. But also foods like fruit and fruit drinks can produce a lot of plaque. These should not be avoided because they are nutritious but you should think about when you are eating them. Sometimes people like to brush immediately after a meal so that plaque is stopped in its tracks. Some choose to have a little cheese after their dessert because this can actually remove some of the plaque that your sugary course will have produced in your mouth. The key is to be sensible with your diet and eat all the food groups in balanced proportions. There is nothing inherently wrong with eating sugary and starchy things, indeed the body needs them, but you should keep them to a minimum. Your Swindon dentist is an expert in such matters and can advise you about the right diet to keep your teeth and gums healthy.

Good oral hygiene habits: get the best advice from Swindon dentists

Taking good care of your mouth ought to be something that is practiced every day with due care and attention and yet so many of us have busy lives. As such teeth and gums can be an after thought. But it is worth taking care of your mouth so that you can eat, drink, talk and smile in comfort and not have to undergo invasive surgery. Good oral hygiene begins at home with the way you take care of your teeth. Brushing and flossing at least twice a day should be enough to rid your mouth of the plaque which can be so damaging to teeth and gums. While you are doing this you can be vigilant for signs of gum disease and tooth decay so that you can report anything to your dentist if you find it. Having a healthy diet can hugely benefit your mouth. Eating less sugary and starchy foods gives plaque less chance. Consuming too much alcohol and smoking tobacco can compromise the health of your mouth and they are leading causes of oral cancer. Alongside these measures, be sure to get into the habit of visiting your dentist every six months. Allowing a trained dental expert the chance to thoroughly examine your mouth gives you the best chance of avoiding nasty conditions. Most issues with your mouth, such as gum disease, are not actually that serious in themselves but it is vital that they are caught early on so they don’t progress into something worse. Take these tips on board and you should experience a life time of good oral health. Your Swindon dentist can give you more handy hits next time you go and visit the surgery.

Foods to avoid for good dental health: get advice from Bath dentists

Maintaining excellent oral hygiene makes activities that you take for granted so much easier. If you allow your oral health to slip then you could be face with tooth decay and even tooth loss. These can be painful and inconvenient, making it much harder to eat, drink, talk and even smile. Brushing, flossing and seeing your dentist every six months are crucial, of course, but you can help ensure good oral hygiene by avoiding certain foods. Foods which contain lots of sugar and or starch contribute to excess build ups of plaque. Plaque attacks the teeth, causing cavities and eventually the break down of teeth which might come loose. Brushing and flossing should rid your mouth of the vast majority of this plaque but it is easier in the first place to simply avoid certain foods so that you don’t end up having to deal with a plaque problem. Sweets contribute hugely to plaque formation and the same can be said of sugary and carbonated drinks. These should be eaten in moderation. Unfortunately fruit and some vegetables also contain plenty of sugar and starch. Although these fruit sugars are good for us generally, they can contribute to plaque. As such you should try and brush your teeth after you have eaten fruit or have your fruit before your main meal so that the process of eating the other courses can dislodge some of the plaque that will already be starting to form. Having a generally healthy diet can contribute to good oral hygiene. If one part of you is unhealthy it is likely to affect the rest of you too and this is true of teeth. Talk to your Bath dentist today to get more advice about how a healthy diet can aid good oral hygiene.

Daily dental hygiene and why it’s important: get advice from Swindon dentists

Your mouth is a finely tuned composite of different parts which are meant to work in tandem, allowing you to eat, drink and talk free from discomfort. Visiting your local dental professional every six months for a thorough check up is of course very important in keeping your mouth healthy but good oral hygiene begins at home and how you take care of your teeth there. By looking after your teeth effectively you will be avoiding nasty oral diseases and the need for invasive treatment. A good start is to make sure that you are brushing and flossing in the correct fashion. Brushing should take place at least twice a day to remove plaque from the teeth so that it cannot begin to attack your enamel. You should be brushing for around three minutes and take in the whole mouth. Floss as well as plaque and debris can easily be missed as it lurks between the teeth. Your diet is also important for your oral hygiene. Eating too many sugary and starchy foods produces more plaque for your mouth to deal with and you may find that cavities begin to develop. Smoking tobacco decreases the production of saliva – a natural defence against plaque – so is best avoided. The same can be said of excess alcohol consumption as it can lead to oral cancer. Be vigilant about your mouth and look out for warning signs such as extra sensitivity when you are eating, reddening and bleeding gums, bad breath and odd tastes in the mouth. These can all be signs that there is a problem in your mouth and they are worth reporting to your dentist. Speak to your Swindon dentist next time you see them to get more expert advice on your daily dental hygiene routine.

Keeping gums healthy in Chepstow

One of the dangers to the mouth in Chepstow is gum disease and at some point, most of us will suffer from it unless we know how to maintain our gums. Gum disease starts with poor oral hygiene. Bacteria can build up in the mouth and plaque will start to form, attacking both the teeth and gums. The gums will start to bleed and if allowed to continue, will recede, leaving the teeth to become loose and eventually fall out. Dental repair work can be costly too, but with a little more attention to detail everyday, we can avoid any problems and retain healthy gums. Brushing and flossing twice a day, or after meals are a good place to start, but so are regular visits and consultations with your dentist. The dentist will remove any build up of plaque and tartar around the teeth. It’s also the time to ask about brushes, mouthwashes and toothpastes and find out what’s best for you. Ask about gum flossing, massaging and teeth exercises. These are excellent ways to keep the blood busy in the gums. Finally, find out about diet, what to eat and what to avoid. We all know that smoking and excessive drinking are bad for the mouth, but we can combat our bad habits by ensuring a good diet and a good program of oral hygiene.

Protect each and every tooth with advice form Weston-super-Mare dentist

To help protect your teeth it s important to know the structure of a tooth and how it is affected by plaque, bacteria and other harmful substances. This will hopefully mean that you can taken better care of your teeth and have a better understanding of what you need to do to give your teeth the best chance of staying healthy and looking their best. The outside of the tooth is covered by a hard substance called enamel. This acts as a protective barrier for the tooth, stopping damaging substances attacking the more sensitive parts of the tooth underneath. Under the enamel is the dentin, a substance made of hardened minerals, mostly calcium. This again encases the central parts of the tooth and constitutes most of the tooth’s body. At the central part of the tooth is the pulp, which coats the dental nerve. This is the most sensitive and important part of the tooth and if this is exposed to the bacteria it can be both very damaging and painful. The best way to look after your teeth is to make sure that they are protected at the very first stage. Brushing and flossing will remove the layer of plaque and bacteria that coat the teeth and release acid that breaks them down. By removing plaque you can prevent the first stage of tooth decay in the form of small dental cavities. Once the layer of enamel has been penetrated, the rest of the tooth will quickly come under attack and may even become infected. Not only will this be very unpleasant but it can also result in the destruction of the dental nerve and ultimately, the loss of the tooth. For more information about the structure of the tooth and how best to protect it, make an appointment to see your Weston-super-Mare dentist.

Learn How To Floss Properly, Says Bath Dentist

A dentist from Bath stresses the importance of learning how to floss properly. Most people do not know how to take care of oral hygiene, and neglect various aspects of it. This causes them a lot of problems in the long run, and they have to undergo a lot of discomfort and expense in order to rectify them. Proper oral hygiene consists of brushing teeth and flossing them as well at the correct time. These two things complement each other and they will keep the teeth as clean as possible. It is insufficient to only brush teeth, since this method cannot remove all the plaque, especially that which is between the teeth. Flossing ensures that any food particles that are stuck in between the teeth can be removed for good. It is important that people learn how to floss properly so that they can protect themselves against dental problems in addition to heart problems. Plaque, if not taken out, collects on the teeth and gums and forms a very hard substance called Tartar. Tartar, in addition to causing inflammation of the gums, also breaks away and enters the blood stream. It then causes your arteries to become thinner, eventually resulting in heart disease and strokes. Incorrect flossing of the teeth also can damage the gums, causing them to bleed, leaving them vulnerable to infections that can cause a lot of damage. It is very easy to avoid these gum and health problems by just learning to floss correctly in the first place.

Bath dentist stresses the importance of oral hygiene

Oral hygiene is very important for the health of your teeth. In fact, making sure your teeth are clean and healthy will help you to avoid a whole series of unpleasant dental conditions that can be the source of great pain, costly treatment and spoil the appearance of the smile. Oral hygiene is a quite a simple process yet it is all too easy to become complacent and let it slide. By ensuring that you are following your Bath dentist’s advice and brushing and flossing regularly for the required amount of time you should be able to keep your teeth looking and feeling healthy. Oral hygiene problems occur when brushing and flossing is removing insufficient amounts of plaque and bacteria. This then builds up and releases acids that gradually erode the tooth enamel. When this happens, dental decay sets in and the central parts of the teeth come under attack fro disease and infection. Unless this problem is addressed it will eventually lead to lost teeth. The gums can also be affected badly by poor oral hygiene. Gum disease is very common amongst adults in the UK, affecting nearly three-quarters at some stage. However, gum disease can be a lot more serious than it is often presumed and has recently been proven to cause heart disease and even fatal heart failure. You can see why dentists are so keen to stress the importance of good oral hygiene. This involves brushing for three minutes twice a day and also remembering to floss. This will keep plaque down to a minimum protecting your teeth and gums. It is also crucial that you visit a Bath dentist every six months for a check up, to ensure that your teeth are in the best possible condition.

The importance of dental check ups from Swindon dentist

Dental check ups are possibly the most important way of looking after the health of your teeth. Although brushing and flossing are the frontline defence against dental problems, it is only with the expert eye of a dentist that you can truly be safe from nasty dental complications. Swindon dentists recommend that you have a dental check up every six months. By keeping this up, you will significantly reduce your chances of suffering from gum disease or dental decay. Even those who brush and floss every day for the required amount of time can still suffer from these conditions and without the opinion and expertise of a dentist you never know when your teeth are under threat. When it comes to dental disease, the earlier the problem is assessed and diagnosed the easier it is to treat. This means that catching gum disease in its early stage is ten times easier to treat than if the condition has set in and spread. Successful dental care is all about prevention rather than cure and remember, teeth cannot heel themselves so once they are damaged they may need costly and at times rather unpleasant treatment to protect them from further damage. One of the other key reasons why it is so important to see a Swindon dentist every six months is so that they can carry out an oral cancer check. This is again a disease that can be treated effectively in its early stages, but leaving it too long and the consequences are far more severe than a lost tooth or a filling. Oral cancer is a particularly nasty form of the disease and is fatal in almost all cases not treated early enough. This alone should be a reason to make an appointment as soon as possible.

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Dr Gerrard is a Bristol based Cosmetic dentist with many years of experience and is one of only a small number of dentists accredited by The British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry

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Call Today On 0117 973 1910
Email [email protected]
Clifton Dental Studio, 92 Queens Road,Bristol, Avon,BS8 1RT

Monday to Thursday 9am – 5pm, Friday 8.30am – 3pm

Dr. Neil Gerrard BDS (Bristol), RDT, MSc (Dental Implants),  GDC no 76257. Clifton Dental Studio is a Private Dental Practice. Website last updated: July 2018
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