Clifton Dental Studio 92 Queens Road, Bristol

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Clifton Dental Studio, 92 Queens Road, Bristol, Avon,BS8 1RT

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Posts Tagged ‘oral hygiene’

Clifton Dental explains the basic of good Oral hygiene in Bath

It maybe a little irregular to ask someone if they know how to clean their teeth properly, because most people in Bath would probably answer in the affirmative, yet the chances are they may not though, as statistics in the area show a rise in tooth decay and gum disease- the two may enemies that you are trying to avoid, which is why good oral hygiene is essential. Every day when you clean your teeth, gums and tongue, you are trying to prevent bacteria developing into plaque and there are some superb brushes and pastes on the market to help you do this. Then there are the small inter-dental brushes and dental floss that you can use for deep cleaning in and around the teeth and gums. Finally, you can wrap up the process with a good mouth-wash. Now, it’s okay having all of these products, but they will only work to their maximum efficiency if you know how to use them properly. So, every so often you should have a rain check and get along to your dentists and learn all over again. Another factor in oral hygiene is that newer and better products come out every week that you may have missed since you last went shopping for dental products, so you should question your dentist on this as well. If you have and concerns or any issues surrounding oral hygiene, you should contact Clifton Dental up in Bristol, as they serve your area as well.  

Brushing and Flossing to glory in Bristol

If you are having doubts about whether you are looking after your teeth and gums enough, then you should get along to Clifton Dental in Bristol because they can tell you everything about oral hygiene. You would think it’s an easy thing to do, but it’s surprising how many people still manage to get the basics of flossing and brushing wrong. Okay, let’s just say you’ve thrown all of your products away and you are starting all over again. You need to find a toothbrush to begin with. The brush has got to do the basics of keeping the surfaces of your teeth clear of bacteria and remove any obvious signs of food, but it has to be sympathetic to the tenderness of your gums so it doesn’t need to be too abrasive. Brushes also come in different shapes- some are angled so to allow a better approach to the inside track of the teeth. Electric ones are superb for doing all the work for you, they’re efficient and they get the job done. However good your brushes are though, they still fall short of dislodging food from between the teeth and gums, which is why you need back-up from dental floss that you can weave up and into these crooks and crannies. Floss comes in different thickness’s, so you need to find one that suits the conditions in your mouth: some floss already comes pre-strung on plastic harps to take the sting out of wrapping it around your fingers. Learn how to apply both properly to your teeth and gums and you we are well on the way to oral glory.  

Tips from Clifton Dental for Upping your Oral Hygiene in Weston-super-mare

So, how can you get the best out of your oral hygiene program in Weston-super-mare: let’s face it, there are so many products on the market, how on earth do you choose what is right for you? Well, first of all, you could seek some advice from Clifton dental who will be able to give you all of the information you need to get going, then you should ask your dentist, as they know more about the way your mouth works than you do. With all this ringing around your head, it’s time to get out there and start buying products. First stop is your toothbrush- get one that doesn’t damage your gums because the bristles are too hard and one that is going to take the hard work out of brushing; maybe you should go electric, as these are phenomenally good for getting your teeth incredibly clean whilst removing plaque and tartar from around your mouth. Then, choose toothpaste that is going to be sympathetic to your needs whilst helping to fight the usual enemies of your mouth. Also in your bathroom cabinet, you should have a range of dental floss, inter-dental brushes and a good mouth-wash as well as back-up. Throw in a few herbal remedies too- come on, it is far better to have too much than too little and in time, you will be able to find a happy medium that suits you and your teeth every day.  

Patients from Weston-super-Mare know the importance of good oral hygiene

For all the new techniques and treatments available from your local dentist in Weston-super-Mare, it is always better if you do not have to go to the dentist any more than necessary. Of course, the easiest way to keep your dental visits to a minimum is to look after your teeth and gums in the first place. Oral hygiene is something we take seriously at Clifton Dental Studio, for patients from Weston-super-Mare and all around the country. And, believe it or not, we do not want you to have to visit us too many times either! Good oral hygiene helps to prevent the build-up of calculus and plaque which are the main causes of gum disease and tooth decay. The primary way in which you can help reduce the chance of these problems affecting your teeth is by regular brushing. Using a mouthwash is a good additional method to help deal with plaque. The other main thing you can do to look after your teeth is to try to keep a healthy diet. Sugar is one of the main causes of tooth erosion and can be found in a huge range of food and drinks. Red wine and beer are particularly bad for sugar content so, if you like a drink, take extra care of those pearly whites. Smoking is also a problem for good oral hygiene. In addition to potential for diseases like mouth cancer, like red wine it will stain your teeth. Bad breath is also a problem so, if you smoke you should think about quitting. If you don’t, don’t start! Even if you do all these things, it is still important that you visit your dentist for a regular check up. No matter how diligently you look after your teeth problems can still occur and it is important to get in early.  

Avoiding Gum Disease in Swindon

Gum disease- the evil that rears its ugly head throughout Swindon day after day. It generally comes from the way you look after your teeth at home: do it well with all the best products that are out there and yippee, you’ll be well on your way to caring for your teeth, but be warned, slip up and you will be opening a portal to hell in your mouth. Gum disease can be a bitch of a problem to fight and even harder to recover from if it gets its feet under the table- and you should be aware of the danger signs such as bleeding or weeping gums. If you are suffering from this then get your butt down to the dentist as soon as you can. Good oral hygiene is a way to navigate such turbulent seas and make sure that that your teeth are free and clean from the threat of bacteria. It may also take a big change in the way you go about your ways with your diet- cut out the exuberances and give you mouth a chance to breathe. And then, throw anything herbal at it because you put the zest back into your gums. But here’s another warning: gum disease can not only threaten the health of your mouth and cause your teeth to fall out, but it can also cause the heart, and other organs to fail in the long term in your body if allowed to run riot.

Secure your good oral hygiene with help from dentists in Bristol

The formula for making sure that you have a healthy mouth is a relatively simple. But, accidents aside, many people find that their dental health is subject to lapses and they experience dental ailments as a result. By following a simple set of snippets of advice, you can make the most of your natural teeth and bypass the possibility of having to deal with painful and inconvenient dental problems. At the most basic level of oral hygiene is the brushing of teeth. This activity should be undertaken twice daily by applying tooth paste to the bristles of a tooth brush, wetting it from the tap and then brushing all of the surfaces of your teeth for about two minutes. The further things to bear in mind in this process is that you should be using a fluoride enriched tooth paste so that your enamel can be fortified and that you ought to change your tooth brush every six months or so or when the bristles become frayed and less effective. Once you have brushed you should always pull dental floss through the gaps between your teeth. This not only helps remove plaque from the teeth and stave off dental decay, it also affects your propensity towards gum disease. Bleeding might happen the first few times but don’t let this stop you in future. The greatest experts when it comes to oral hygiene are dentists and you should register with a Bristol dentist if you have not already done so. At a meeting every six months or thereabouts, your mouth can be thoroughly examined for any incipient problems so that they can be dealt with before they inconvenience you with bad dental health.

Find out the secrets of oral hygiene with dentists in Bristol

Taking good care of your teeth is probably not something that you think about very often. For most people, oral hygiene involves brushing the teeth twice a day and going to see the dentist once every six months. These are very important aspects and form the bedrock of a good oral hygiene routine, but there is more to taking care of your teeth and gums than just brushing and going to see the dentist. Read on to find out more. Brushing of the teeth should indeed take place twice a day at least and many people like to do so after meals too. This ensures that most of the plaque that is formed by eating and drinking is removed. But there are important factors that must be borne in mind when brushing too. You should be using a tooth brush that has firm and effective bristles and making sure that you cover all of the areas of your teeth (including the gum line) when you brush. Tooth paste that contains fluoride helps with strengthening enamel as so it is worthwhile using it. You should always floss as part of your routine too. Far too many adults in the United Kingdom neglect to do so and this explains in part why there are high rates of gum disease in this country. Flossing removes the plaque that can build up between teeth and evade even expert and diligent brushing. Your local dentist in Bristol is a vital ally in the fight to maintain high standards of oral hygiene. Going to see him or her every six months for a check up will be a great help because any dental ailment or condition can be spotted at its genesis and dealt with before it causes you problems.

Make the right choices to ensure a life time of oral hygiene with dentists in Weston-Super-Mare

‘A healthy body makes for a healthy mind’, so they say. And there is nothing worse for your mind than to have to deal with unhealthy teeth. Sensitivity when you eat and drink can be a real burden, not to mention the possibility of frequent visits to the dental surgery to sort out the resultant problems. By following the advice of your Weston-Super-Mare dentist you can make sure that you have an excellent standard of oral hygiene and won’t have to worry about the health of your mouth. Good oral hygiene can be achieved by making sure that you brush your teeth at least twice a day to remove the acidic plaque that will have built up on your teeth when you have eaten sugary and starchy foods. It is essential that plaque is removed so that it doesn’t corrode your protective enamel and start to break down teeth. You should brush with a tooth brush that has nice, firm bristles and a comfortable handle. Use a fluoride tooth paste so that your enamel can be strengthened and make sure that you are brushing the rear of your teeth as well as the fronts of them. Brushing should be followed by flossing to get rid of plaque from in between teeth. Dietary and lifestyle choices play a part too and you should think carefully about how much sugar you are eating and whether you ought to be brushing after such consumption. Smoking can be bad for the health of your mouth too as it means that less saliva is produced. Think about quitting as part of your drive for much better oral hygiene.

Bristol dentists tell patients that dental hygiene ought to be a daily concern to ensure great oral health

Life is all about routines if you want to be efficient in what you do. Without routinizing an activity that you intend to do you might find that you are not doing it. Taking care of your teeth and gums is just one of these activities that you should be pursuing every day, without fail so that your mouth is in the best possible state. Your Bristol dentist can help you by giving you a number of handy hints about this. Daily dental hygiene goes beyond just brushing, but brushing is a very important part of it. First thing in the morning and last thing at night, you should brush your teeth thoroughly but carefully so that as much plaque as possible is removed from the surfaces of your teeth. Use a brush with strong bristles and some fluoride tooth paste so that your enamel is strengthened in the process of brushing. Flossing too must form a part of your routine so that plaque is removed from between the teeth where it can cause gum disease and tooth decay. Failure to floss every day can ultimately lead to tooth loss; a painful and undignified event which will require some sort of replacement as a solution. The diet you choose to eat every day has an impact on the health of your teeth too. Eating lots of food and drink which contains sugar and starch puts your teeth and gums at greater risk because they contribute to greater amounts of plaque forming in the mouth. Smoking is not just bad for your lungs and heart; it can also affect your mouth by decreasing saliva production and leaving your mouth more open to attack from plaque.

Avoiding Periodontal Diseases in Bath

Oral hygiene, in any home in Bath, is imperative to fight off diseases in the mouth that can lead to further complications throughout your whole body. What you should be aware of that it is essential to avoid the buildup of plaque in the mouth; good brushing and flossing regularly, and a visit to your dentist should get you round this threat. Plaque forms when bacteria are left to breed on the teeth. This quickly forms tartar around the base of the gums- something that can’t be removed by brushing. In turn, this forms acids on the enamel of the teeth causing tooth decay to set in and more dangerously, causes gum disease- a problem linked to organ failure throughout the body, especially heart disease. The first time you may become aware that you have a problem (because it is a painless process at first), is when your gums bleed after brushing, or swell, or that you have a bad taste in the mouth. Caught early, the problem is easily rectified by your dentist, but in an advanced stage, treatment can get very complex indeed, involving gum and bone grafting. Periontontitis can get out of hand very quickly, so you need to be aware of the signs and in close contact with your dentist if you have any fears.

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Dr Gerrard is a Bristol based Cosmetic dentist with many years of experience and is one of only a small number of dentists accredited by The British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry

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Call Today On 0117 973 1910
Clifton Dental Studio, 92 Queens Road,Bristol, Avon,BS8 1RT

Monday to Thursday 9am – 5pm, Friday 8.30am – 3pm

Dr. Neil Gerrard BDS (Bristol), RDT, MSc (Dental Implants),  GDC no 76257. Clifton Dental Studio is a Private Dental Practice. Website last updated: July 2018
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