Keeping your mouth healthy is crucial if you wish to smile with confidence and eat, drink and talk in comfort. For your mouth to exhibit good oral hygiene it ought to be free from debris, with pink gums and not produce bad breath. Your dentist plays a very important part in the upkeep of your oral hygiene but you should be brushing and flossing twice a day to ensure that plaque is not building up.
Spotting oral hygiene problems is not difficult. If your gums are painful or bleed or you have bad breath, you might have poor oral hygiene. Other signs to look out for are discolourations on your teeth, particularly yellow or brown patches and you ought to be vigilant for gaps appearing between your teeth. These signs should not be ignored as, without diagnosis and treatment, they are likely to get worse and you may have to deal with cavities, gum disease or even tooth loss. It is better to deal with these things early and you are far less likely to have to undergo painful and invasive surgery.
A balanced diet is crucial in ensuring that plaque doesn’t build up on your teeth. Plaque weakens tooth enamel and allows sugars to corrode your teeth and cause cavities. You can help strengthen your enamel and fight plaque by using tooth pastes which contain fluoride and drinking tap water which is enriched with fluoride too. Try to eat sweet foods as part of a meal and then your saliva has more chance of breaking down the acids.
Maintain your routine of meeting your Weston-Super-Mare dentist every six months as he or she can give your mouth a thorough examination to check that your oral hygiene is good
You might be one of the many people in Britain who suffer from some form of dental phobia. If you are then you will understand what it is like to avoid making appointments with your dentist. It is vital that you continue to visit your Bristol dentist every six months so that your oral hygiene can be monitored. In doing so you are more likely to avoid developing any painful conditions and having to undergo the surgery which most of us would rather not have to endure.
Having a fear of needles can put you off going to the dentist and memories of a painful experience in the past can be hard to shake off. Sometimes it’s not just a memory of physical pain that can cause dental phobia. If you had a disagreement or personality clash with your dentist or one of his or her staff you might find making an appointment awkward as you would rather avoid that particular person. What’s worse than this is if you perceived your dentist to be unsympathetic to a past problem. The important thing to bear in mind in this case is that there are plenty of alternative dentists in your area and you should not hesitate in find one with whom you can communicate more effectively.
Even if you have not visited the dentist in some time and feel embarrassed about the state of your mouth, don’t delay in booking an appointment. Remember that your dentist will have probably seen it all before, and worse. Don’t be put off by the negative stereotypes of dentists that still exist in the media. You will find that dentistry has changed a lot recently and dentists are particularly concerned these days with putting patients at ease by using music and even DVDs as relaxation aids. Pain-free gels mean that procedures are now more comfortable than ever.
Overcome your dental phobia by making an appointment with your Bristol dentist today.
If you experience dental pain, commonly known as tooth ache, you should seek the advice of your Bristol dentist immediately as it could be a sign of a deeper problem with your mouth. It is extremely painful and can render tasks such as eating, drinking and talking difficult to carry out. There are a number of forms of dental pain and your dentist is trained to spot each one and offer appropriate treatment.
When eating food or drinking liquids which are particularly hot or cold you find that your teeth are sensitive and subject to pains you might have weakened enamel. Enamel is a durable substance that protects your teeth but can be weakened by a build-up of plaque which allows acids in the food you eat to affect your nerves. This is something that ought to be dealt with immediately as if it left to worsen then the plaque might penetrate into your teeth and actually damage the nerves. If this happens you will experience chronic dental pain, better known as permanent tooth ache.
You may have an accident which affects your mouth or find that an abscess has formed and your face is swelling up. Here you will have excruciating pain. If one of your teeth is cracked or broken your nerves will be exposed and eating and drinking might cause pain. Medical studies now show that pain in the teeth is sometimes a signal that there is a serious underlying health issue with a part of your body other than your mouth, making it even more important that any dental pain is reported quickly to your Bristol dentist.
Your dentist can advise you on the best course of action to deal with your dental pain, whether it is surgery or the filling of a cavity or simply the improvement of your diet or a change in your oral hygiene routine.
Rates of tooth decay and gum disease are on the increase in the UK, which would seem to suggest that people are taking the health of their teeth for granted. Oral hygiene cannot be underestimated and the health and condition of your teeth could be extremely important. Not only will healthy teeth and gums look and feel healthy, making you look younger and healthier overall, but this will also help to prevent costly and painful dental conditions, tooth loss and even wider health problems such as heart disease.
Oral hygiene starts at home with efficient and thorough care of the teeth. This is best achieved with brushing and flossing. Obviously most people brush their teeth, but are they all doing it correctly and for the recommended amount of time? It is all too easy to be in a rush and give the teeth a quick brush and forgo the flossing, but just think, for the rest of that day bacteria and plaque are attacking the teeth and may be causing dental cavities, which could be the start of the infection. Three minutes is the recommended time, using the right brush and paste for your teeth and don’t forget to floss, as well as this you could use other tools such as inter-dental brushes and mouthwash, but it is always best to ask your dentist first.
These are fairly simple measures to avoid suffering from quite substantial conditions. Just a few minutes each day will help to keep your teeth, gums and mouth healthy and free from disease. Of course, you also need to remember to keep up your regular visits to your Bath dentist so that they can monitor your teeth and ensure there are no problems with your oral hygiene
A dentist from Bath stresses the importance of learning how to floss properly. Most people do not know how to take care of oral hygiene, and neglect various aspects of it. This causes them a lot of problems in the long run, and they have to undergo a lot of discomfort and expense in order to rectify them.
Proper oral hygiene consists of brushing teeth and flossing them as well at the correct time. These two things complement each other and they will keep the teeth as clean as possible. It is insufficient to only brush teeth, since this method cannot remove all the plaque, especially that which is between the teeth. Flossing ensures that any food particles that are stuck in between the teeth can be removed for good.
It is important that people learn how to floss properly so that they can protect themselves against dental problems in addition to heart problems. Plaque, if not taken out, collects on the teeth and gums and forms a very hard substance called Tartar. Tartar, in addition to causing inflammation of the gums, also breaks away and enters the blood stream. It then causes your arteries to become thinner, eventually resulting in heart disease and strokes.
Incorrect flossing of the teeth also can damage the gums, causing them to bleed, leaving them vulnerable to infections that can cause a lot of damage. It is very easy to avoid these gum and health problems by just learning to floss correctly in the first place.
Braces are worn in order to straighten teeth out, and they are fixed to the teeth for the duration of the treatment. People who wear braces on their teeth are very prone to tooth decay and they should be extremely careful while cleaning their teeth. It is very easy for food particles to get stuck within the braces, thereby causing a lot of problems. Braces are usually worn for an extended period of time and if one does not have good oral hygiene from the very start, one can be left with a lot of oral problems.
To start with, it is important to brush teeth with braces immediately after every meal, or at least to rinse the mouth out so that you can save yourself the embarrassment of having food stuck in them. Food particles stuck in braces can cause teeth to decay very fast. They can also cause you to have very bad breath as the food begins to decay.
According to a dentist in Weston-Super-Mare, people who wear braces do not always maintain good oral hygiene. Many people forget to brush their teeth properly especially when they have worn their braces for quite some time. The dentist advises that they follow all rules of oral hygiene so that they protect themselves from tooth decay and bad breath.
Teeth with braces should not be brushed too hard since that will ruin the enamel. Teeth need to be cleaned as usual so that the person avoids all dental problems.
Oral hygiene is very important for the health of your teeth. In fact, making sure your teeth are clean and healthy will help you to avoid a whole series of unpleasant dental conditions that can be the source of great pain, costly treatment and spoil the appearance of the smile.
Oral hygiene is a quite a simple process yet it is all too easy to become complacent and let it slide. By ensuring that you are following your Bath dentist’s advice and brushing and flossing regularly for the required amount of time you should be able to keep your teeth looking and feeling healthy.
Oral hygiene problems occur when brushing and flossing is removing insufficient amounts of plaque and bacteria. This then builds up and releases acids that gradually erode the tooth enamel. When this happens, dental decay sets in and the central parts of the teeth come under attack fro disease and infection. Unless this problem is addressed it will eventually lead to lost teeth.
The gums can also be affected badly by poor oral hygiene. Gum disease is very common amongst adults in the UK, affecting nearly three-quarters at some stage. However, gum disease can be a lot more serious than it is often presumed and has recently been proven to cause heart disease and even fatal heart failure. You can see why dentists are so keen to stress the importance of good oral hygiene.
This involves brushing for three minutes twice a day and also remembering to floss. This will keep plaque down to a minimum protecting your teeth and gums. It is also crucial that you visit a Bath dentist every six months for a check up, to ensure that your teeth are in the best possible condition.
From an early age we are told the importance of brushing and flossing everyday. This is necessary when we are children, to help us understand the importance of keeping our teeth clean and help these processes become so natural as to be second nature. This is good when we are growing up but sometimes we can take oral hygiene so much for granted that we forget the importance of being aware of it. This can often result in ineffectual brushing and flossing and missed dental appointments. This is often the reason behind dental problems occurring, because people were simply not paying their teeth enough attention.
Brushing your teeth is the first line of defence against tooth decay, gum disease and many other oral concerns. Brushing removes plaque from the mouth, especially the surfaces of the teeth and gums. Plaque, if left to build up will release dangerous acids that are responsible for enamel erosion, infection and tooth decay. If left on the gums, the plaque will also cause irritation, inflammation and infection. Gum disease can be very serious and has strong links to heart disease and even fatal heart attacks. Bristol dentist recommend that you should brush your teeth twice a day for three minutes with a soft bristled brush for maximum effect.
It is also important not to underestimate the importance of flossing. Flossing cleans the areas that cannot be reached with a toothbrush such as between the teeth and around their bases. These are often the areas where tooth decay and gum disease start so it is very important to keep them clean. Flossing also helps to keep the breath fresh by removing bacteria and food particles from between the teeth that cause many cases of bad breath. As well as brushing and flossing it is also crucial you combine good oral hygiene with regular visits to your dentist. They will be able to examine your teeth for any signs of disease and carry out any necessary treatment.
Brushing is not enough to keep your teeth in pristine condition says a Swindon dentist. To keep your teeth in pristine condition and disease free requires more than a quick brushing in the morning. Flossing is really important as it helps to prepare your teeth for brushing, brushing alone won`t shift the food particles trapped in between the teeth, and it is this that is your mouths worst enemy. Flossing dislodges it before the brush gets to work, then if you brush properly, using the correct brush, your mouth will be bare of food stuff, and that means the bacteria in your mouth won`t be able to produce much acid. That acid eats away at the enamel on your teeth, and once it’s gone it won`t grow back, it also makes your gums tender and subject to cuts when you eat food, those cuts allow the bacteria to enter the blood system and new research shows that it can cause heart disease. Receding gums are painful and once they are gone they can never grow back either, we are all carrying out a continuous battle against gum and tooth disease. However, help is at hand in the form of the dental super hero known as `The Dental Hygiene Nurse`, they are attached to every surgery and are there specifically to hand out advice on oral hygiene. You won`t learn oral hygiene at school, so your dentist provides this service as part of their preventative program, leaflets usually accompany the advice.
Tooth decay can be a very serious and unpleasant dental condition. It can result in pain, ranging from mild to severe, infection and ultimately tooth loss. Tooth decay does affect some people more than others, but it is true that with a combination of good oral hygiene and regular dental check ups it is possible to avoid tooth decay altogether.
Tooth decay begins when plaque and bacteria are allowed to build up on the surface of the teeth. Plaque is a sticky, filmy substance that coats the enamel and releases acids from decaying bacteria. These acids gradually erode the protective enamel layer of the teeth causing small cavities to form. This is the first part of the decay process. Once the enamel has begun to decay, it will eventually be breached. This exposes the softer, bone-like dentin underneath. This is also easily eroded by plaque if it is not removed by effective brushing or the decay not repaired with a filling or dental crown. Tooth enamel will not grow back once it has gone so dental treatment will be required to sure up the tooth.
Within the dentin there are many small passageways that lead to the dental nerve. Extremes of hot or cold can aggravate the dental nerve when passed down these passageways. Again these will need to be sealed off or somehow protected with dental treatment. If this decay process is allowed to continue, it will eventually penetrate to the root canal and attack the dental nerve. This will be in the form of a bacterial infection. This may cause a dangerous abscess, which is not only painful but can cause the infection to spread. As well as the abscess, if the infection is allowed to attack the nerve it may destroy it, which could result in the loss of the tooth.
Tooth decay can be prevented by better oral hygiene to remove plaque and bacteria. If the process has already begun, treatment from a Chepstow dentist is essential to prevent any further suffering or damage.
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Dr Gerrard is a Bristol based Cosmetic dentist with many years of experience and is one of only a small number of dentists accredited by The British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry