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Posts Tagged ‘inman aligner’

The incredible world of cosmetic dentistry available at Bristol dentists

Cosmetic dentistry refers to any kind of dentistry that is not required for health reasons but solely to improve the aesthetic appearance of the teeth. It is the fastest growing branch of dentistry as more and more emphasis is placed on the importance of having a great smile and healthy looking teeth. Until about thirty of forty years ago, the concept of cosmetic dentistry barely existed as dentistry was only for functional purposes, but pioneering techniques by dentists in the US, the natural home of cosmetic dentistry, expanded the possibilities of dental treatment. Now, if you walk into any dentist surgery in the UK you will be able to receive a whole array of amazing and complex cosmetic dentistry treatments. There is not a set of teeth in the whole world that cannot be improved by a series of cosmetic dentistry procedures and the possibilities are almost endless. Some of the most common cosmetic dentistry procedures available at Bristol dentists are teeth whitening and porcelain veneers. At virtually opposite ends of the price scale, these two treatments are popular because of the amazing results that are achievable. Both can radically improve the condition and appearance of the teeth, making the smile healthier and the patient look younger. Other treatments include gum contouring to even the size and shape of the teeth and dental bonding, which can be used in a number of ways. Another area of cosmetic dentistry that has expanded rapidly in recent years is the orthodontic straightener. These are different from braces in the sense that they are removable and much faster acting. They tend to concentrate more on the appearance of the front teeth that are visible when you smile. Some orthodontic straighteners such as the Inman aligner work in as little as six weeks, although the average treatment time is shorter.

Finally the smile you always wanted with Inman aligner from Weston-super-Mare dentist

Have you ever looked in the mirror and wished you had straighter teeth but never felt the need or wanted to have the embarrassment of metal braces? Maybe your teeth are only slightly misaligned and you think that braces would be a waste of money and you could just live with a slightly crooked smile? If you answered yes to either of these questions then you could be the perfect candidate for the Inman aligner. This is a new teeth straightening, orthodontic device that aims to straighten teeth discreetly and in as little as three months. The other major advantage is that it is much cheaper than traditional braces. The Inman aligner was designed in the US and works by using a coiled spring to gradually move the lateral teeth out the way. This then creates room for the front teeth, the ones that are visible when smiling, to straighten against a small and discreet bar brace. By focusing in this way on the front, more visible teeth, the Inman aligner is able to achieve such incredibly fast results. The Inman aligner is so fast acting it is even used by brides-to-be and people with important social occasions in the run up to the big day. You may even have seen the Inman aligner on one of the big TV makeover shows that populate our screens these days. The Inman aligner is available from Weston-super-Mare dentists to straighten your teeth and give you the perfect smile. No more looking in the mirror and wondering what if. In just a few months you could have the smile you have always wanted.

Amazing Inman aligner from Swindon dentist straightens teeth

You might have heard reports recently in the media of an incredible new tool for straightening teeth in as little as six weeks. The Inman aligner is making waves in certain circles as the increasingly popular way to straighten uneven or crooked teeth. In reality the Inman aligner has been around for some years but with the popularity of makeover shows demonstrating incredible dental repair works, the Inman aligner has gained notoriety as one of the most effective and affordable straightening tools. Orthodontic teeth straightening is necessary because teeth can sometimes develop in a misaligned way. In other cases the teeth become crooked over time due to movement in the dental arc. In the past the answer to both of these problems was fixed metal braces, even for teeth with only small alignment issues. However, more and more people are turning to the Inman aligner because of the amazing speed of treatment. But just what is it that gives the Inman the edge over other braces? The secret behind the Inman aligner’s success is that it focuses directly on the front teeth that are most visible in the mouth. The aligner applies forces to the lateral teeth to create room for the front teeth to straighten. This can be achieved in only a matter of weeks, but there are other advantages to using the Inman treatment. Only one aligner is needed so there is no need to change it every two weeks like some other treatments. It is also completely removable so eating and teeth cleaning are unaffected, unlike fixed bracket braces. Most importantly, perhaps, is the fact that the Inman aligner is comparatively very cheap yet still produces incredible results. Ask a Swindon dentist for more information about Inman aligners at your next check up.

Straighter teeth faster with the Inman aligner from a Bristol dentist

The Inman aligner, aptly introduced at the very beginning of the new millennium, signalled the future for corrective orthodontic treatment. A new form of teeth straightening, available from Bristol dentists, that was both discreet and incredibly fast-acting, the Inman aligner immediately eclipsed other more traditional forms of teeth straightening. Braces have never been the most pleasant of corrective dental treatments, but the Inman aligner seemed to offer a genuine alternative to ugly and uncomfortable fixed metal braces and the slow treatment times of invisible retainers. The Inman is ideal for the treatment of minor alignment issues, achieving stunningly straight results in as little as ten weeks. It has allowed many patients not quite willing to undergo the discomfort of wearing normal braces to have fast, effective and discreet realignment treatment. The Inman aligner works by using the power of a coiled spring to put pressure on teeth needing repositioning and uses a labial bar to reverse that same pressure. This has the combined effect of pushing and pulling teeth simultaneously into alignment. Because only the labial bar is visible across the front of the teeth, the Inman aligner is therefore hardly noticeable while straightening. It also has the added advantage of being completely removable so does not disrupt regular teeth cleaning methods or eating habits. Like almost all orthodontic treatments, the aligner can be a little uncomfortable for the first few days of treatment but this will soon fade as the teeth become accustomed to the pressure. Similarly, speech will be affected initially but this will again improve over the first week or two of treatment. The Inman aligner is becoming a very popular way of achieving a beautiful smile and because of the speed of treatment is even becoming a must have cosmetic treatment in the run up to a big social event, especially weddings. Whether you want straighter teeth in order to be a beautiful bride or simply to have confidence in a beautiful smile, the Inman aligner could be just the tool for you. Call 0117 973 1910 for a free consultation with Dr Gerrard

Chepwstow dentist straightens teeth in rapid time with Inman aligner

Orthodontic teeth straightening has come along way since the days of ugly and unseemly metal ‘train track’ braces. Today it is possible to straighten teeth in a fraction of the time, a minimum of discomfort, and this is perhaps the key bit, with a far greater element of discretion. One of the new breed of braces is called the Inman aligner and it promises visibly straighter teeth in only six-months. This is an incredible 75 per cent faster than the old fixed metal braces. For patients who want to have beautiful straight teeth but don’t fancy the prospect of nearly two years with a mouth full of metal and wires this could be just the answer. This is especially true when you consider that most brace wearers are in their difficult teenage years. Standing out for the crowd can have long-term effects on self-confidence and self-esteem. The Inman aligner works by using the power of a coiled spring to force the lateral teeth outwards. This creates room for the overcrowded front teeth to move into the space, where a front bar-brace straightens them to the desired position. This metal bar at the front is the only visible part of an otherwise very discreet straightening system. Patients may feel some discomfort when the brace is initially fitted but this rarely lasts longer than a week and is common to almost all orthodontic straightening devices. After this period the treatment is relatively painless throughout. The Inman aligner is also completely removable meaning that it can be taken out for meal times and also important business or social occasions. If you have always wanted to have straight teeth but were never that keen on traditional braces, make an appointment to see a Chepstow dentist and ask them about the Inman aligner and the other magnificent advances in brace technology over the last twenty years.

Call Today On 0117 973 1910 Email [email protected]

Dr Gerrard is a Bristol based Cosmetic dentist with many years of experience and is one of only a small number of dentists accredited by The British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry

Ada 2014
Smile Awards
Aesthetic Dentistry Winner
ADA2018 Finalist Logo
As seen in the sunday times
Ada 2015
Aesthetic Dentistry Finalist

Contact Clifton Dental Studio Today!

Call Today On 0117 973 1910
Email [email protected]
Clifton Dental Studio, 92 Queens Road,Bristol, Avon,BS8 1RT

Monday to Thursday 9am – 5pm, Friday 8.30am – 3pm

Dr. Neil Gerrard BDS (Bristol), RDT, MSc (Dental Implants),  GDC no 76257. Clifton Dental Studio is a Private Dental Practice. Website last updated: July 2018
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